Video Game Movies

Yep, unlike the first game, Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 will be released on both PS3 and Xbox 360.
luffycapri - 1/29/2010

The MMORPG that let's you play as your own comic book super hero now has missions designed by actual comic book writers.
FutureFoe - 1/28/2010

The guys at Shock Till You Drop caught up with actor Shawn Roberts (Diary of the Dead, Land of the Dead) about his upcoming part in Resident Evil: Afterlife, the fourth movie in the video game franchise.
LEEE777 - 1/28/2010

Hello CBM friends. This article is sorta my response to Activision admitting that their Spider-Man games are terrible.
BlackAirs87 - 1/27/2010

It seems Warner Bros. is in talks with Oren Uziel to write the redo...
HULK2099 - 1/25/2010

Hugh Jackman will star in a film adaptation of the Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots board game.
HULK2099 - 1/21/2010

Check out the preview for PS3 exclusive game Heavy Rain!
wolverine09 - 1/21/2010

Check it out
MarvelFreshman - 1/18/2010

Sega just released a new gameplay video that shows some of the final execution moves in their upcoming Aliens vs Predator video game.
Nathan Best - 1/18/2010

"The King of Fighters" is an upcoming film based on the The King of Fighters series of fighting games. You've seen "Tekken" trailer, now see the other kung-fu anime video game movie coming out this year...
LEEE777 - 1/15/2010

Think 'God of War'!!!
jman1977 - 1/15/2010

Here is the official trailer for the latest video game adap, the popular Tekken series...
LEEE777 - 1/15/2010

Check out the new "Reveal" trailer for Transformers: War for Cybertron video game as well as the new screenshots that were released today!
Nathan Best - 1/14/2010

Sam has been looking at this project for a while now and since he has some free time on his hands...
DogsOfWar - 1/13/2010

Producer says film not happening
tyko450 - 1/11/2010

For those who love the King of Fighters video games, a movie has been made!
NemesisNemonus - 1/4/2010

Jin Kazama gets ready to enter the Iron Fist Tournament in the live-action Tekken movie by Dwight H. Little!
Brent Sprecher - 12/26/2009

As I slowly wait for the new motherboards with the new Hydra tech to come out next year, I am also waiting for this new tech on Video Games as well...
Spock - 12/24/2009

A high-octane action adventure video game movie about a young warrior who discovers he holds a great power and is forced to battle a team of elite fighters who will stop at nothing in order to get it from him.
LEEE777 - 12/24/2009

legionbecks - 12/23/2009

SEGA just released a new trailer for the upcoming Aliens vs Predator video game. Get a little background info on where the game looks like it's going to take place.
Nathan Best - 12/22/2009

We've got the new screenshots released by Namco Bandai, as well as new details on the Clash of the Titans video game!
Nathan Best - 12/22/2009

Are you cold-hearted enough to fight along side Victor Fries, AKA Mr. Freeze?
Nathan Best - 12/21/2009

Game Informer has the inside scoop on the Decepticon leader!
Wadey09 - 12/18/2009

Plus new screen caps reveal new characters!
Wadey09 - 12/17/2009


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