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March, 2009

Sloan Greywater System Saves Water and Money

Do you know how many gallons of water are used to flush your toilet? Whether you are using an old toilet in your home, which uses about 5-8 gallons of water per flush or a newer version, which uses about 2 gallons of water per flush, you are using up a lot of water to flush your toilet. Fortunately, the Sloan Valve Company has found a solution to this problem. 

Riding Helmets: They're Hot, But They're Not Hot Enough

Reading through commentary in Horse.com's helmet law polls, most horseback riders were opposed to a helmet law, often citing things like "Helmets are too hot," but others claiming, "I would wear one if it was more stylish, " aka "if it looked hotter."

Wind Powered GreenBird Breaks One Record...Aims for Another Within the Year

Wind powered transportation is nothing new to this planet. While it has remained on the lakes and oceans for the most part, there are a few people out there who have brought it onto dry land. One such person, Richard Jenkins, has taken wind power to a new level by breaking the land speed record for a wind powered vehicle.

Food Face Dinner Plates – Eating Your Veggies Has Never Been More Fun

Perfect for the finicky eater or budding artist in your family, these functional plates are just plain fun!  The Food Face Dinner Plates are coming to a store near you.

Origami Art - More Fun Than Folding Laundry

If you’ve ever attempted origami before, you know that it can sometimes be hard to do. All those difficult folds and creases…it can drive a person crazy! However, Giang Dinh is an artist that creates elaborate and unique creations out of just plain old paper.

Polypill Research: A Single Pill Protects Against Heart Disease

It won't replace good diet and an exercise routine, but it can do the work of  five other pills to ward off heart disease and other life threatening diseases caused by high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Yet, not so fast...

Glasses With A Photographic Memory: Four Eyes

IMM Living has just come out with its new catalog of neat stuff. This time I found a pair of glasses called Four Eyes designed by Willie Tsang for nerds and nerd wanna-be’s. The thing about Four Eyes is they actually give you what you've always wanted... a photographic memory!

GameRider: The Virtual Spinning Bike

Do you have a kid that is turning into a blob because he is addicted to video games and simply won't move from the couch? GymKids has a solution that combines activity with gaming... and lots of pedaling.

Micronauts - A Retrospective of the Coolest Toy Ever

We all have that one toy that sticks with us as we get older. Some (far more athletic than I) fondly remember the skateboard. Others (far more feminine than I) hold a torch for that one special Barbie. My favorite toys were The Micronauts. And yes; I'd still play with them now if I could get to them--they're buried in the back of my storage unit at the moment...

Russian Technology Allows For Easier Extraction of Underwater Minerals

The mining of raw materials in Russia has up to now been an activity limited to times when outside temperatures are significantly above the freezing point. This is a feature shared with other countries like Russia that suffer from severe climactic conditions. Now that’s all changed as Russian scientists introduce a new phenomenon known as “high output technology,” which provides a new method for mining water-bearing deposits. Read on for more details.

Elegant Meets Mundane In Podell's Indoor Clothes Drying Rack

If there's a dull chore we all have to do at least weekly, it's washing and drying our clothes. So when you see something that attempts to make the chore less mundane, less void of artistry or inspiration, it catches your interest. Chores are much easier to bear when you're using cool gadgets that combine visual and tactile artistry with functional, stable, and green design.

Little Shop of Twitters

If you're familiar with "Little Shop of Horrors," the successful Broadway Show and rock musical, then you remember how the nerdy florist tended to Audrey II, his demanding plant with a ravenous appetite. The refrain "Feed Me" that became more and more pronounced as the plot progressed might give one a little insight as to how our lives might change if our plants could Twitter?

Innovative Children’s Fashion: Inchworm Shoes Adjust to Grow with Your Child!

Children's fashion can be awfully cute, and often, incredibly expensive, which is a shame when the children's clothing or shoes must be discarded only months after purchase. Inchworm shoes have created a new, innovative technology that prolongs the life of the shoes by allowing them to grow with the child.

Business Helps New Parents With Automated Birth Announcements

 After giving birth, as excited as new mothers may be; the last thing they have the energy to do is call relative after relative to make the big birth announcement. A new company, GooGoo Grams does all the legwork, but still provides a personal touch with personalized recorded voice messages.

2009's Top 10 Designer Easter Duds for Dogs

No recession for dogs... I tell ya! It's just a bunny a minute out there for the lucky dogs getting dressed up for Easter. This year's fashions include bold and bodacious sweaters for dogs this spring, and classic, more regal dresses for females with lots of emphasis on fabric details...and I'd have to say they're even more beautiful than last season's. My top 10 picks for Easter, with the exception of one (I hope) can be worn all spring, until it's time for bikinis.

Record Your Own Lullaby – The Chinese Tiger Music Pillow for Children

Imagine being able to sing or talk to your baby all night long.  Well, now you can.   The Chinese Tiger Music Pillow is the next best thing to being there! 

Want A Real Beauty Sleep? Try The Pillowcase That Makes Wrinkles Disappear

Okay, babes! Let's get down to it... or on it. This Cupron™ pillowcase is going to reduce your wrinkles, and all you have to do is sleep on it. As with other wrinkle removers, you need a special solution for wrinkles around your eyes (the Cupron mask) and for those on your hands (the Cupron gloves).

Savor Like Chocolate Truffles: Designer Popcorn By 479°

Fleur de sel caramel, Madras Curry Cashew, Chipotle Caramel Almond are three of the eight current popcorn flavors offered by 479°, and it's likely you won't be woofing these kernals down by the handful. 479° is gourmet gourmet popcorn, meant to be savored just like those designer chocolate truffles.

Hotel 626: the Online Haunted House

Frito-Lay of North America presents a Snack Strong production that you won't soon forget.  This truly unique and innovative use of multiple online medias is a really cool experience (especially if you like scary movies and such).  The site, Hotel 626, requires you to use a webcam, a microphone, and register with the site so that they can immerse you properly into this hellish nightmare.  Don't worry it's not that hellish.  In fact, it's pretty fun!

Study Shows Video Games Can Improve Vision

Video games may be fun, but do you think playing too much is bad for you? Well, think again. A new study says that playing video games can actually improve your vision.

Twitter, the Friendly Ghost

Following your favorite celebrity on Twitter? Maybe not! While the whole world is a 'twitterin'...was it any wonder that a certain level of the elite twitterati would eventually find a way to game the system. The latest trend a foot is "Ghost Twittering." The term was coined to describe when someone, usually a celebrity, politician, sport figure or a corporate brand pays another person or persons to update their Twitter account on their behalf. The use of ghostwriters has been around in the literary world since literature was first penned. Now,it appears it is prevalent in Twitterdom as well. But, while it may make sense for our busy world leaders to farm out their tweets, when celebrities engage in this practice it really seems to be defeating the purpose.

Strangest Fashion For Fall 2009: Muppets Aren’t Just Puppets Anymore!

At a recent fashion show to display designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac's Fall 2009 fashion line, the infamous Muppets walked the runway, proving they are capable of being more than puppets. Read on to learn if the Muppets and fashion collide in a new Muppet Movie production, if the designer is using an elaborate marketing ploy to reach a younger audience, or if something much more frightening has happened to our favorite Jim Henson characters.

Maghound Lets You Compile Your Favorite Magazines Through One Subscription Service

As an industry, magazine subscriptions of course, aren't new, but a new trend emerging in the market allows more flexibility, by allowing magazine subscribers to receive a compilation of their favorite magazines at a lower monthly cost.

Mercedes-Benz Design Students Create New Concept Around 1880s Styling

Even though the automotive industry may be struggling in more ways than one, that surely won't stop the manufactures from having a little fun every now and again. This is especially true when it comes to training the next generation of designers, which is something Mercedes-Benz takes very seriously. It was this combination of free-thinking designers and highly focused training that led the F-Cell Roadster.

A Seat Cushion that Keeps Your Butt Circulating

... I'm writing to let you know that there is a solution for those of us that have "Internet Ass." There's a fix for Internet Ass, and according to the makers of the Circulation Improving Seat Cushion, this fix has already been used by the Air Force to fix their tired arses.

"HUNT" Seeks Inspiration From Nature's Hunting & Swarming Behaviors

Animals, sea creatures, birds, and insects all have different kinds of hunting and swarming behaviors that they employ in groups whenever necessary. These behaviors are now being studied by a project called HUNT, sponsored by the U.S. Office of Naval Research. Wait until you see what HUNT stands for....

Slack Amphibious Lounger - Comfy Beanbag Chairs that Float

Along with 8-track tapes and shag carpeting, many of us have fond memories of beanbag chairs.  The comfy and squishy chairs were all the rage, back in the day.

Russian Scientists Can Now Diagnose Schizophrenia Early

Russian scientists from the Center of Mental Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences have conducted a study concerning the most severe form of schizophrenia (chronic schizophrenia) which may well become the basis for the development of a system that will be able to diagnose the disease early, an important factor in effective treatment. Read on for some amazing details about a devastating illness.

Rescue Critters: Animal Mannequins Teach Veterinary Students About Animal First Aid

Testing on animals has rightly faced controversy for decades, but that doesn't change the fact that in order to learn how to medically treat an animal, veterinary students need practice. In order to give veterinary students a safe, humane method to learn their craft, without practicing on someone's beloved pet; Rescue Critters has created animal mannequins that may look goofy, but mean serious business.

Apparel For Cult Movie Fans: Create Your Own Hat Based On A Fictional Brand

Replica fashions based on clothing seen in movies have been sold in stores all over the world. Now, a new DIY fashion business, Lucky Seven, allows cult movie and TV show fans to create their own caps based on the fictional brands made famous by film.

Vertigo The Travel Mug That Heats Itself

The Vertigo is a manually-powered heatable mug that allows you to heat your food or drink by simply twisting the crank. Extremely portable, this solution will allow you to have a hot meal or cup of coffee wherever you happen to be.

