Our Advocacy Work

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Physicians need an advocate in the nation’s capital. As the leading voice for America's physicians in Washington, D.C., the AMA is aggressively involved in advocacy efforts that are related to the most vital issues in medicine today.

Here you can review the AMA's National Health Care Policy Agenda and further explore some of the AMA’s top priorities, such as expanding coverage for the uninsured and reforming the Medicare physician payment system in a way that accurately reflects rising practice costs.

As an outspoken advocate medical liability reform as a means of protecting access to care and slowing the rising cost of health care, the AMA is leading an aggressive campaign at both the federal and state levels to reduce medical liability insurance premiums.

AMA is working on a number of other fronts as well, to ensure that physicians—not others—set quality standards, leading physicians' efforts to measurably improve patient safety and quality of care, and providing effective programs and resources to help doctors promote healthier lifestyles to their patients. Learn more about what the AMA is doing for physicians in Washington, D.C., on these and other key topics