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More information: Dos and don'ts about commenting.


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Wii board helps physios strike a balance after strokes

10:00 16 January 2010

Games console extra could provide a cheap alternative to physical therapy equipment used to get stroke victims walking again

Caribbean at risk of more large earthquakes

More to come? (Image: KPA/Zuma/Rex Features)

18:32 15 January 2010

Historical records suggest the tragedy in Haiti did not release all the energy that has built up in the faults that run through the Caribbean

Transparent frogs, tiny geckos and snail-sucking snakes

18:13 15 January 2010

An expedition to the coastal rainforests of Ecuador has discovered 30 new species of frog, a slug-sucking snake and a tiny gecko

Stay young on red wine drugs? Think again

17:41 15 January 2010

Wine-inspired drugs that might cheat the biology of ageing are being tested, but new research questions whether they work as thought



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