6 Breathtaking Designs For The New African-American Museum On The Mall

Plans for the final museum on the National Mall in Washington D.C. are beginning to fall into place! Yesterday the Smithsonian Institution opened an exhibit of the six architectural designs being considered for the new National Museum of African American History and Culture... and they are all breathtaking!

LeapFrog’s Fridge Talk Magnetic Wordplay Recorder – Laugh, Listen and Learn

The creative minds at Leapfrog have done it again.  The FridgeTalk Magnetic Wordplay Recorder is like having your very personal tutor in your own kitchen.

Bat Inspired UAFs: Biomimicry In Progress By U.S. Air Force

The Office of Scientific Research of the U.S. Air Force is studying bats... bats and birds and insects that can fly in all kinds of wind and weather and still maintain their balance, agility, and adaptability. Why? To mimic the characteristics of these supreme fliers in new unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV's).

Wikirank Lets You Keep Track of Wikipedia Trends

As a blog reader, surely you know about the significance of using Wikipedia links.  The user-generated information resource has become a staple of online research, and sometimes reading Wiki articles is just plain fun.  Wikirank is a new service that displays all of the current trends on Wikipedia, such as most viewed pages of the month, trending topics, and lets you search throughout them to get all the info you need.

Easter Baskets That Bring Back Sweet Memories: Candy By The Decade

Easter is about kids in most families. Painted eggs, jelly beans, baskets stuffed with shredded colored cellophane and Peeps®. But we were all kids at one time, and for most of us our nostalgia for our youth includes the Easter Sunday mornings when our own baskets would be full of our favorites. Candy Crate is making this Easter special for every generation from the 1940's to the 1990's in its Easter Retro Candy Gift Box.

Ski Jump Toilet is the World's First Sport-A-Potty

Move over Scotland, Japan now features the world's scariest toilets. Designed by Tugboat Agency for Georgia Max Coffee, stalls at a number of high-end Japanese ski resorts feature wrapped graphics that give the user the illusion he or she is sitting at the top of a regulation ski jump!

Hyundai City Car Seats Four and is Powered By Photosynthesis

Small city vehicles are something that are just now beginning to catch on. While there are a few available on the market, many people are waiting for them become more mainstream. Hyundai hopes to help bring the city vehicle into the spotlight with a new concept that uses technology from MIT that produces oxygen as a byproduct.

Double Your Pleasure with Twin Parabolic Skis

One pair of skis, four individual ski segments, the Twin Parabolic Skis by designer Charlie Pyott increase speed and stability for skiers. And they'll certainly spark a conversation or two at the lodge.

Weatherbill: Unique Weather Insurance Lets People Predict And Profit From Mother Nature

You may have heard of weather insurance, which protects businesses when their profits decline due to bad weather. However, Weatherbill is a little bit different from its competition, as an e-commerce website, it allows anyone to invest in weather conditions, to make an easy buck if those predictions are reached.

Innovative Cultural Fashion: Sporty Headscarves for the Culturally Aware

Traditional headscarves can be burdensome for those who wear them for cultural beliefs and engage in an active lifestyle. While they may be culturally fashionable, headscarves may be overly insulated for highly aerobic sports, not insulated enough for cold outdoor activities, and impractical as swimwear which forces people to choose between their values and ability to participate in certain activities. Capsters are a fashionable alternative to the traditional headscarf, with a variety of styles conducive to a variety of lifestyles, and they're pretty stylish too.

Cat Livin Creates A Garden Cats Can Eat

I've long been a believer that cats and dogs eat grass for a good reason: they need it. The thing about cats is that they eat everything that's green, so you end up having to give up your house plants, unless you're sure they pose no danger to kitty.

Oh No, The Acid Monster™ Is In My Coffee Again!

Just when I think I've found the perfect coffee maker, some other coffee gadget comes along and claims to be more perfect... and you know I have to try it, because I love coffee. This time it's the Hourglass® Coffee Maker telling me I have to brew my coffee cold. That's right; cold water brewing is less acidic than hot water brewing and the water can't just soak the ground coffee, it has to infuse the ground coffee. Got all that?

IIHS Begins Testing Roof Rollover Strength to Improve Safety for New Vehicles

Safety is becoming one of the most important selling points for pretty much every vehicle, with a special emphasis being put on Sport Utility Vehicles. The reason for this is the higher risk of rollover and the huge increase in fatalities due to rollovers in SUV as compared to sedans and coupes. It was this same statistic that led the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) to begin a new kind of testing on vehicles.

Architect's Design Selected For New Center For Civil And Human Rights In Atlanta

For several months the Center for Civil & Human Rights (CCHR) in Atlanta has been studying submissions to its competition for its new center's Architect of Record. The winner has now been chosen: the Freelon Group based in Durham, NC will partner with HOK, an Atlanta-based architecture and design firm to build the center, under Freelon's direction.

Tom Kollars' Invention May Save Millions Of Lives: ProVector

The invention of ProVector-Bt could not be more timely. As rising temperatures worldwide result in greater numbers of parasites active for longer periods each year, mosquitoes and other disease transmitters are contributing to higher death rates from disease-carrying pests. This is especially true for malaria and dengue fever, now claiming 5 million and 50 million new victims a year respectively.

Moscow Will House Europe's Biggest Oceanarium

By 2011, it is expected that Moscow will boast of having one of the world’s largest oceanariums. It is expected to contain an area of over 180, 000 square meters (over 44 acres) and will be situated in the western part of the city at the territory of Victory Park close to the Moscow Triumphal Arch. Read on for more amazing details.

LEGO Mobile Phone – Change the Look of Your Phone in a Snap

How would you like to have your very own, one-of-a-kind cell phone that'll have everyone talking?   Why spend money on ho-hum faceplates or boring cell phone cases when you can create your own look?

Wipe That Stain Off Your Smile With Borracha's Wine Wipes

Red or purple lips may be sexy, but those very same tints on your teeth look Goth and eerie. What's a red wine borracha to do? A new company called Borracha, a female who likes her booze, has created a solution for those telltale tooth stains: Wine Wipes.

EasierThanReading Has Little to Do with Reading

If you spend any decent amount of time on the internet, then obviously you've sent something weird and funny to your friends through email before.  EasierThanReading provides you with a whole new way to do that, in the form of a personalized puppet with a recorded message.  Of course, reading is limited to a simple link put into the recipient's mailbox.

Pedal the Friendly Skies with Airbike

Airbike provides hang gliders with pedal-powered propulsion.

Go Home Gorgeous: Mobile Spa Service Ready To Pamper Moms As Soon As Baby Pops Out!

Women love services that help them relax, and new mothers like to be pampered after giving birth; to help them feel comfortable in their new bodies and help them adjust to motherhood. Go Home Gorgeous combines both of these aspects, to make new mothers feel beautiful and pampered after having a baby, before they even leave the hospital.

Most Scandalous Geeky Gadget: Peripheral Pants, The Wearable Keyboard

Wearable geeky gadgets have been taken to new levels with the appearance of the Peripheral Pants, a wacky wearable keyboard fashion that is certainly scandalous in its design.

Vote Fact or Fake? Genetically Engineered Glowing Fish

Goldfish are by far the most well known and wide-spread of freshwater fish, being both cheap and easy to keep. The downside to them, however, is that they are rather common in appearance. A company called GloFish seeking to remedy this problem has introduced fluorescent goldfish

Piping Hot Tea Raises Risk Of Throat Cancer

Can’t wait to sip your freshly made hot tea in the morning? Researchers say to wait until it cools down a little – you may be raising your risk of throat cancer.

Scientists Create Robotic Fish To Aid In Water Pollution

British scientists have designed a robotic fish that detects contamination in water.

Get Your Miracle Fruit Before It Becomes A Drug!

Have you tripped-out on a miracle fruit pill? A"trip" is when you allow a miracle fruit pill to dissolve on your tongue and then sit around and eat sour pickles, limes, or Hot Tamales candy. (Don't try it... you'll end up getting acid reflux anyway!)

Soladey-3: the Iconic, Ionic, No Toothpaste Toothbrush

Invented by a Japanese scientist, the Soladey-3 Ionic Toothbrush dissolves dental plaque using negatively charged ions generated by a solar panel in its handle.

10 DIY Bentos: Animated Food From Anna The Red

Japan takes the cake, or the Bento, when it comes to food art. In fact, presentation is nearly everything in Japanese cooking. Bento, an art form that can be traced back about 900 years, is hot right now, and getting hotter as Japanese natives teach the rest of the world how it's done. "Anna The Red," a Japanese-born New Yorker, is such a wonderful teacher that you can easily learn how to create your own bento.

New Sport: 20-Man Bridge Dive?

Take 20 people, some rock climbing rope, a bridge and a whole lot of crazy and you have this new sport from Russia.

Kia Joins Hybrid Race with Forte LPI

Since the hybrid race began, every automaker around the world has been hard at work designing their own piece of Green Technology. Kia Motors is the most recent to join this fight for sales, with their new Forte LPI Hybrid.

Dynamite Alarm Clock - Just for Fun

Do you have someone in your family who constantly hits the snooze button or can sleep through anything? The just-for-fun Dynamite Alarm Clock may be just the ticket.

Niche Matchmaking Service for Rednecks: Fall in Love & Have a Laugh

The online dating market has become a hubbub of activity with single (though not always) people looking to make a love connection. In order to be successful in the dating industry, online dating businesses are turning to strange niche businesses, to attract unique clientele looking to meet their match. Redneck and Single may sound like a joke, but really, Rednecks take their honky-tonk dating seriously!

Painting a Song with Labuat

"'I'm Your Air' is a song filled with many small orchestral threads and voices, half-truths and lies and ups and downs as we wanted to give something that they could move with the song.  A brush. I am here because your air is painted in the air. Move where you want to bring the song. We end up with your own work, that you may want to see in video."

Recession-Friendly Crowd Sprout Lets Parents Team Up To Receive Group Discounts On Children’s Products

New business, Crowd Sprout, offers new parents the benefits of bulk buying, without requiring them to fit the full bill. Bulk discount businesses have been popularized by businesses like Costco, but require that consumers purchase many of one item. Since very few families need six of the same Kettler scooter, Crowd Sprout allows new and expecting parents the option to team up in order to receive group discounts.

