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  • Get People to Do What You Want
    Get People to Do What You Want

    Views: 1748

    Views: 1748
    From:Career Press
    Date: 09/04/09
    Pages: 289

    Document Overview:
    In business, school, romance, or your neighborhood, it is valuable to know what attracts people, what repels them, and what makes them tick. How do people see you? And how do you see others? In Get People to Do What You Want, you’ll find the practical answers to these questions and in the process, discover how to win people over. You will gain an upper hand in your interaction with others that translates into higher starting salaries, greater productivity, and better relationships in which you are never the victim. You’ll learn about: • One-on-one interaction. • Group dynamics. • The projection of leadership. • Instinctual trust and mistrust of others. • Other elements of human behavior that must be understood to win people over for more than a few moments. Get People to Do What You Want is the perfect, modern complement to Dale Carnegie’s 1937 classic work on the topic. In fact, you might think of them as the Old and New Testaments of interpersonal skills. Interrogation is about getting people who do not like you (the enemy) to side with you long enough to get your desired outcome. It means motivating human behavior to create a bond that allows someone who may dislike you to feel obliged to cooperate with you. This book teaches you skills honed in years of interrogation and expanded by use in the business world. By combining these skills with your unique background, you will easily attract the people you want and get rid of the ones you don’t.
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  • 151 Quick Ideas to Manage Time
    151 Quick Ideas to Manage Time

    Views: 1621

    Views: 1621
    From:Career Press
    Date: 09/04/09
    Pages: 193

    Document Overview:
    Too many of us live our lives trying to shoehorn our many activities and responsibilities into too few time slots available. Increasingly for business people, fathers and mothers, even kids—(ineffectively) managing the myriad of activities has become an all-consuming chore. And we’re so stressed that our relationships and job performance suffer. Why? Because we organize our time and our lives poorly: We spend five years of our lives waiting in lines, three years in meetings, and two years playing telephone tag! We get interrupted 73 times per day, interfering with our productivity, and take an hour of work home every night, interfering with our family time. But we can solve these problems. This book presents 151 quick and easy ways to meet these challenges in our daily lives. Each idea comes from the real world experiences of people like you—people who are experimenting with, examining, and discovering unique solutions to the time problems all of us face every day. These tried and tested ideas work! And now they are available to you. Select those that fit your particular circumstance and try them out! Here are a few: • Start Your Day the Night Before • Undercommit and Overdeliver • Organize Your Workspace • Block Contingency Time Every Day • Use Voice Mail as a Call Screener • Fight SPAM with an E-mail Blocker Do more in less time, take control of your schedule, and create a new balance between your work and your family life. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to take charge of your time and increase your quality of life…day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute.
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  • 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, Revised Ed.
    100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, Revised Ed.

    Views: 1474

    Views: 1474
    From:Career Press
    Date: 09/04/09
    Pages: 225

    Document Overview:
    In this first-ever paperback edition of his long-time best-seller, motivational speaker Steve Chandler helps you create an action plan for living your vision in business and in life. It features 100 proven methods to positively change the way you think and act—methods based on feedback from the hundreds of thousands of corporate and public seminar attendees Chandler speaks to each year. 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself will help you break through the negative barriers and banish the pessimistic thoughts that are preventing you from fulfilling your lifelong goals and dreams. Whether you’re self-employed, a manager, or a high-level executive, it’s still easy to get stuck in the daily routines of life, fantasizing about what could have been. Steve Chandler helps you turn that way of thinking around and make what could have been into what can and will be. If you’re ready to finally make a change and reach your goals, Steve Chandler challenges you to turn your defeatist attitude into energetic, optimistic, enthusiastic accomplishments.
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  • Can I Have Your Attention?
    Can I Have Your Attention?

    Views: 1132

    Views: 1132
    From:Career Press
    Date: 09/04/09
    Pages: 225

    Document Overview:
    Can I Have Your Attention? is not your traditional self-help book that offers 12 simple steps to enhance brainpower. Nor is it a book on Eastern Wisdom, spirituality, or conventional meditation. It is an eye-popping adventure that combines ancient, high-speed attention-building processes with cutting-edge attention research in psychology, neurology, and biology. Through Joseph Cardillo’s engaging personal account of the world of human attention—which synthesizes the stories of more than two dozen experts—you will uncover surprising secrets about the workings of your own mind. Did you know that: • You can use your attention to perfect any daily activity—from piano playing to work—related activities to perfecting your golf swing? • In just one-six-hundredth of a second, a random detail you glimpse in the corner of your eye can determine whether you like someone you just met, cause or avoid an accident, make you feel happy or depressed all day, and lead you to succeed or fail at anything you try? • Specifically designed meditation techniques can be used to scan and shift brain waves, altering one’s attention as effectively as electrode-packed biofeedback instruments? • Most importantly, you can train your attention to turn such processes on or off, on command? This fresh look at ancient attention skills and new science will transform your thinking about what human attention is as well as offer a guide to incorporating its insights into your daily life. Can I Have Your Attention? even presents a redefinition of attention deficit and reveals a variety of natural, non-medical tools that can significantly amp up anyone’s attention!
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  • I Can Read You Like A Book
    I Can Read You Like A Book

