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Purrsona Cat Eye Bed: Cat Furniture With An Attitude

The Cat Eye Bed, with its attitude and all, is just perfect for one cat or a multi-cat family, who love to scratch, play, spy on you and, of course, nap.


Inventor Of Artificial Dog Testicles Creates Canine Ear Implants For Floppy Ears

The inventor of the famous Neuticles (plastic testicles for dogs that made Number 2 on my list of dumbest pet products) has come out with his second dog prosthesis: PermaStay Ear Implants for dogs. Oh, they're not about helping your dog hear better; they're about perking up floppy ears.

The Smallest Ionizing Air Purifier Made Just For Pets To Wear

If you've been dying to purify the air that surrounds your pet as he navigates your home, yard, and the world at large, then you can relax.  The invention - the Ionizing Air Purifier for Pets - to end all allergic reactions and bad smells that irritate you and your pet is now available for your pet to wear 24/7 on an accompanying harness.

10 Weird, Wacky & Just Plain Dumb Pet Products

There are two sides of the aisle when it comes to pet products; those who think they're all dumb and those who go in for everything that comes along.... But these 10 weird, wacky, and really dumb pet products should bring both sides together in unanimous NAYs... or BOOs!

11 Lively Hanukkah Menorahs & Dreidels For Jewish Pet Lovers

With Christmas commercialism in mind, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise to you that pet lovers and even their pets are "special" during the eight days of Hanukkah.  This year, the array of cat and dog menorahs abound, and I even found some cat and dog Hanukkah dreidels!  Here's a bunch of the ones I found engaging....

The 12 Dogs Of Christmas... An Exclusive Peek At Their Holiday Wish Lists

Did you ever wonder what dog's really want for Christmas? Well, it so happens that I was able to sit down with 12 top dog models and ask them what was on their wish lists this holiday season. And here's what they told me....

Pet Safety, Freedom & Affordability In Handsome Pet Seat Belt

My pooch generally sleeps while I drive, which delights me because if he wasn't sleeping, he'd be back-seat driving like every other passenger in my car.  Problem is, he does get up and walk around the back of my SUV occasionally, especially when wild smells whiz by his whiffers.  Until now, I never found a safety belt that would accommodate my dog's movements and still offer plenty of security in case the car in front of me comes to a short stop... (ahem)

Kangaroo Liquor Goes Down Well In Japan's Outback

Kangaroos? In my Japan? It's more likely than you think and now it's inspired a drink! A flurry of 'roo views has inspired one local brewer to hop to it & jump start their sales.

Social Media Putting The "Black" Back In Black Friday?

Black Friday is the term used to mark the start of the traditional Christmas shopping season in which retailers transition from being in the red (posting losses) to black (turning profits). The difference this year might get an extra boost as merchandise in stores online and off utilize social networks, Web sites and mobile applications. Will having access to the new social media tools available be enough to turn that red ink black? Check out ten enterprises that are banking on it!

Top Ten Must-Have Toys For Christmas!

From Cabbage Patch Dolls to Tickle-Me Elmos, each holiday season introduces us to a series of new innovative toys for children of all ages. And this year is no different. From mind-powered games to adopting a Pet Lawyers, there's a lot of creative toys and gadgetry  flying off the online and offline shelves. But with the clock slowly ticking away, some of the items on this TOP TEN list are quickly dwindling in inventory. If you must have them, you best act fast!

Designer Piggy Bank Holds $10,000: Buy Two And Save $20,000

A stunningly realistic pig, gilded or polymer coated in hot pink, by a world famous designer, would look smashing on her dark cherry server.  She would love it, even be encouraged to shove dollar bills through the cork opening and look forward to saving $10,000....

Something To Be Thankful For: Scientists Working Hard to Develop Unique Ways To Recycle Feathers

Have you ever wondered what happens to plucked turkey feathers? For the most part turkey feathers as well as feathers from various other poultry are simply incinerated, made in to low -grade animal feedstock or thrown away only to end up in a landfill. Fortunately, several scientists are working hard to develop new eco-friendly ways to recycle these feathers for future use.

Sushi Bars For Pets: Where Dogs And Cats Eat "Rawrrr"

Even veterinarians are recommending raw food diets for pets these days, but other marketing of raw food diets has lagged behind consumer interest, perhaps because the large pet food manufacturers with big marketing budgets have not jumped into the trend... yet.  But at least two small companies with raw food pet diets have found a delicious way to present their raw pet foods: sushi bars.

10+ Laugh Out Loud Funny Pet Calendars For 2010

I like to buy funny pet wall calendars as Christmas gifts for my pet lover friends because, even if they receive other calendar gifts, there is always a space on the wall for one more -- especially if it's funny and about their species of pet. I found some really hilarious dog, cat, rabbit, ginea pig, ferret, and tea cup pig calendars for 2010; maybe you will find just the right ones for your friends (or yourself!) among them.

Japanese Fashion Designer United Bamboo Creates Cat Ready-To-Wear!

It was just a matter of time before a Japanese fashion house began seriously designing for cats;  cat-dressing is getting too big for the petwear trade.  United Bamboo has come out with a line of ready-to-wear for cats that match their women's fashions for the Fall and Winter season 2009 - 2010.  Here is a preview of the collection....


The New Preppy Look For Dogs On Campus: MASCOT Sweaters & Scarves

In the traditional preppy sweater and scarf style of the Big Men On Campus with a few modern twists, Mascot (Stay Lucky) has re-designed the studly college sweater and scarf for dogs.  Big Mascot On Campus, perhaps?

Modern Dogs Demand Doca Pet Bowls For Ergonomics & Style

If you love modern and want to give your dog strain-free access to his food, the Doca Pet bowl stands are some stunners! Their creative designs are by Luke Wong, the Studiowai furniture designer in Chicago. He joins a number of other interior designers with a eye for pet ware. Here are three dog feeding stands in sizes that should fit the Yorkies, the Corgies, and the Danes.

Two Web Companies Find Lost Pets With Different Methods

You may have already packed up your pet's necessities for the possibility of an evacuation. But have you centralized all the information you will need if your pet gets lost or stolen? I can tell you from more than one experience, it's hard to think straight when your pet disappears. Here are two more resources I would add to your list now: Amber Pet Alert™ and Find Toto.

Canine Water Therapy: Big Time Doin' The Dog Paddle

Dogs across the U.S., Great Britain, Canada and Australia are lining up to join canine swim clubs! Water therapy for dogs is a recent bloom among the canine natural therapies, which include chiropractics, massage therapy, and acupuncture. 

Roadkill Cat By Shintaro Kago Is One Flattened Faux Feline

Inspired by Neko Funjyatta, or "I Stepped On A Cat", as the piano favorite Flea Waltz is called in Japan, this delightfully disgusting roadkill cat toy promises loads of faux feline-fatale fun for the whole family - if you're the Addams Family.