Workaholic Pillow Lets You Sleep Easy in Tough Economic Times

We all know real workaholics never rest, and now their secret is out: the Workaholic Pillow!

Extreme Edible Fashion: The Nike Hamburger Shoe

We've seen edible fashion items that not only make a tasty snack, they also offer fashionable coverage. The Nike Hamburger Shoe, created by Olle Hemmendorff, is an example of extreme edible fashion that is anything but practical. Read on and decide if the hamburger shoe is better as fashion or food.

Ultimate Survival Technologies Allows You to Start a Fire Under Any Conditions

Starting a fire can be tough work. Don't struggle, get the BlastMatch and WetFire tinder and get the fire lit in no time.

Call For Inventors! WD-40 Wants YOU!

Edison Nation announced today that the WD-40® Company is challenging inventors to come up with a new delivery system for the product's many uses and to create new product concepts that have wide-reaching applicability and purpose, like WD-40. Put your thinking caps on, these tasks are both difficult; your solutions must be innovative and patentable.


10 Iconic Treasures 0f 20th Century Design Now Selling at Christie’s

We may not be in the top five percent economically,  but millions like us can still appreciate looking, even if we can't touch. Tomorrow, Christie's auction of 20th Century Decorative Art & Design at Rockefeller Center in New York, is one I'd love to see; there are hundreds of brilliant collectors' furniture and decorative items of the knuckle-biting kind, one more exquisite than the next. Here are 10 of the works that caught my eye for their artistry as well as iconic symbolism of period design.

BabyLegs – For the Little Fashionista in Your Family

If you have a little one in your family, you're going to go gaa-gas for BabyLegs.

I Can See Your Boobs; X-Ray Glasses Become a Reality

There they are, positioned in a little square right next to the Charles Atlas ad with the kid getting sand kicked in his face: X-ray glasses.  What kid didn't want to see though walls, clothes, and... I dunno, whatever else?  Well, at considerable expense, you can now do this--sort'a.

Onna Dameshi Lady Tester Helps Gals Boost Their Guy-Q

Girls frustrated by the many mysteries of men can buff up their relationship smarts with the "Onna Dameshi", or Lady Tester.

Russian Aviation Innovation: A Unique Identified-Flying Object

With all the fascination surrounding UFOs (unidentified flying objects), here is the story of an IFO (identified flying object), which Russian engineers are currently working on. The new Lokomoscanner is sure to attract many potential buyers from Russia and abroad (although perhaps not from other galaxies). Read on but…duck!

Find Out the Top Sites of Any Topic with WebListy

Do you own a website?  Do you ever wonder how sites stack up in different categories?  Wouldn't you just love a site that compares you to regional or world-wide website popularity without having to track your site with adware or embedded coding?

New Technology Could Lead to Safer and More Reliable Bridges

The interstate 35 bridge in Minneapolis sees a large number of cars every day. About a year and a half ago the structure failed and 13 lives were lost. Now, the university of Michigan along with several other colleges and agencies have come together to design a new system that will provide real time data to the department of transportation that could be used to prevent another accident and save lives.

Choose Your Grandma! Knitting Grannies Craft Custom Order Hats & Socks

Who says you need to have your very own, blood-related granny to craft your custom made knit wear? A growing international fashion trend allows the young and old to order knitted hats and socks directly from the knitting needles of Nanas and Omas around the world, and Net Granny and Golden Hook to get your hands on the classic fashion.

Borrow A Cat’s Affection At Japan’s Cat Cafés

We've seen pet rental companies, which while successful, have created controversy with animal rights activists worldwide. Now, there is a new more humane way for people to mix and mingle with their favorite furry friends in the comfort of a public place. In Japan, cat cafes have been popping up all over the place, allowing people to relax with a cup of coffee while receiving the purr-fect, relaxing companionship of a kitty.

Live In Austin? Go Green and Borrow A Car For Free

Just the other day an acquaintance of mine told me how difficult it was to share a car with her husband. They can't afford the expense of another car, but sometimes while he uses their car to go to work she really needs the car to go to the doctors or the grocery store. If only they lived in Austin, TX. Brandi Clark would let her borrow a car for free.

Cactus, Skyscraper Size

A skyscraper in the shape of a cactus is planned for the new Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture in Qatar. Designed by Aesthetics Architects in Bangkok, the giant structure doesn't just look like a cactus. The shades around the building open and close in response to the heat, like cactus cells, making the cactus tower a true example of biomimicry.

Bioabsorbable Stent Is Successful So Far: ABSORB

For thirty years since the invention of angioplasty, cardiologists have been using stents to repair arteries. First was the balloon stent, then the metal stent, then the drug eluting metal stent. Next it will be the bioabsorbable stent, or should I say now it is the bioabsorbable stent?

American Idol Collectible Trading Cards

Can't get enough of American Idol?  Well, hold onto your microphones.  A new and affordable Idol collectible will be released soon.

When The Moon Hits Your Eye You'll Love This Beautiful Moon Artwork

Has it ever seemed like the moon was so close you could touch it? Russian artists Leonid Tishkov and Boris Bendikov have created a series of artwork titled “Private Moon”, where they give life to a man and his moon.

No Screw, No Glue: An Office Suite In Cardboard

Recently Joost van Bleiswijk created his first cardboard office suite, a là no screw, no glue, for the award-winning Amsterdam-based advertising firm, Nothing. And he accomplished his goal in grand fashion, as if he were building the Colosseum.

10 More Ads to Disgust & Disturb You

The advertisers of the world just keep churning out stuff that is... well, just plain messed up. And while these ads get attention, I'm not sure that they are generating product recognition in a positive light. If you were a fan of 11 Ads To Disgust & Disturb You, then buckle your seat-belts. There's even more craziness to come!  Enter at your own risk, dear reader...

Twitterlebrities & Politicians Not Safe on SuperNews!

Online animation has been capturing the imagination of Internet users for quite some time, ever since JibJab first lampooned the Bush Administration some 8 years ago. Sort of like the progeny of South Park and Mad Magazine, or The Daily Show meets The Onion, SuperNews! has been hatched live and raw to expand on that age-old tradition of satire. With its own twist of ironic commentary on politics and the lifestyles of the attention-deficit digerati, Super News! is a short form animated television series which airs on Current TV and has officially alerted the media online and off, that they are taking no prisoners!

High Speed Michigan Mag-Lev to Reduce Highway Congestion

Traffic congestion on major highways isn't getting any better. While many ideas have been brought forth to solve this issue, very few ever make it into reality. The newest of these ideas and one that may actually become a reality, is a high speed Mag-Lev Rail that will run between Detroit and Lansing.

Study: Red Meat Raises Risk Of Death

Could eating red meat be bad for your health? Scientists have recently discovered that people who eat a lot of red meat have the highest overall risk of death.

ExecTweets: Twitter for Biz Buffs

With Twitter exploding as the new big thing in social networking, a slew of different user aggregators are popping up to allow you to find who's who on Twitter.  Microsoft's ExecTweets is site that groups together all of America's top business executives for your microblogging pleasure.

Innovative Swimsuit Fabric: Summer Fashion Ensures You Never Have To Put On A Wet Bikini!

With summer fast approaching, it's time to start thinking about hitting the beach and the apparel that you will wear to bask in the sun and swim in the ocean. Because no one likes a soggy bathing suit, Solestrom has developed the Sun Dry Swimsuit, ready for beachwear in the summer of 2009.

Connect Body Parts With Your Bike: Great Idea?

Humans invented the wheel, right? Does this mean that the wheel must do something even more important for its inventor? Or is the Body-Connected Bike which is also known as Patent # US 6805657 one silly flash in the pan? Read on and watch out for bikes coming your way with a new…attitude.

Technology Transfers To Textiles For Horses, Dogs, And Cats To Keep Them Cleaner

Dog Gone Smart™ is designing and manufacturing dog jackets, and dog and cat beds made from a cotton NanoSphere® fabric, and will soon debut a line of horse blankets and saddle pads made of the same material. This is a welcome technology to the pet world. It enables a healthier environment for pets and people, reduces use of toxins used in cleaning solutions, and reduces energy consumption.

Terrafugia Transition Makes First Flight: Provides Glimpse of Future

Back in 2006, a company named Terrafugia embarked on a journey to design the world's first Car-Plane Hybrid capable of cruising on the streets or taking to the skies. Countless hours and thousands of dollars went into the project led by graduates of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which have finally culminated into the first flight of the Transition experimental aircraft.

Spy Camera and MP3 Sunglasses - For the Super Sleuth in Your Family

This super cool pair of shades from Brando features a 1.3 MP digital camera  that has 1, 2 or 4 GB of internal memory, capable of storing up to thousands of photographs on the sly.

Star Trek: These Are the Voyages of Kirk's Chair In Your Media Room

I have this friend who always wanted to make his living room into the bridge of the Enterprise from Star Trek.  And though this is not the chair he's looking for (he's a Next Generation fan), you gotta admit--this thing looks cool.  But is it comfortable?

Can a Remote Controlled Zombie Eat Your Brain?

Want to control a shuffling mass of undead flesh?  If so... look elsewhere.  But if you want to control a simulation of undead flesh in the form of a tiny little zombie... read on!

Coffee, Tea, Hand Warmer? The Cupocket

Tableware designers are having a lot of fun these days with cup handles. Handles are studded with stones, shaped like gold knuckles, or they may be totally hidden.... Israeli designer Perach Rafian has inverted the cup handles on his new Cupocket, so that they can serve as comfy hand warmers.

Scientists Identify Ten Genes That Raise Risk Of Sudden Cardiac Death

Researchers have recently found ten new genes that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac death.

Russian Innovation: Ricochet Lightweight Jacket

Russian researchers have created a new super-light armour jacket called the Ricochet Vest, which is the latest in ballistic protection against a direct shot from an assault rifle. It weights just 2 kilograms (about 4 pounds) while standard police issue is 10 kilograms (about 20 pounds). Read all about this new and efficient armor designed for police officers.

