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Lighted Construction Kit Toys Brighten the Holiday Season

Watch out Legos!  There's a new toy in town!  And this one lights up...

Festivus,The Holiday For The Rest Of Us!

In addition to Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, there are other celebrations that are honored during the holiday season.The Winter Solstice occurs on December 21 each year in the Northern Hemisphere. But what about that other holiday gaining in popularity called "Festivus."

Strange, Sick and Savvy Santas: Ads from Around the World

Santa's gettin' around this year.  Seems he's hangin' with some unsavory women, dressing in condoms, and getting decapitated.  That's quite a lot of activity for a guy who should be delivering toys...

Brainwave Toys - Do Today's Kids Have Enough Brain Power To Play?

Mind controlled toys are here. But will kids be able to sit still long enough to play them in today's Ritalin-based world? I'm not sure.  But the toys are pretty cool...

Batman's Utility Belt: A Replica of the Ultimate Gadget Container

Need something to carry your gadgets in while out on a night of fighting crime?  Well, this might not be the answer... but it sure looks cool.

Brightkite's Augmented Reality Adds New Dimension To Your Holiday Shopping!

A new wrinkle in Holiday Shopping. One the hottest location-based social networks on the market today just added Augmented Reality to one's holiday shopping experience. Just point your smartphone's camera toward any shopping area and view more than you bargained for.

Gift Idea For The Budding Fashionista: Crafty, Customizable Lip Balm Kit!

Adults may appreciate customized beauty products, like the lip balms offered by Lipbalm Labz;  but kids like to get their hands dirty when they customize. With that in mind, here is one great product that any young and budding fashionista would love to receive this holiday season.

Philly Kitchen Share: Rent A Professional Kitchen For Holiday Cooking

There are businesses renting just about everything these days, including workspaces like offices, product testing areas and more. Now, a new company is offering a different type of space for people to work in when they don't have their own, and it's something that could come in handy this holiday season.

Top 10 Ugly Outfits For The Holiday Season: Ugly Christmas Sweaters And More!

We all know someone who just loves the holiday season so much that their daily wardrobe selection really reflects it. Yes, we're talking about Christmas sweaters, and while they have long since been a holiday wardrobe staple for misfits and holiday enthusiasts; they're also becoming trendy. Ugly Christmas sweater and outfit parties are becoming an annual tradition amongst people of all ages. If you're attending one of these gatherings, or simply have an old-fashioned love of the season and want to show it in your wardrobe choices; here are some great ideas for you!

Top Ten Graphic Novels On Kindle

With the accessibility of Kindle and eBook reading devices, our readership habits have changed measurably over the last few years. Many of us are returning to the types of fiction we read as kids. Comic books are becoming popular again. And for those that like extended version of comics, the graphic novel may be more to your liking. If so, you're in luck as that genre has found a new home on Kindle, just in time for the holiday season.

5 Hot Beauty Gadgets For Women Over 40

... If money and time were no problem (and when are they not problems?), we would get professional treatments to keep looking our best.... But thanks to technology we can use modified professional gadgets at home. These five beauty gadgets are my picks for function and reliability. They make dynamite gifts.

Designed For Kids, But Can YOU Resist? Crane 1-Gallon Cool Mist Humidifier

... There are over a dozen adorable characters to choose from including: the Sponge Bob  Humidifier, Hello Kitty Humidifier, Thomas The Tank Humidifier, and a pig, penguin, frog, dragon, panda, elephant, and cow humidifier!  If you or your children need room humidifiers for the dry days and nights of winter, give these a peek.  If nothing else, they'll make you smile.

RC Surf/Skate Board a Hint of Future Sport?

The Cyber Surfer R/C Spaceboard may be more than just a cool Christmas gift.  Is it just crazy enough to be a prototype for the next Xtreme sport?

Furry Nation's Trendy Dog Handbags Make Great Gifts For Girls & Teens

Dog lovers start young and so does a girl's desire to carry a purse for her precious possessions. Fuzzy Nation, a new accessory design studio, creates adorable plushy dog hand-bags that combine practical purpose with the comforting support of a stuffed animal.

11 Lively Hanukkah Menorahs & Dreidels For Jewish Pet Lovers

With Christmas commercialism in mind, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise to you that pet lovers and even their pets are "special" during the eight days of Hanukkah.  This year, the array of cat and dog menorahs abound, and I even found some cat and dog Hanukkah dreidels!  Here's a bunch of the ones I found engaging....

10 Cool Gifts for the Big Geek In Your Life

Finding a gift for that Big Geek in your life (male or female, father, son, daughter, step-sister-thrice-removed) can be difficult.  If you're looking for ideas, read on my friends...

The 12 Dogs Of Christmas... An Exclusive Peek At Their Holiday Wish Lists

Did you ever wonder what dog's really want for Christmas? Well, it so happens that I was able to sit down with 12 top dog models and ask them what was on their wish lists this holiday season. And here's what they told me....

Will Social Networkers Flip For 'The Flip' This Holiday Season?

Anyone can be a filmmaker these days, and social networkers are learning more and more why it's important to include video as a major component of one's social media plan. This holiday season, the 'Flip,' one of the most compact video camcorders on the market today is debuting just in time for Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Will it be this season's hot ticket item?

Menorah Goes Green and High Tech

The Hanukkah Menorah pictured above is an eco-friendly Menorah designed by Roni Kabessa. It is made of recycled motherboard and is equipped with energy efficient lights.

Buy Nike (RED) Laces For The Holidays And Save Lives

December 1 starts the launch of Nike (RED) in 13 countries around the world. Nike has created Nike (RED) laces specifically designed to fight AIDS in Africa. For holiday gift givers, this is an ideal gift to buy for the people on your Christmas, Hanukkah and/or Kwanzaa shopping list, as 100% of the profits go to the Global Fund.