    Views: 715

    Views: 715
    From:Career Press
    Date: 09/04/09
    Pages: 289

    Document Overview:
    Are you in business, journalism, law enforcement, or medicine? Do you face students in a classroom or criminals in a courtroom? Are you in a relationship or looking for one? Do you have children? Then you need the skills to read them like a book! I Can Read You Like a Book features a system for scanning and interpreting anyone’s body language, enabling you to figure out what they are really saying or feeling: Review: Check out someone quickly, from head to toe. Evaluate: Know what to look for; notice what’s relevant. Analyze: Spot voluntary versus involuntary movements; factor in gender, context, culture. Decide: Draw your conclusion. Step-by-step, you will develop the same skills the best interrogators and detectives use to assess spies, criminals, and witnesses. As part of the process, you will observe some of the most famous people in the world through interrogator Greg Hartley’s eyes. You’ll discover what emotions these politicians, pundits, and stars are leaking through their body language and facial expressions, and what their answers (or non-answers) are really saying. I Can Read You Like a Book gives you the fastest, most efficient method to read body language. In any kind of face-to-face competition, first encounters or daily encounters, and even watching the news, you will spot the messages and emotions that people are really sending—whether they know it or not. As a bonus, you will learn how to use your own face and body to your advantage, whether you’re trying to evade a difficult question, handle a sensitive situation, or just playing poker!
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  • How to Get Ideas
    How to Get Ideas

    Views: 617

    Views: 617
    From:Berrett-Koehler Publishers
    Date: 09/22/09
    Pages: 231
    Language: English

    Document Overview:
    How to Get Ideas shows you--no matter your age or skill, your job or training--how to come up with more ideas, faster and easier. You'll learn to condition your mind to become "idea-prone," utilize your sense of humor, develop your curiosity, visualize your goals, rethink your thinking, and overcome your fear of rejection.Jack Foster's simple five-step technique for solving problems and getting ideas takes the mystery and anxiety out of the idea-generating process. It's a proven process that works.This expanded edition of the inspiring and enlightening classic features new information on how to turn failures to your advantage and how to create a rich, idea-inducing environment. Dozens of new examples and real life stories show that anyone can learn to get more and better ideas.
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  • Blind Faith
    Blind Faith

    Views: 462

    Views: 462
    From:Berrett-Koehler Publishers
    Date: 09/22/09
    Pages: 265

    Document Overview:
    The risk of investing in the stock market has increased remarkably over the last decade. In this period we've seen tremendous volatility in stock prices, a market bubble and its subsequent pop, a parade of corporate scandals, the demise of a leading accounting firm and proven deception by many so-called investment analysts employed by major brokerage firms. In addition, the realities of ever-increasing geopolitical risks contribute to an uncertain economic future.Blind Faith offers a cleverly simple yet revolutionary approach for managing investments in this perpetual high-risk environment. Corporate America and the investment industry have little to gain and lots to lose when investors decide to stop playing the traditional game that can -and has - destroyed trillions of dollars of individual wealth overnight. Readers will be equipped with both the strategy and the tools for success in virtually any economic environment while ending their participation in a system that has taken full advantage of their blind faith and misplaced trust.
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  • Be The Hero
    Be The Hero

    Views: 426

    Views: 426
    From:Berrett-Koehler Publishers
    Date: 09/22/09
    Pages: 166

    Document Overview:
    A victim mentality is rampant in organizations today. My boss is a jerk. This is a dead-end job. I can’t change anything here. The result is lost productivity, lack of creativity, departmental in-fighting—a toxic atmosphere.But nobody has to be a victim. The truth is people make themselves victims. It’s just an interpretation of reality, a story they tell themselves. People can choose a different story. They can stop seeing themselves as helpless victims and instead discover how to put themselves in charge. Anyone can choose to Be the Hero.
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  • Making The Good Life Last
    Making The Good Life Last