Business For The Baseball Lover: Big League Tours

Big League Tours specializes in the all-access baseball tour experience, every little boy (and girl) dreamed of as a child; and many took on movie screens with their movie dads. Big League Tours may not be recession-friendly, but it does provide the opportunity to mingle with major league baseball players and get behind-the-scenes access to world renowned baseball stadiums.

One-Of-A Kind Fashion Accessory For Men: The Recycled Street Sign Briefcase

This unique fashion item for men can be referred to as either sustainable fashion or salvaged fashion, since it's created by using recycled road signs to create one-of-a-kind briefcases. The aluminum briefcases are durable, sustainable, and fashionable.

Vote Fact or Fake? Giant Rabbits

A breed of rabbits called Flemish Giants can grow to extraodinary sizes. Some of these rabbits have even reached over three feet tall and 17 - 18 pounds!

Electric Banana Speaks Out When You Strip It

This somewhat cute, certainly sexy and supremely annoying keychain or cellphone charm speaks with the voice of one of Japan's hottest voice actresses - every time you peel it.

Toyota to Revive MR2 with a Prius Based Sports Coupe

Two years ago, Toyota unveiled the FT-HS concept at the North American International Auto Show. At the time the FT-HS concept was to be an environmentally friendly sports car that provided some excitement for drivers, while still being responsible. After that, the concept disappeared from the radar and nothing was heard about it. Now, it seems as though Toyota is planning on using the FT-HS concept as way to bring back the ever popular MR2 in the form of a 2-door Prius.

Frightened Grasshopper Solar Bug Kit – Fun and Educational Jumping Robot

Like a creepy vampire, this little guy prefers the dark.  If the Solar Frightened Grasshopper is exposed to any type of light source, he begins to gyrate and jump, just  like a Mexican jumping bean!

Want To Look Like A Million Dollars? Business Captures Your Image In Precious Metals And Gemstones

Contrary to what its name implies, You Look Like A Million Dollars is not a new makeover business. The name of this business concept is one that you can take literally - it preserves your image using precious materials to form a sculpture that just might require you to take out a million dollar loan.

Recession-Friendly Staycations: Fake An Economic Vacation At Home

During the recession, families are forced to cut back on luxuries in order to keep money in the bank for life's unavoidable expenses. In lieu of taking an expensive, luxury vacation overseas, many families and individuals are opting instead for fake vacations at home which are creating a world of new business opportunities for entrepreneurs

Wearable Art In Kathleen Dustin’s Innovative and Artistic Handbags And Purses

Handbags and purses have often fallen into the "been there, done that" mentality for true innovative fashion lovers. That is, until Kathleen Dustin's artistic handbags came along which combine art and fashion to create unique, beautiful and fashionable accessories.

King Maker & Social Networking Made Obama A Rock Star?

"Kingmaker" is a term originally applied to the activities of Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick during the Wars of the Roses, when he was instrumental in getting King Edward IV to ascend to the throne of England. The term has since come to mean any person or group who has great influence over a political succession, without being a viable candidate themselves. Kingmakers may use political, monetary, religious, or military means to manipulate the opportunities for succession. But up until this past year, no one has accessed the tools of the electronic media for political gain with the level of success we all observed in the most recent election.So was social networking responsible for Obama's successful political campaign? 

Growing Herbs Indoors In Provera's Mini Power Plant

Prepara, a company that makes indoor grow lights and hydroponic growing containers, has a solution for growing herbs and other small plants from seed. It's called the Prepara Mini Power Plant and it won't just save you money on small quantities of herbs, it works fast.

Shower Tap Radio - Just Stick it and Sing

If you love singing in the shower, the Shower Tap Radio will have you hitting those high notes in no time.

Toyota iQ to Come to North America Branded as Scion

A short while back, Toyota released their new iQ concept to the world. Shorty after, they began talking about production and in doing so caught the attention of quite a few potential buyers. Now, it isbecoming more and more apparent that the new subcompact concept will be branded as a Scion when it hits North American soil.

Robotic Cradle Rocks Crying Babies Back to Sleep

If this cradle's rockin', don't bother walkin'... and rock it will, until your baby's sound asleep once more. The Suima automatic cradle features a sound sensor that detects crying sounds and then swings into action - literally.

Amphicoach: Where Tour Bus Meets Tour Boat

For some reason, amphibious vehicles are something that we as a race are obsessed with. Whatever that reason is, the challenge of blending roadworthiness with seaworthiness is something that will never be lost as far as many people are concerned. It is this mentality from which the Amphicoach was born.

Punk Fashion Gadget: Skull Belt Buckle Plays Media

Just because belt buckles are becoming a fashion thing of the past, and MP3 players are soon to be extinct, doesn't mean you can't enjoy this geeky gadget; the skull belt buckle media player.

Chocolate Prescription: Indulging In Your Health With Chocolate

 So by now, we all know that there are nutritional benefits to chocolate, thank goodness! Now, you can get your daily dose of chocolate from Chocolate Prescription, to take along with your daily multivitamin.

Biodegradable Packaging Design for McDonald’s: Could it Help?

Have you ever eaten at a fast food restaurant and noticed how much trash comes with your burger, drink and fries? University of the Arts graduate student, Andrew Millar has noticed the amount of trash and has designed an alternative eco-solution to this wasteful problem. 

Lexus to Get Toyota Collision Sensing Technology

Just in case the addition of the central rear seat airbags weren't enough for you, Toyota is also planning on bringing another new safety system to North American soil.

Vigilant Windows Could Certainly Freak Out Would-Be Burglars

Why should you wait until someone breaks the window of your home? Your Vigilant Window can scare the heck out of burglars, so they'll never know what hit them, and probably never think of coming back!

Kid Finder Tracking Device - Keep Track of Your Kids, Pets and Luggage

For all you parents out there, this handy device from Princeton may just be a parent's dream-come-true, especially if you have a child who tends to be a wanderer.

What Will Recovery Look Like? An International Call For Ideas From Designers And Architects

The Imagining Recovery project is inviting architects and other designers from all over the world to submit their ideas about what recovery will look like. The competition is being sponsored by designers and students of the Global Public Policy Network (GPPN), a network of prestigious policy schools around the world.

EyeClops Toys Change the Way Children See the World

Every now and then I stumble across a toy line that is just plain impressive.  A line that not only appeals to kids, but to adults as well.  And, if you've read any of my other stuff, you know that I'm a huge fan of any toy that tricks a kid into learning.  The EyeClops line of toys from Jakks Pacific does just that.  And these things are definitely worth looking into.

The First Ever Roll-up Cantilever Chair: Miesrolo

The architectural and design challenges that University of Belgrade design student Uros Vitas took on were well rewarded by the results. He created the first roll-up cantilever chair that achieves strength, balance and flexibility.

Siberian Innovation: Computer Generated Church Bells

Talk about making lemons out of lemonade! Meet one Russian Orthodox priest in Western Siberia who has turned to modern technology in his quest for a competent bell-ringer for his church. Read on, inventors, and feel inspired to take the bull by the horns (or something like that).

Defensive Fashion For Women: Zap Your Assailants With The No Contact Jacket

According to the Senate Judiciary Committee, one out of three women in the US will become a victim of a violent crime during their lifetime. Using similar, non-lethal technology found in tazers, the No Contact Jacket delivers a nasty surprise to anyone delivering unauthorized contact to its wearer.

Old Dogs Learn New Tricks From Teens: Telecommunications Tutorials By Bellendoejezo


It's only a cliché that an old dog can't learn new tricks (really, ask Lady Bee). So Dutch business startup, Bellendoejezo is taking the opportunity to have the technologically inclined (the young), teach the technologically impaired (the old) about their cell phone uses, so they can become functioning, communicative members of any business enterprise.

Vote Fact or Fake? Variable Friction Grip Gloves

  Recent advances in science and the invention of new artificial materials with unusual properties has given rise to a plethora of new inventions. In particular, a new material called RQS3 shows great potential for use in future products.

Engineers Create Biocomposites That Can Curb Global Warming

What we can do when we put our minds to it! Well, not "we," but a group of environmental engineers at Stanford University's Woods Institute for the Environment. They created an artificial wood, which is just as strong as the real thing, using biocomposites that are completely biodegradable. This faux wood has the potential of saving our forests, reducing green house gases, and actually shrinking landfills. Stay tuned... these researchers are on to their next big breakthrough.

Is That An Obama On Your Pocket Or Are You Happy To See Me? - 8 Shocking Obama Items

Whether or not you like our president, it's hard to deny that his fame has become a global phenomenon few presidents have ever encountered. As a result, we've had a slew of what's been referred to as Obamarama or, more cynically, baracksploitation. There is certainly no shortage of tacky merchandise barring his likeness. While I have every intention of talking about all of the terrible memorabilia featuring the Commander-in-Cheif, there's actually so much I had to break it up into multiple articles. As a result, let me introduce you to the first large Barack market, the fashion industry.

BMW Improves Hydrogen Engine Efficiency to Compete with Today's Turbo Diesels

Hydrogen power has been an ongoing project for many companies. One of the most pressing problems is the reduction in efficiency when compared to other kinds of fossil fuel burning engines. BMW has recently come up with a solution to this problem by changing the induction system of their Hydrogen engine.

iRobot Rhoombas For 7 Days While You Do The Stanky Leg

Vacuuming is getting to be less fun. I'd rather go out and do the Stanky Leg while my new Rhoomba does the floors. I can now do that for seven days, after programming the new iRobot Rhoomba to do its thing while I'm gone.

Space Invaders Piggy Bank

Many of us of a certain age have fond memories of the Space Invaders craze from back in the day.  For the younger generation who may have missed out on all the Space Invaders action, you're in luck!  The Space Invaders Piggy Bank is coming to a store near  you.


New Russian Stereomicroscopes: Crime-Solvers Extraordinaire!

