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Contributor News

11 February 2010 12:21 AM, PST

Please take a look at the Movie-Connections (movie-links) guidelines for how to connect a series of


If you have Movie A and it has two follow-ups, you may think it is correct to

just add those two movies to Movie A with “followed by” connections.  That

would be incorrect.  What you would end up with would be:

Movie A followed by Movie B

Movie A followed by Movie C

On the site, Movie A and Movie B would be connected, and Movie A and Movie C

would be connected, but Movie B would not be connected to Movie C.

The correct way to submit the connections is to go to the page for Movie A and

submit that is is followed by Movie B. Then go to the page for Movie B and

submit that it is followed by Movie C.  What you would end up with is:

Movie A followed by Movie B

Movie B followed by Movie C

Our software will automatically make the connection between

Movie A and Movie C.

Think of a series of connected movies like links of a chain, each one

following the previous one.

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