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Learn what the AMA is doing for you and how you can stand united with AMA members nationwide who are committed to the highest standards in patient care, practice management and professionalism.

Current Topics in Advocacy
The AMA is aggressively involved in advocacy efforts related to the most vital issues in medicine today.

Our Advocacy Work
Physicians need an advocate in the nation’s capital. As the leading voice for America's physicians in Washington, D.C., the AMA is aggressively involved in advocacy efforts that are related to the most vital issues in medicine today.

Centers Engaged in Advocacy
These centers are ready to put you in touch with legal teams, state and specialty organizations, government at all levels and helpful resources available for download that will help you enact the change needed to improve our health care system.

AMA policy provides the conceptual foundation and organizational framework for the activities that the Association undertakes to achieve its Core Purpose: "To promote the science and art of medicine and the betterment of public health."

Get Involved
Shape the future of medicine! By banding together and being involved, we can make health care reform a reality. Together we are stronger!