Since the early 1800s, the microscope has been used to help solve crimes, and even today it is a vital tool. Criminal investigators in Russia have gone one step further and introduced a new and better stereomicroscope with a digital recording system. Criminals beware; your time for capture is nigh.

Falling In Love With Design: The Latest Collection From Dima Loginoff

Russian designer, Dima Loginoff has doubled his creative output in the last two seasons. Perhaps it was the unbearable Moscow winter, but more likely it was Loginoff's growing passion and exuberance for interior design, now that he has found the perfect vehicle for his creative talent.

Device That Alerts Before You Get Sunburn

Wouldn’t it be nice if you were warned ahead of time that you were going to get sunburn? Scientists have developed a device that alerts you before sunburn shows up.

Pledge Hammer: Preventing Broken Promises With Fear Of Monetary Retribution

Helping you keep your promises, for fear of retribution, is a new business Pledge Hammer. The premise of this online service is simple, you make a promise and if you don't honor your commitment, you donate a pre-determined amount to a charity of your choice.

Modular Shoes: A Transformable Shoe Style For Every Occasion

This shoe design is every fashion lover's dream or nightmare, depending upon your perspective, because it allows you to have just one shoe for every occasion. These funny shoes transform using zippers, and while they might be a bit casual for New York's favorite fashionistas, it's a great solution for the over-packer.

7 Amazing Chinese Farmer Inventions and Mods

You might be under the impression that most Chinese innovation is happening in research labs and universities. Well, let me take you on a quick tour of rural China for a second, where an uncanny amount of do-it-yourself contraptions are being created and assembled not by scientists -- but by farmers and laborers!

Human Slingshot: Banshee Bungee

Propel yourself straight forward on land, water or snow with Banshee Bungee.

12 Hot Designs From The 2009 IceHotel: Catch Them Before They Melt!

While we in the U.S. are looking forward to Spring's budding flora, 124 miles north of the Artic Circle in Sweden, lies at least one more month of winter. It is here, in the town of Jukkasjärvi ("meeting place") in the Swedish Lapland, that world famous architects, sculptors, and designers submit their designs to the IceHotel in hopes that they will be chosen to contribute to its annual building... even though their contributions will melt after four or five months.

Biking With Buddy: WalkyDog Bicycle Dog Leash

Stopping at every tree or bush or blade of grass may be fun for Buddy and Trixie, but it's not exercise for them or you. WalkyDog, a leash that's designed to attach to your bike, will help make it safe and a pleasure to jog and bike together!

Toyota Develops Worlds First Central Rear Seat Airbag

A large chunk of most auto manufactures funding has been going to safety improvements over the past several years. With improvements like side curtain airbags and collision sensing equipment, vehicles are getting safer every year. Toyota has made another advance in the safety department with the first airbag that will protect the back seat passengers from each other.

Optical Illusion Design: "Unvase" By DOT

Creative consultant and designer, Alberto Caramello decided just last year to open his own business in Turin, Italy; Caramello calls his company DOT, short for Design Oriented Household. He creates designs in small production series, ones that challenge our understanding and our expectations of what objects should be or look like.

T-Qualizer – One Bangin' Sound Activated Shirt

If you have a budding musician or aspiring Idol in your family, they'll love the T-Qualizer, the Sound Activated Graphic Equalizer Shirt.

Scientists Develop Laser Gun To Destroy Mosquitoes

Scientists are working on a laser gun that could kill millions of mosquitoes in just minutes.

Scientists Create Basic Living Model Of Human Brain

Researchers at Aston University in Birmingham, UK are currently in the process of developing a new way to model how the human brain works – by making a living model of the human brain.

Xtrai Sensor System Protects Your Gear from Your Stupidity

EK Xtrai sensor protects your bikes, boat and racks attached to your car roof rack.

Fee Hotel For Fashion Designers & Creative Types At Creator’s Inn

The Creator's Inn in Gothenburg, Sweden takes the term starving artist literally. So to keep artists and creators visiting the city off the streets, they offer free accommodation at the Creator's Inn. If you're a starving artist, travel to Gothenburg, and you'll be taken care of!

Fashion Accessory For The Ninja In You: The Samurai Sword Umbrella

Sometimes the most frivolous and ridiculous fashion items are the ones that bring us the most joy. For the ninja in you, there's the samurai sword umbrella; based on ancient traditions, this strange fashion accessory will fight off threatening raindrops and let you live out your ninja fantasies.

Salt Is Even More Unhealthy Than You Think

Even if your diet is very low in sodium, you may still get heart disease, but reducing your salt intake by just 3 grams a day, something very easy to do, could reduce your chances significantly. Look what this new study determined about salt intake....

New Voice Announce Speakerphone solChat Solar Charged

Scosche Industries, innovator of mobile electronics and iPod accessories since 1980 has recently announced its release of their solar powered Bluetooth speakerphone. Scosche calls the, handsfree talking while driving and solar-powered combined, device the solChat. So it is safe and powered by the sun.

Cats Invited To Climb "The Everest" By Refined Feline

Cat climbers just keep getting more stylish as they offer more options to your cat. The Everest, soon to be released by The Refined Feline should definitely be classified as designer furniture if only by its price -- $999, probably plus shipping.

MIT Designs Fast Charging Lithium Ion Batteries: Could Change Electronics Worldwide

One of the most pressing issues many people have with all electric vehicles is the long charge time needed to reach maximum range. Some can take as long as 8 hours to go from completely depleted to a 100% charge, which a large portion of consumers find too long. Now, engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology may have found a solution to this long-standing problem and, in doing so, launched a new era for battery technology.

Morristown UFO: Close Encounter of the Jersey Kind?

On January 5, 2009, between 8:30 and 9 pm, both cops and residents reported seeing five eerie red blinking lights hovering in the night sky over quiet, little Morris County, New Jersey. One family captured the images and released them to the media. Some twenty-five miles from my own home, that’s a bit too close for me, but no one there seems very comfortable about it either. Read on for more details, and forget about going back to sleep.

Create Your Own Crazy iPhone Cartoon Character with Slide-a-ma-jig


Whether they are online or outside, kids tend to get pretty bored with playing the same old games over and over again.  The folks at Lucky Radish Amusements have released a super silly and totally affordable application that kids of all ages will love.

10 Great Invention Ideas for the Best St. Patrick's Day Ever

The following are my picks for the best St. Patrick's day ever, with a few post-St. Patrick's day reconciliation-style inventions thrown in for good measure.

When Irish Dogs Are Smiling: 12 Fun St. Patrick's Day Dog Costumes

Your dog may have Irish ancestry, be Irish by acquisition, or may just want to down a few with his pals at the dog park. Our 2008 Hottest St. Patrick’s Day Dog Costume winners may help you decide on appropriate attire; they will even make other dogs smile. The costumes are judged in a variety of categories, including Best 'Kiss Me I'm Irish' Dog Jacket, Hottest Irish Dog Muscle T-Shirt, Best Irish Whiskey Drinking Dog Attire, Dumbest Irish Dog Hat, the To Die For Rhinestone Irish Dog Collar, and Toughest Dog In The Irish Hood Jacket. And the winners are: read more »

Frequent Fliers Reveal Little Pieces of Airport Heaven With Airport Havens

Frequent fliers need every opportunity they can get to get their work done, but crowded airports can make for inconvenient distractions. Now, Airport Havens lets frequent fliers reveal the little pieces of heaven they've found when traveling to airports around the US that allow them to get their work done interruption free!

Top 10 Scariest Contact Lenses: Fashion For Your Eyes

The world of eyewear has been forever changed by the introduction of contact lenses, however, not all of them are practical or fashionable; some contact lenses are just downright disgusting, creepy, and especially scary. The top 10 contact lenses mentioned here are in no particular order, because I just can't seem to decide which ones creep me out more!

Beer May Be Bad For The Prostate

St. Patrick’s Day is here, and men better be careful. Researchers say that drinking one pint of beer a day could raise the risk of prostate cancer.

Therm-a-Rest NeoAir: Camping Comfort and Warmth Minus the Weight

An incredible combination of warmth, comfort and lightweight construction, the Therm-a-Rest Neo Air, set for retail next month, is setting a new standard in camping mats.

Brain And Body Building Water For Kids: Y Water

The newest water on the block these days is a "developmental" water. It's for kids and it's called Y Water, as in why not? Y Water comes in four developmental formulas for kids: Brain Water, Bone Water, Immune Water, and Muscle Water. Why not?

Vegetarians And Cancer: Study Yields Surprising Data

There's something refreshing about experimental results that don't agree with researcher hypothesis. It gives scientists more credibility if once in awhile things don't go as they assume. But in the case of a recent British study on diet and cancer, the results just seem weird.

Tiny Blimp a Hint of Things To Come?

Decades after the Hindenburg fell to earth in a flaming mass, innovators still carry a fascination with the concept of the zeppelin.  These range from military applications to low-cost transport... to toys.

Star Trek Toys Boldly Go Where We've Been Before - But Look Really Cool

Star Trek has a worldwide fan base that borders on fanatical.  I should know.  I'm a huge fan (yep--even been to several conventions... but I don't wear any costumes).  When a sort of re-tooling of the Star Trek film franchise was announced, it was greeted by fans with some trepidation.  Who could ever play James T. Kirk other than William Shatner?  With this in mind, the marketing machine went into overdrive.  And part of the marketing of such a big film includes toys.  Read on to get a glimpse at what some of us fans are sure to be buying this summer.

VideoMask 310 - Take Pictures and Videos Under the Sea


Summer will be here before you know it and it won't be too long before swimming season is here.  Liquid Image has a new underwater digital camera coming out, the VideoMask 310.  By combining a swimming mask with a hands-free waterproof digital camera, swimmers and snorkelers of all ages will be able to record all sorts of underwater adventures.

Mushrooms And Green Tea Combined May Considerably Lower Breast Cancer Risk

According to new research, eating mushrooms daily may cut breast cancer risk by two-thirds.

Write With Two Instruments at The Same Time: Great Idea?

