

Frank Drake: Half a century listening for ET

INTERVIEW:  10:30 13 January 2010  | 10 comments

Alien invasions, four-armed ETs and the cosmic lottery – New Scientist talks to the founder of Project Ozma

NASA feels 'plutonium pinch' earlier than expected

16:55 12 January 2010  | 17 comments

Some NASA missions that need plutonium-238 fuel are already off the agenda, despite estimates that a shortage would not bite until after 2020

Crystal mountains speak of moon's molten past

THIS WEEK:  14:38 11 January 2010  | 12 comments

They may not sparkle like Superman's Fortress of Solitude, but giant outcrops of pristine crystal have been found on our nearest neighbour

Missing matter mystery in small galaxies

16:59 08 January 2010  | 27 comments

They have a greater proportion of dark to normal matter than larger ones, deepening a puzzle about where the universe's visible stuff is

Ghost galaxies may haunt the Milky Way

21:04 07 January 2010  | 14 comments

Galaxies low in dark matter may be so diffuse that they float nearby, totally unseen

Solar system may be more compact than thought

18:15 06 January 2010  | 13 comments

The cloud of comets that enshrouds the solar system may not be as diffuse or as massive as previously believed

Instant Expert: Black holes

18:00 06 January 2010  | 35 comments

Black holes are among the most famous beasts in the cosmic zoo – our beginner's guide explains how they work, where to find them, and why they matter

Supermassive black holes – the fathers of galaxies

COVER STORY:  18:00 06 January 2010  | 57 comments

Did plasma jets squeezed from black holes fertilise the gas clouds that gave birth to stars? The antics of a "naked quasar" suggest they did

Milky Way's dark matter 'turned on its side' Movie Camera

14:06 06 January 2010  | 20 comments

The halo of dark matter around our galaxy may be shaped like a squashed beach ball and sit at an odd angle – but why is a mystery

Wanted: four 'vyomanauts' for Indian spaceflight

16:17 05 January 2010  | 17 comments

The Indian Space Agency is whittling down a list of pilots to find four "vyomanauts" to fly on its first manned space mission in 2015

Kepler telescope spots 'Styrofoam' planet

23:21 04 January 2010  | 18 comments

In its first six weeks of operation, NASA's Kepler telescope discovered five planets – one with the density of polystyrene

Exotic stars may mimic big bang

17:21 04 January 2010  | 30 comments

Instead of collapsing into black holes, some stars may become as dense as the universe was less than a billionth of a second after the big bang

Top 10 space stories of 2009

12:00 31 December 2009  | 8 comments

The most popular space stories of the year include a visualisation of what it would look like to fall into a black hole

2009 review: The year in space

22:26 23 December 2009  | 9 comments

Astronomers found water on the moon and saw the most distant object yet, but space radiation hit a record high and the Spirit rover struggled for life

Top 10 physics stories of 2009

20:07 23 December 2009  | 15 comments

The most popular physics stories of the year include a report on an artificial black hole and an investigation into the best way to slice a pizza.

2010 preview: Waiting for ET to phone

NEWS PREVIEW 2010:  09:00 23 December 2009  | 56 comments

Fifty years ago next April, Frank Drake kick-started the modern search for extraterrestrial life at a radio telescope in West Virginia

Are we looking in the wrong places for water on the moon?

22:48 22 December 2009  | 15 comments

Conventional theory says water ice should be concentrated in permanently shadowed craters near the poles, but that's not where it seems to be turning up

Life in the inner galaxy would be bombarded by comets

IN BRIEF:  16:10 21 December 2009  | 17 comments

Comets may be bombarding planets closer to the centre of the galaxy more heavily than Earth, making things tough for life

Engage the x drive: Ten ways to traverse deep space

10:00 21 December 2009  | 100 comments

So far humans have only made it to the moon. We look at some technologies and wild ideas that could take us much farther

2010 preview: The space shuttle's last ride

NEWS PREVIEW 2010:  14:09 18 December 2009  | 29 comments

Each of the three surviving orbiters will make their final flights, ending a dream that space exploration could become mundane

Why the universe may be teeming with aliens

Even a desert planet might maintain enough liquid water to sustain life (Image: Ariadne Van Zandbergen/Lonely Planet/Getty)

Hunting for a planet that can support life? There's more to it than looking for Earth's distant twin, says David Shiga

'Interplanetary internet' passes first test

NASA successfully tested an internet-like protocol for space, which could some day automate communication with craft and bases beyond Earth's orbit (Illustration: NASA/JPL)

Images were sent between a NASA probe and Earth in the first test of an internet-like data transmission system for space


The most extreme life-forms in the universe

These creatures set records for surviving in the most inhospitable environments on Earth - their existence bodes well for finding extraterrestrial life


Moving the Earth: a planetary survival guide

The Sun is slowly heating up, and in a billion years the oceans will begin to evaporate - moving the Earth is our only hope for survival


China and India pursue 'hit-to-kill' technology

India is developing a 'kill vehicle' that could destroy orbiting satellites, while China has carried out a new missile defence test – both technologies involve missiles that aim for high-speed targets



Object headed towards Earth an asteroid, not junk

A newly found object that will buzz by Earth on Wednesday is likely a 15-metre asteroid – the close pass will likely change its orbit

Cygnus X-1 was the first star system to be identified as containing a black hole (Image: NASA)

Instant Expert: Black holes

Black holes are among the most famous beasts in the cosmic zoo – our beginner's guide explains how they work, where to find them, and why they matter

On a mission (Image: NASA)

Where will NASA send its astronauts next?

A White House-appointed panel has rated five visions of the future of US human space flight. New Scientist added up the numbers


Object headed towards Earth an asteroid, not junk

22:01 12 January 2010

A newly found object that will buzz Earth on Wednesday is probably a 15-metre asteroid – the close pass is likely to change its orbit

China and India pursue 'hit-to-kill' technology

20:26 12 January 2010

India is developing a 'kill vehicle' that could destroy orbiting satellites, while China has carried out a new missile defence test – both technologies involve missiles that aim for high-speed targets



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