Anime & Manga

Navarre Reveals Funimation's Dragon Ball Kai License (Updated).
luffycapri - 2/2/2010

The movies script writer Laeta Lalogridis talks a little about the direction the live action version of the Sci-Fi Manga is taking...
RorMachine - 1/31/2010

I came across this little gem on YouTube. Probably no one here at CBM's has seen it, so I have put it up for you guys. It's a Japanese film by Kwak Jae-yong starring Haruka Ayase and Keisuke Koide and yes, it has been a manga comic book.
LEEE777 - 1/11/2010

Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell) will be adapting the much loved Gigantor for an explosive big screen bang....
LEEE777 - 12/28/2009

The Avatar director still has his sights set on Battle Angel Alita, an adaptation of Yukito Kishiro's popular manga.
MultiPurposePoni - 12/14/2009

Writer of "Book of Eli" sheds some light on Akira.
rockingrich1webb - 12/14/2009

Video game fighting series that spawned a comic book in 2001, over five video game sequels and a two-part animated motion picture also recently added live action film to its lineup.
Whispers68 - 11/5/2009

DreamWorks has hired writer Laeta Kalogridis ("Birds of Prey") to adapt the Japanese manga franchise, "Ghost in the Shell," into 3D live-action.
LEEE777 - 10/23/2009

Devil's Due series Hack/Slash might get its due...
access - 10/20/2009

You can add "Gantz" to the list of a Manga/Anime series picked up for a live action film release
Whispers68 - 10/14/2009

80s kids rejoice!
WelcomeMat - 10/6/2009

With all the vampire crazy going on these days ("True Blood" the hit show on HBO, "Twilight" which is anticipating its sequel in theaters later this fall, and now the new series on the "Vampire Diaries"), I figured that it would only be right to do my first review on a vampire based anime and manga.
CBM Contributor - 9/29/2009

The best Sorcery of Anime!
Spock - 9/12/2009

Yes, folks, call it good news or bad, but we will be seeing Tetsuo, Kaneda et al on the big screen after all.
RorMachine - 9/8/2009

One of the ass-kicking asians of Cinema will be killing Vampires...
Watchtower31 - 8/12/2009

Found this floating around very quietly. Apperantly it's a musical show adaptation of the Manga.
stephen lester - 8/11/2009

The very first poster for Scott Stewart's "Priest" adaptation has surfaced...
RorMachine - 8/2/2009

Haven't heard anything about this in a while. The movie adap of the very sexy looking comic now has a director..
RorMachine - 7/14/2009

Imagi Studios debuted their new teaser for Gatchaman at the 2009 Anime Expo that took place in LA! Watch it here...
LEEE777 - 7/6/2009

Thats right, the Keanu Reeves as Spike, Cowboy Bebop!
RorMachine - 6/26/2009

Sounds, and looks, like V meets Daredevil meets... OoOoh, I don't know... The Musketeer? ...But with a gun!
IronClad - 6/22/2009

The hugely popular Manga "Akira" wont be getting the live action treatment after all.
RorMachine - 6/15/2009

Based on a Korean comic, created by Hyung Min-woo for TokyoPop, Priest combines supernatural fantasy, Catholic iconography and Western themes.
RorMachine - 6/8/2009

Wondering what the live-action manga movie Blood: the Last Vampire is about? See the first five minutes here.
Yohon Kalic - 5/27/2009

Twenty-nine hand-selected episodes of the hit animated series will air uninterrupted over 12 hours on the commercial-free Boomerang network, Monday, May 25, starting at 12 noon and culminating at 12 a.m. (ET).
Aiiwolf - 5/19/2009


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