The Device for Coupling Writing Utensils is not for everyone. Patent# US 6802665 calls for a unique user, as someone changing writing utensils in mid-air is not something you come across every day. If you are wondering why, don’t ask me, but read on anyway.

Scientists Develop Paint that Repairs Itself under UV Light

One of the most common, and sometimes unavoidable, enemies of vehicle owners is the paint scratch. There are few things that will send someone into a tirade as fast as the first scratch on a brand new vehicle. Thankfully, one company out there may have found the solution to all those little annoying blemishes.

Na Discovered To Go Transparent Under High Pressure

Scientists at Stony Brook University have been able to show that the element sodium (Na), becomes transparent when under high pressure.

Too Little Vitamin D Could Cause Fat Teens

We all know that vitamin D is good for the bones – it helps prevent osteoporosis – but what happens when you don’t have enough Vitamin D in your system?

Landlords & Neighbors Come Together Online: Landlord/Tenant Relationships Easier With Neighbo

While the name of this innovative new business startup, Neighbo, may infuriate my spellchecker; it's alleviating tension between landlords and tenants in the UK by giving all parties a voice and allowing them social networking opportunities that better help them improve their property businesses and their relationships.

Safe Sex Fashions: Swanky Or Spanky Condom Pocket Underwear

 Everyone knows that abstinence is the best way to practice safe sex, but let's face it; sexual abstinence just isn't a realistic choice for all couples, young or old, around the world. A new line of sexy, sleazy and safe underwear encourages safe sex practices by ensuring that a condom is always on board for looming sexual encounters.

Talk About Challenging Times: Try The Binary Clock

What a neat clock. It tells the time, but only after you learn its language. It's the Designer Binary Clock and it will keep your brain doing pushups that actually hurt your head.

Obama Sushi Adds Good Taste to the Executive Brunch

The "Obama Sushi" made by an exceptionally creative sushi chef pays tribute to America's 44th president in a most unusual - and dare I say, tasteful - manner.

Time Banking Can Help During the Recession

In today's recessionary world, its become exceedingly difficult to make time for ourselves and the others we care for. With job lay-offs, the decline of 401Ks and wage decreases, we are spending more time worrying about our finances than taking care of things that still need to be accomplished. Cutting the lawn, walking the dog, tutoring your child are tasks that still need to be tended to, but sometimes overlooked. With our spirits dampened, we fore-go even the basic necessities of our everyday lives.What if you could go to a Time Bank and make a withdrawal of time to assist you during this trying period?

If You're At High Risk For Heart Attack, Stay Out Of Traffic

Whether you are driving or taking a bus, heavy traffic sucks. It’s irritating, aggravating, exasperating and now, we find it really is debilitating. A German study found that heart attack victims are three times more likely to have been in heavy traffic within an hour before having the attack.

WowWee’s Tri-Bot – The Charming Interactive Robot for Kids

 Tri-Bot is an amazing interactive robot with loads of personality. 

Collectible Puzzles By Patou Fine Art & Design

For those who love jigsaw puzzles, you'll definitely want to be a collector of Patou Fine Art and Design's new limited-edition Puzzle Collection of tables. Stand alone as an end table or join together for a sideboard or cocktail table, the collection offers a refreshing look at how to make furniture fit.

Koenigsegg Brings Solar Powered 4-Seat Super Car to Market

A myriad of four seat supercars have been being introduced in the past few months, with such examples as the Porsche Panamera and the Aston Martin Rapide coming to mind. And since nobody likes to be outdone, Koenigsegg decided to bring out their own four-seater supercar for the Geneva Motor Show.

Announce Your Wedding In Style: Unique Wedding Invitations With Poster Bride

Bridezillas may put a lot of emphasis upon choosing the perfect wedding invitation to reflect the bride and groom's personality; but let's be honest; most of the wedding invitations available on the market are pretty generic. While designs may differ, typical wedding invitations are cards, with text and graphics, and they're sent in an envelope. Poster Bride is trying to help wedding planners break out of the confines of traditional wedding invitations by offering a bold alternative; the wedding announcement poster.

Earnest Cut & Sew: Jean Shop For The Designer In You Lets You Create Custom Denim

Whether you find it challenging to fit into off-the-rack jean styles, or just can't find the perfect pair of luxury jeans in stores, there's a New York denim manufacturer that not only lets you see the full-cycle design and manufacturer process, it lets you play fashion designer by creating your own custom luxury jeans.

Incrudo and the Russian Phantom Smartphone

The smartphone market is constantly expanding and Russia, while slow to start, is getting on the bandwagon. Creators of the exclusive Phantom refer to it as the “Rolls Royce of the mobile phone world.” Read all about this beautiful gadget made of incredibly expensive materials.

Do-It-Yourself Design Made Easier!

If you're a design hound like me, you have distinct pictures in your mind of exactly what you want for your home. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find designers with the same pictures in their minds. But suppose you could design your own custom fabric for your bed covers, your throw pillows, or even your own clothing, and have that fabric printed for you at a very reasonable price?

Mother Is Necessity For This Invention: Escape By Nora Flood

Necessity, the saying goes, is the mother of invention. But in the case of Escape, a portable fire escape ladder, Mother was the necessity for the invention.

Blood Test Developed To Predict Frontotemporal Dementia

Researchers worldwide are now looking at possible relationships between progranulin production and other neurodegenerative diseases. As well, they are looking for potential cures for FTD; there are none at this time. However, a group of researchers at the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) has developed a simple blood test to check for progranulin amounts in the blood which would predict FTD.

BMW Working With NASA to Produce A Regenerative Exhaust System

Regenerative braking systems have become a common term in today's automotive communities. As we move to electric power, vehicles will need to make use of every available method to conserve energy to go farther on every charge. BMW has decided to take that idea to another level by using the wasted exhaust energy to produce electricity.

Sipatiniz: Stay Classy With The Spill-Proof Martini Glass

Martinis have become the drink of choice for those looking for a classy cocktail. On Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw and her core group of classy friends never seem to spill a drop of their infamous cosmopolitan martinis. In real life, the rest of us should only be so lucky; martini glasses just seem to be designed for spill.  Perhaps it's a conspiracy by the liquor companies to have martini lovers dispense more money for their favorite classy mixed drinks, or just a greater emphasis upon the look of the martini glasses over function, but spills are an unfortunate reality of martini drinking. Enter the Sipatiniz, the spill-resistant martini glass.

Religion Goes Fashionable & Functional With The Antique Cross USB

So much for your typical flash drive; USB's today come in weird and wacky, and sometimes even fashionable forms. The antique cross USB is a functional and fashionable wearable gadget, perfect for the religious fanatics in your life, your favorite vampire hunters, or the fashion forward who appreciate the occasional geeky gadget.

Elegant Toilet Paper Rolls Take Eco-Crafting To Another Level

Yuken Teryua doesn't do it for the environment. He doesn't just do it for politics either. He just takes regular household items that would otherwise be thrown away and he turns them into art for what seems is the love of art.

Vote Fact or Fake? Vivid Rainbow Colored Flowers

Don't you ever just wish that the common easy to care for and affordable flowers were beautiful and had vivid coloring? That's were Vivid Illusions comes in. Vivid Illusions comes in a wide variety of hues and promises to be able to radically alter and enhance the color of any flower it's fed to.

Dynamically Augmenting Wheel System to Change the Way We Take Our Corners

When it comes right down to it, wheels are pretty much impossible to improve on. Sure, you can reduce their overall weight or have them specially made to match you project, but for the most part wheels have stayed the same for a very long time. The Dynamically Augmenting Wheel System or DAWS is out to change that.t

Sakar's Crayola AM/FM Alarm Clock Radio for Kids

If you are in the market for an alarm clock radio for your kids, this one may be just the ticket.  And this colorful clock radio is so much more than you standard alarm clock for kids.


Dreamy Crinoline Outdoor Furniture For Spring

Everything is fresh and new in Crinoline, Patricia Urquiola's playful, but aristocratic line of outdoor furniture. It's like Spring itself -- fresh, novel, playful, but delightfully haunted by past springs, or were they dreams?

Russia's Innovative Cyber-War on Estonia

There’s a new kind of war in town. Aren’t you thrilled? It entails fighting with bits and bytes instead of bullets, but if you think that means you don’t need to duck, you are mistaken. Read on and learn …well, something new.

Mercedes-Benz Fleet Testing Fuel Cell Bus

While busses are great when you live in the city and want to keep the number of vehicles on the road as low as possible, they require a lot of power to move and are run almost non-stop. Obviously this leaves room for improvements and we have seen many in the past year or two. Recently, Mercedes-Benz offered another solution to public transportation in the form of a Fuel Cell Hybrid bus.

Top 10 Business Ideas Suggested On Twitter: They Do Exist! (Part Two)

As promised, here is Part 2 of the Top 10 Business Ideas Suggest On Twitter: They Do Exist! Now we are counting down the top 5 business services the Twitter nation is looking for, as voiced on the world's most popular microblogging site. Entrepreneurs, get ready to scope out your competition if you're looking for inspiration on your next business startup. Twitter users; pay attention while we count down the top 5 business ideas suggested on Twitter, because here's the answer to your wishes!

Solar Powered Fan Hat: Wearable Gadget Looks and Feels Cool

Spring is in the air, and it's time to start shopping for those unique fashions to build your spring and summer wardrobe. A geeky new wearable gadget, the solar powered fan hat, is the perfect fashion accessory for spring or summer; with its trucker design, it both looks and feels cool.

Wristop Widescreen: Timex Expedition WS4

The new Timex Expedition WS4 makes using all your watch features easier than ever.

Animals As Life Support Machines: Is That Technomimicry?

A young designer from the Royal College of Art in London, Revital Cohen, described a world in which animals might replace the machines and medical devices keeping many humans alive. She spoke to an audience attending the Expo, Design Indaba in Cape Town, South Africa at the end of February. Her presentation was about her "Life Support Project."