    Views: 420

    Views: 420
    From:Berrett-Koehler Publishers
    Date: 09/22/09
    Pages: 249

    Document Overview:
    So many of us are beset by anxiety, depression, loneliness, and spiritual malaise, tense and unhappy despite our gadgets and goodies. Michael Schuler, leader of the nation’s largest Unitarian Universalist congregation, says it’s because, urged on by an aggressively materialist culture, we too often opt for short-term gratification and long-term denial. In this thoughtful and deeply honest book, he helps us find a life path that leads to treasures of perennial value: a beautiful and healthy earth home, enduring relationships, strong communities, work that contributes to the common good, and play that restores our bodies and lifts our souls.Deconstructing the assumption that consumption, stimulation, and constant motion comprise the good life, Schuler urges the wholesale embrace of sustainability as both an operational principle and a life-sustaining core value. His book presents sustainability as a coherent frame of reference that can ground us spiritually, heal us internally, and deepen our relationships. Schuler identifies four behavioral principles for living sustainably—Pay Attention, Stay Put, Exercise Patience, and Practice Prudence—and shows how to apply them in our daily lives. He uses stories from his own life to illuminate the rewards and challenges of sustainable living and shares insights from environmentalists, social commentators, writers, poets, businesspeople, and spiritual leaders.Sustainability means more than mere survival—for individuals, just as for natural and social systems, it’s the key to thriving rather than burning out. For those seeking a more profoundly satisfying way of life, Schuler’s heartfelt explorations offer a counter intuitive answer: the sustainable life is the good life.
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  • The Living Universe
    The Living Universe

    Views: 378

    Views: 378
    From:Berrett-Koehler Publishers
    Date: 09/22/09
    Pages: 249

    Document Overview:
    Science has traditionally regarded the universe as mostly made up mostly of inert matter and empty space. At one time this point of view was liberating, part of the Enlightenment-born rationalism that helped humanity free itself from superstition and fear and achieve extraordinary intellectual and technological breakthroughs.But this paradigm has outlived its usefulness. It has led to rampant materialism and environmental degradation—if the universe is essentially dead and we are alive, then the inanimate stuff of the universe should be ours to exploit. But we now know that not only is the view of a dead universe destructive, it is also inaccurate and misleading.In The Living Universe, Duane Elgin brings together evidence from cosmology, biology, physics, and even his participation in NASA-sponsored psychic experiments to show that the universe is permeated by a living field and that we are always in communion with that field of aliveness whether we are conscious of it or not. This is a world-view that, as Elgin explains, is shared by virtually every spiritual tradition, and the implications of it are vast and deep. In a living system, each part is integral to the whole, so each of us is intimately connected to the entire universe. Elgin eloquently demonstrates how our identity manifests itself on a whole series of levels, from subatomic to galactic. We are, he writes, “far more than biological beings—we are beings of cosmic connection and participation.”To confront our ongoing planetary crisis of dwindling resources and escalating conflict, we need to move past an ideology of separation, competition, and exploitation. Duane Elgin asks us to see humanity sharing in the same field of aliveness, to discover how to live sustainably and harmoniously within the living universe.
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  • Time Management in an Instant
    Time Management in an Instant

    Views: 332

    Views: 332
    From:Career Press
    Date: 09/04/09
    Pages: 161

    Document Overview:
    In today’s hurly-burly work environment, many businesspeople find it challenging to avoid distraction, stay focused, use their time and energy to maximum benefit, and gain ground on important goals and outcomes. One study by the Families and Work Institute found that one third of Americans are overworked and more than 50 percent of those surveyed say they are either doing too many tasks at the same time or are frequently interrupted during the workday - or both. In short, we are overloaded! Time Management In An Instant helps the reader overcome this feeling of overload and avoid the traps that lead to an unproductive relationship with time. It offers field-tested time habits and expert advice based on the latest research that will help the reader better manage, create, and spend their time with more satisfaction and results. The book outlines the best practices for improving everyday work situations including: • Harnessing the power of completion. • Linking your core values to key projects. • Finding the power of mini-tasks. • Playing the 80/20 game of accomplishment. • Getting a procrastination inoculation. The In An Instant series is a new brand of user-friendly, engaging, and practical reference guides on core business topics, which capitalizes on the authors’ extensive experience and knowledge, as well as interviews they have conducted with leading business experts. Written in an upbeat and engaging style, the series presents 60 tips and techniques with anecdotes, examples, and exercises that the reader can immediately apply to make their work life more efficient, effective, and satisfying.
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  • Prisoners of Our Thoughts
    Prisoners of Our Thoughts

