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Designed For Kids, But Can YOU Resist? Crane 1-Gallon Cool Mist Humidifier

Humidifiers are great to keep sinuses open if you have asthma, allergies, cold, or flu.  But they also minimize coughing, especially dry coughs, and help moisten dry skin.  The portable Crane humidifier holds onely one gallon of tap water, but emits 2.1 gallons of cold mist per fill.  Depending on how you regulate the level of mist, one gallon of water can last for 11 hours.

Seldom do I genuinely want to buy an item designed for a kid's room for myself, but the Crane Cool Mist Humidifier definitely makes it to that list. Why should I have a drab grey, portable, blob humidifier in my room?

These colorful characters are full of personality, but they operate very quietly and efficiently, using little energy.  And you don't have to worry about the power running when the humidifier tank reaches empty; the Crane Cool Mist Humidifier has an automatic shut-off valve.

Crane gives you 10 adorable characters to choose from...  the Sponge Bob  Humidifier, Hello Kitty Humidifier, Thomas The Tank Humidifier, and a pig, duck, leopard, penguin, frog, dragon, panda, elephant, and cow humidifier and more!  So if you or your children need room humidifiers for the dry days and nights of winter, give these a peek.  If nothing else, they'll make you smile.



The Crane Cow Humidifier




The Crane Sponge Bob Humidifier 




The Crane Hello Kitty Humidifier




The Crane Thomas The Train Humidifier




 The Crane Dragon Humidifier



I don't want to spoil all your fun.  Go visit all the Crane Humidifier characters at Amazon.com.  It's got great customer reviews too!

Design UnLeashed!


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