Lost But Found Again - Recycled Environmental Art

While we all try and do our part to save the environment, artist John Dahlsen makes art from it.

New iPod Shuffle Drowns Out Predecessors

Apple's new iPod Shuffle is now at the top of the New York Times "Smallest Music Player List" with nothing in second place. Still, its 4GB memory holds 1,000 songs!

Now, Isn't This Just Peezy? Design Week Awards, 2009

Believe it or not, the Best In Show and Best Industrial Product Design of the British Design Week 2009 was a urine receptacle for females called the Peezy™. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that women don't have to pee on their fingers any more while providing a specimen to the lab, but winning a Best In Show competing against the likes of Microsoft Interactive Canvas and Apple's Mac Book Air? When I received the press release and learned that the designer of Peezy calls itself "Funnelly Enough," I just knew this was a joke.

Designer Logos: If You Can’t Wear Them, Lick Them

If "clothes make the man," many men and women are out of luck in these dark economic times. Only those who don’t rely on the stability of the stock market, the banks, or the old homefront can afford to buy the real Yves St. Laurent or Gucci ware. But photographer Massimo Gammacurta suggests that if we can’t wear signs of success, maybe we can lick them....

Rule the Stars by Drawing Pictures with Them

For thousands of years, man has traced the stars in the heavens to make shapes out of them.  Even our modern-day calendar is full of references to the ancient zodiac.  Remember when you were a kid, and you laid on your front lawn just making up shapes out of constellations that probably didn't even exist?  Well, even if you don't, you'll still get a kick out of Arcelik's Rule the Stars.

iPig - One Rockin’ Docking Station for Your iPod


This little piggy from Speakal is not your ordinary iPod docking station.  The  iPig also has an amazing high-quality stereo sound system.

Fashion Advice For Men Got You Tangled In Knots? Learn To Tie A Tie With 2TieATie.com

2TieATie.com is a website startup by a group of young teenagers who understand what it means to be mortified when you have no idea how to get the perfect knot (or any at all) into your necktie before a major fashion event. Not only does this fun fashion website help men overcome their shortfalls with neckties, it teaches them that being fashionable isn't just for the fairer sex after all

Top 10 Business Ideas Suggested On Twitter: They Do Exist! (Part One)

A recent article by Twingly Blog focused on the top 10 businesses Twitter users are wishing for on the Twitter network. It's only a myth that sharing your wishes, even on Twitter, means they won't come true; because the top 10 business ideas do exist! Read on to discover the businesses that meet the needs of Twitter users worldwide in Part 1 of this two part article.

Get A Better Glow With Vedante Pet Collars And Leashes

Of course, seeing this leash bobbing up and down in the dark might scare the poop out of a driver rounding a bend on a dark night. It's more likely he would back up and turn around than try to hit it.

A Baker's Dozen of Japanese Colonel Sanders Statues

When a southern colonel sets up shop in the far east, the west is history.

LaCie Has The Key To Your USB... FreaKey

What do you get when you combine a wacky French design team with a computer memory storage company that calls itself "The Company?" Last year we got some fun flash drives, CurrenKeys from 5.5 Designers and LaCie. Now, they bring us the real key trio of flash drives: iamaKey, itsaKey, and PassKey.

Being Popular In School Could Lead To Better Earnings Later In Life

New research suggests that being popular in school may mean that you could earn more as an adult.

Is Barbie Turning Into a Skank?

What's next for Barbie? As an American icon, she sets the standard for girl's toys and opens up a universe of imagination for little girls all over the world. But now she comes with something new: tattoos. And some parents aren't happy about this at all. But tattoos are nothing compared to what they could do with Barbie...

Russia Orders Early Warning Radar: Intruders Beware

The Russian military claims it has commissioned a new early-warning radarthat via monitoring will protect its southern flank from potential missile threats. Read on for more details and if you are approaching Russia from the south, beware.

Automobile Technology Makes Unique Design For A Stool: Plopp

While Plopp has the appearance of a stool, it also has the appearance of a stool that can't support more than five pounds of weight! But it's not made like a child's vinyl swimming tube; it's not even made of vinyl! It's all steel, very supportive, and its engineering is similar to that used in automobile manufacturing!

Rex the Dawg – The Robotic Farting Dog with Attitude


Rex is not your average, run-of-the-mill canine robot.  Rex the Dawg is a super-lovable pooch with some major attitude. 

Baby Plays: The Netflix Of Children’s Toy Rental

Parents know how quickly kids get bored. One day they're begging you to purchase that trendy toy they saw on TV and the next day it's discarded for that a new toy lugged around by a best friend from daycare. Baby Plays, the Netflix of baby and toddler toy rentals makes sure toys are available to keep up with your child's development rate and attention span, so you don't have to stock your own baby toy warehouse at home.

Trendy Tween DIY Fashion With EST Today Design Studio

Tween Fashion today is taking off; little girls just don't dress like little girls anymore, since many are preparing for the daily fashion show that takes place at school. Now, tween fashion lovers can do more than just shop for their favorite tween fashion; they can design their own clothing with EST Today Design Studio.

Meet Woof Wear's Naughty Norman: He's Organic

Woof Wear Organics® is a new division of Sherpa Pet Group, and it's all about making natural toys for your dog. No buttons, or bells... no rubber... nothing that you dog could swallow and, as the company puts it, recycle on his own. All natural and all organic fibers with anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties go into making these sweet sweet toys for your precious pooch.

Seal, Sierra Club and Facebook Marketplace Sell For A Cause

What do Grammy-award winning artist Seal, the Sierra Club and the Facebook Market Place have in common? The Sale For a Cause tab where Facebook members can sell items and then donate the money they receive to the Sierra Club Foundation. It is an easy way to raise money for an environmental cause.

Explain This Image

Ever since internet connectivity became a staple in every American household, one of the most cherished past times of surfers everwhere has been to find the wierdest and most bizarre images out there, and show them to friends and family.  There's a myriad of sites out there that can bring you strange content, but much of them have become riddled with ads, useless toolbars, and spyware.  ExplainThisImage is such a site that builds upon the tried-and-true practice of looking at bizarre photos from the web, while not overloading you with advertising.

The Russian Nesting Doll Chair: Magic™

Dripta Roy, co-founder of Puur Design, is the magician of the Magic™ chair. It was his intent to use as much as he could of his resource, and it is hard to imagine that he wasted more that a bit of sawdust.

Study Finds Guys Aren’t That Into Girls Who Drink

Sometimes when on a date with someone new, you may drink to relax a little. However, one drink may turn into five or even more than that. While drinking may loosen you up a little to have fun, a new study says that guys would rather a girl not drink when out with them.

Severe Depression Can Really Break A Woman's Heart

A new study has shown that very bad depression can break a healthy woman’s heart.

Sunken 18th Century Russian Ship Stuck in Pipe

During a recent seabed survey for the Nordstream Gas Pipeline Project, a sunken ship along with the remains of five other ships from a Russian fleet that dates back three centuries has been discovered. Scientists have been called upon to quickly save it before fresh construction work destroys it. Read on for some amazing details.

Making Winter Fun: 5 Smarter Ski, Snowboard and Snow Sport Gadgets and Innovations

For many, winter is a long, horrible time of year spent indoors waiting the arrival of spring. With the right gear, it doesn't have to be. Check out some fun little devices that will make winter your favorite time of year!

Can A Cellphone Ringtone Increase Your Breast Size?

A Japanese researcher thinks he's found a cheap, non-invasive breast augmentation method based on a woman's natural physiological response to the sound of a crying baby. Could this be the solution to breast enhancement without surgery?

LEGO Digital Camera: Fun Cam for Kids


The creative folks at LEGO and Digital Blue have teamed up once again to create another super-cool electronic gadget just for kids.

Infinity Moving Forward with Diesel-Hybrid Essence Concept

Since the beginning of the Hybrid race, most of the focus has been put on gasoline electrics and finding ways to improve them. Others have also been researched but many of them, for the most part, have remained out of the spotlight. One such example is the diesel hybrid drivetrain. While some have discussed its feasibility, most pass right over it and move to something else. Thankfully, Infinity has decided to design their own diesel electric hybrid and hopefully move it into production.

UK’s Most Innovative Restaurant: Inamo Touch Screen Ordering & Video Feed

Who needs waiters and waitresses? UK Asian fusion restaurant Inamo, uses cutting-edge touch screen technology that allows diners to browse and make their meal selections self-sufficiently. Patrons can also watch a live video stream directly from the kitchen so they receive no unwelcome surprises in their meals!

Hidden Message Clothing: “Our President Is An Idiot” Says American Fashion Line

Making a true fashion statement, a line of clothing sold in France contains hidden messages that attack American political leaders. The fashions themselves aren't weird and wacky, but the labels the clothing contains certainly deliver a bold message.

Anything/Whatever: It’s A Soda Surprise Every Time You Pop A Can!

We all have that indecisive friend who can just never seem to commit to a decision. How annoying is it when at a party, the wishy-washy person can't even voice their personal drink preference, leaving it up to you to decide what will quench their thirst. Now, instead of shouting in frustration, "won't you just make up your mind", Singapore company Anything takes the refreshment decision out of everyone's hands with their surprise yourself canned drinks.

Beaded Ring Around Esophagus May Prevent GERD: The LINKS™ System

You may never have heard of GERD. It's an acronym for gastroesophageal reflux disease; it's also known as acid reflux disease. It means that contents of your stomach re-enter your esophagus after you eat. GERD can cause serious problems in your esophagus, leading to Barrett's Esophagus, and possibly to esophageal cancer. That is why a successful trial of the LINX™ System is important.

Nissan Connect to Bring Infotainment to Entry Level Vehicles

It comes as no surprise that most of the high end infotainments systems are reserved for the luxury branded vehicles on the road. While this was all well and good in the past few years, Nissan has decided it is time to let them trickle down to more than just the luxury market. "How far down?" you ask, far enough that some high-school students will be bragging about their in-car technology.