    Views: 331

    Views: 331
    From:Berrett-Koehler Publishers
    Date: 09/22/09
    Pages: 217

    Document Overview:
    World-renowned psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning is one of the most important books of modern times. Named by the Library of Congress as one of the ten most influential books of the 20th century, Frankl's personal story of finding a reason to live in the most horrendous of circumstances - Nazi concentration camps - has inspired millions.In Prisoners of Our Thoughts, Alex Pattakos-a longtime student of Frankl's thought who was urged by him to write this book-shows how Frankl's philosophy can help readers find meaning in their daily worklives.
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  • How to Spot a Liar
    How to Spot a Liar

    Views: 315

    Views: 315
    From:Career Press
    Date: 09/04/09
    Pages: 265

    Document Overview:
    Have you ever been lied to? Of course you have, whether you knew it or not. Ever caught a spouse, business partner, parent, boss, or child brazenly lying right to your face? What if you could tell someone was lying, just by listening to them, and observing their action and behavior? How to Spot a Liar is the first book that gives you the tools to figure out what’s really going on: to gain the upper hand in salary negotiation, move a prospective client toward the outcome you desire, and find out why you need to end a business or personal relationship. Author Greg Hartley is a decorated military interrogator who has used the techniques in How to Spot a Liar for 16 years to get the truth from enemy combatants. He has successfully applied them to project management and in contract negotiations, to resolve conflict and prevail. Now he shares this scientific process with you so you can use it every day. Who needs How to Spot a Liar? Anyone with a cheating spouse or manipulative boss. Anyone conducting job interviews or cold-calling prospective customers. Lawyers who need to “read” witnesses or jurors. Anyone trying to survive the dating scene or faced with a string of business meetings with clients. Anyone who has teenagers at home or works on Capitol Hill. Anyone whose success and happiness depends on clear interaction with others.
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  • The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die
    The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die

    Views: 270

    Views: 270
    From:Berrett-Koehler Publishers
    Date: 09/22/09
    Pages: 198

    Document Overview:
    magine for a moment that you are about to take a foreign vacation to an exotic destination. You have saved your entire life to travel there. It is a destination with almost unlimited choices of how to spend your time and you know you will not have enough time to explore every opportunity. You are fairly certain that you will never get to take a second trip to this destination; this will be your one opportunity.Now imagine that someone informs you that there are several people in your neighborhood who have been to that country, explored every corner. Some of them enjoyed the journey and have few regrets, but others wish they could take the trip again knowing what they know now. Would you not invite them over for dinner, ask them to bring their photographs, listen to their stories, and hear their advice?This is precisely the journey explored in this book. Dr. John Izzo and his colleagues interviewed over 200 people over the age of sixty (up to 106 years of age) who were identified by others as having lived happy lives and as having found purpose and contentment. The interviewees ranged from aboriginal elders to town barbers, from Hollacaust survivors to former CEO’s. In these interviews, each person was asked to reflect back on his or her life to identify the sources of happiness and meaning as well as lessons learned, regrets, major crossroads, and what did not contribute to meaning in their lives. Based on these interviews, and Dr. Izzo’s twenty years experience helping people find more spirit and purpose, the book explores the secrets to finding contentment, happiness, and purpose.Using a powerful narrative voice, Dr. Izzo helps the reader understand the common themes from the lives of those interviewed, the commonality of what really matters in their lives, and especially how to put this wisdom into practice.
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  • Story of You, The (And How to Create a New One)
    Story of You, The (And How to Create a New One)

    Views: 230

    Views: 230
    From:Career Press
    Date: 09/04/09
    Pages: 0

    Document Overview:
    On the heels of his successful 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself and 9 Lies That are Holding Your Business Back, motivational speaker and author Steve Chandler has written what he considers his most important work, The Story of You. In the tradition of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and M. Scott Peck’s The Road Less Traveled, Chandler’s tale of personal growth transcends all categories, with elements of psychology, business, self-help, and contemporary social commentary. With humor and biting critiques, Chandler exposes people’s false ego stories for what they are and reveals the source of all success: the inner energy of will and spirit. Filled with candid dialogue from pivotal coaching sessions that Chandler has conducted (and been the subject of!), this book is a dramatic exposure of how we hold ourselves back by the stories we believe about ourselves and then project to the world. Chandler breaks new ground with revelations and fresh interpretations about personalities as diverse as: Elvis Presley, Vincent Van Gogh, Governor Bill Richardson, Dr. Andrew Weil, Hugh Hefner, and Mark Twain. By exposing your stories as the most false and limiting part of your lives, Chandler invites you into a new world of action and creative accomplishment. The Story of You will mesmerize you, stripping away the made-up limitations society asks you to believe and giving you back a fresh new life story.
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