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2009 Annual Report

By any measure, 2009 was a remarkable year. A world economy on life support, a new president in the White House, our nation facing challenges as trying as any we've seen in two generations—and all this before January had drawn to a close.

When the year began, the 2009 H1N1 pandemic was not on any radar. "Meaningful use"—of health information technology—had yet to appear in our lexicon. Health system reform had not taken center stage. How quickly things change. Last year the American Medical Association (AMA) was in the thick of these and other important issues. We would want it no other way. From representing our members to promoting the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health, the AMA is privileged to have these noble forces driving our mission and our work.

The following pages offer a snapshot of some of that work and some of the trends that were active in 2009, a year of twists and turns and strong responses. A year when the AMA navigated an extremely challenging environment to show positive operating results for the 10th time in a row. A year when the AMA and its members again stepped up to lead and keep physicians' and patients' interests top of mind—at the grassroots level, within the medical profession, before the media, and throughout the offices and halls of government.

As a nation we spent 2009 seeking to regain sure footing and working hard to shore up the fundamental pillars that support our country.

No pillar is more indicative of a nation's strength, prosperity and compassion than the state of its health care system, and that system's reach and fairness in providing care. On this front, there is little disagreement that we as a nation can and must do better.

Going forward, as we have for more than 160 years, the AMA will continue to lead the charge in pushing for solutions and advances that benefit our members, patients, and the greater good of medicine and public health.


Rebecca J. Patchin, MD
Board of Trustees

Robert M. Wah, MD
Finance Committee Chair
Board of Trustees

Michael D. Maves, MD, MBA
Executive Vice President,
Chief Executive Officer