TwitterFall: Keep Tabs on Hot Twitter Subjects

Finding new people and keeping up with hot topics on Twitter can be a real pain if you don't feel like "following" every person you come in contact with.  If you use Twitter to gather information on what's the day's buzz, then TwitterFall might be for you.

Coffee Cups That Refuse To Serve You: Mug Pie

....You have to commend Mr. Harper's ingenious rendering of these coffee and beverage mugs, considering he was developing a product inspired by the word refuse. It's not a word that usually inspires new products. But what was actually created, was a very functional design in an interesing and elegant presentation.

Camcorder for Kids: LEGO Animation Station Video Camera

Digital Blue has joined forced with the folks at LEGO to come up with another colorfully creative product for kids.   The soon to be released LEGO Animation Station Video Camera is sure to be a great bit hit with LEGO lovers everywhere.

Shop For Vintage Clothing Without Leaving Home: Online Vintage Shopping With Retro Dress

Finding that perfect vintage piece to make a unique fashion statement typically requires sifting through clothing rack after clothing rack in trendy vintage stores. While for many vintage shoppers, the hunt that takes place at boutique stores city wide may be part of the appeal; for everyone else, there is Retro Dress. Like the convenience of shopping at home and have a love for vintage clothing? Read on and shop online at Retro Dress.

Don’t Let Others Off The Hook: Keep Track Of Favors With Friendly Favor

 Have you ever done a favor for someone only to find it was never returned? While it may not sound like your gesture was out of good will; let's face it, we do live in a "your scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" world. Friendly Favor lets you keep track of the favors you've done for others; swap favors with a friend or family member and ask for help around the house or with childcare. This new startup makes sure favors don't fall between the cracks so you can make sure you and your friends are living up to your end of the favor dispensing bargain

Praying with the Birds: For The Birds or Great Idea?

The Religious Meditation Apparatus which is also known as Patent# US 6837185, provides a means to commune with nature and enhance the experience of prayer. The only question seems to be what the birds get out of it. Read on, but try to avoid wings and feathers for just for a little while.

For Dogs With Hind Leg Injuries, A Wheelchair May Help

Hind leg weakness is quite common in older dogs, but there are some medical conditions that can affect young dogs, as well. Whether your dog has lost full use of his hind legs, has weakness in them, or has a degenerative disease affecting his back legs, he may be helped by use of a dog wheelchair, aka dog cart.

Crayola MP3 Player for Kids

Your children will have hours of fun listening to tunes with their very own MP3 player.  The colorful player, from Crayola, is sure to be a great big hit with the younger crowd. 

5 Seriously Fun Tools For Kids In The Kitchen From Head Chefs™

Stand them, bend them, wiggle or jiggle them, Fiesta's Head Chefs™ are the most fun functional cooking tools around to encourage kids to help in the kitchen. Like characters in a band, they all play a cooking instrument. The measuring cup, pastry brush, spoon, spatula, and whisk ... each so appealing, parents will want to play them too!

Beautiful Girl Clock Ensures You Wont 'Miss' a Minute

'Bijin Tokei' means Beautiful Girl in Japanese, and this downloadable desktop widget from Phiria Design gives you bijins a-plenty - a new pic every minute, as it happens. Watching the clock was never so much fun!

5 Finalists Selected For 2009 European Union Prize For Contemporary Architecture

The European Union Prize For Contemporary Architecture, named for a grand architect of the 20th century, Miles van de Rohe, has honed its 2009 finalist list down to five outstanding European architectural works, from 340 submissions. Architecture is no longer just about building grandiose structures. The works are all very different and reveal how the architects responded to each particular environment and the cultural needs of the community.

Russian Pirates Beware: Shiver Your Own Timbers!

A new fire-fighting robot to fend off pirate attacks has been designed by Russian engineers. Known to wash away pirates and their weapons, even the dastardly Blackbeard himself might have reconsidered before attacking a ship so equipped that it could have forced his early retirement (not to mention, funeral). Read on, as those who deserve it shiver in the pants as well as their timbers

Absolutely Amazing 3D Chalk Art

Edgar Mueller is an artist that creates way more than your ordinary sidewalk art.

Interactive Drum T-Shirt: Fashion That Lets You Be A Rock Star!

ThinkGeek.com keeps up with current trends, but imprinting fashionable music and rock related graphics on their t-shirts. However, their fashionable and innovative t-shirts not only help you look like a wannabe rock star; they also help you become one in a way that's slightly geekier than rock.  With the interactive drum kit t-shirt, you too can be a drum hero, without having to buy a drum set or learn how to play; but prepare yourself for a lot of inappropriate contact when others want to beat your drums.

Mrs. Doe Pee: Laugh & Cringe At Funniest Business Name & Gross Business Opportunity

During hunting season, hundreds of burly woodsmen slather themselves in doe pee to attract and lure their prey with their shot guns at the ready. Wearing pee like perfume certainly isn't glamorous, but it's a necessary part of hunting for sport. If you think that wearing deer pee is disgusting, think about the poor businesses responsible for collecting the doe pee. Mrs. Doe Pee in Iowa specializes in pee farming; be prepared to pity these people because business doesn't get much less glamorous than this.

Cake Mix For Dogs! Just Add Love And Stir

It's kind of against my religion to bake with cake mixes.... On the other hand, I checked out the ingredients, and there's nothing artificial in the Puppy Cakes, no preservatives, nothing you can't pronounce. In fact, Buddy's Best Banana Cake and Fifi's Favorite Carob Cake look like they'd be pretty healthy for your dog.

CookThink will Satisfy Your Cravings

CookThink makes it easy to search for recipes that have all your favorite ingredients in them, or find distinct dishes that feature something different in them.  The home page  has an idea box that lets you click a bunch of different ingredients if you don't already have your appetite made up already.  You can also search by dish, type of cuisine, or whatever mood you're in that day.

Wearable Hydration: Camelbak Racebak and Shredbak

New wearable hydration garments from Camelbak decrease weight, bulk and shifting, creating 72 ounces of water that fits like a glove.

Aquamantra's New BIO Bottle: I Am Green! I Am Green!

Aquamantra, the company that brings you mantras on your bottled spring water, will introduce a new biodegradable PET bottle that will recycle in one to five years, the company says, even without sunlight. Maybe the bottle's new mantra will be I am green.

Site Announcement - March 7, 2008

InventorSpot.com is pleased to announce the addition of another writer to our blogging team. Chris Weiss is a freelance writer who has dabbled in everything from politics to travel. Like many men (and women) out there, Chris is somewhat obsessed with the latest gadgets and technological breakthroughs. As a snowboarder, mountain biker and all around outdoor sports nut, Chris has a particular affinity toward gadgets that are designed to pull you out of the hairiest wilderness survival situations or simply make the outdoors more fun. Chris will be covering gadgets with a slight emphasis on outdoors and fitness-related items. You can check out his amazing finds here.

Wine: A Glass A Day Can Reduce Risk Of Esophageal Cancer

Esophageal cancer is the fastest growing cancer in the U.S. today. In thirty years, esophageal cancer has grown 500 percent! But the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research has discovered that certain diets and a glass of wine can curtail the risk of a precursor to esophageal cancer, called Barrett’s Esophagus.

DVR Sunglasses - A New Way To Record Porn?

Are you being recorded right now? You may want to pay close attention to those glasses worn by the guy at the end of the bar. There may just be a camera in his shades.

Nissan Designs "Aging Suit" to Help Develop More Comfortable Interiors

Nissan has been working hard over the past years to make their interiors as functional and straight forward as possible to both young and old alike. While many companies would prefer surveys and the like, Nissan has taken a slightly more technical approach to making interiors as comfortable and accessible to the older generation. Designers have actually developed an "aging suit" to mimic the challenges and difficulties that aging drivers often have to face.

Bizarre, Elongated Skulls Found In Siberia

Archaeologists in Siberia have recently unearthed a weird set of elongated skulls that date back to the 4th century. Although not the first time odd skulls like these have been found, they raise many new questions as to how multiple cultures across the globe with no contact with each other came to perform the same type of ancient surgery. Read on for details but hang on to…your head.

GraGraph Home Seismograph Sounds Alarm When Earthquakes Shake

Fear of earthquakes got you feeling shaken? The GraGraph home seismograph monitors earthquake activity and lets you know when The Big One - or even a little one - is on its way.

Pod Bouncer: Now Babies Can Rock On!


Move over adults, teens and tweens.  The youngest generation is getting in on the MP3 action with the new Pod Baby Bouncer from Combi. 

Vegetarian Fashion: PETA’s Lettuce Ladies Promote Strange, Edible Lettuce Bikini

Recently I introduced you to the bacon bra; edible fashion created in jest of men's loves of bacon and breasts. It's not quite lingerie, but PETA has created a comparable, sexy edible fashion for vegetarians; the lettuce bikini.

Box-O-Box Care Packages For Your Favorite Slacker…Err, College Student

When someone you love is away at college, it's nice to send them a care package to let them know you care. Starving students appreciate the food, drinks, clothing and money that typically come in care packages more than the gesture, but not when the contents of the care package suck. Box-O-Box is an innovative new company that specializes in creating unique, themed care packages that won't end up in the garbage (they hope).

Wallypop Brings Reusable to Question

Should some things just not be reusable? Personally speaking I don't have a problem with using recycled toilet paper. Sure it isn't soft toilet paper, but it also doesn't require deforestation or the use of dangerous chemicals to make it. What I'm not so sure about is going a step further, for the sake of the environment or my wallet, and using reusable Wallypop wipes. 

10 Clever Clocks & Watches That Spring Forward (And Back) By Themselves

We're living in the 21st Century. With all that science and technology has achieved, doesn't it seem a bit anachronistic that we have to reset most of our clocks and watches manually when daylight savings time comes... and goes?

New Olympus Digital Cameras Give You Clearer Skin, Dramatic Eyes

The new μ9000 digital camera from Olympus makes any klutzy photographer look like an award-winner while making the subjects look as airbrushed as any supermodel. Want bigger, shinier eyes? Just point and click!

Toyota Plans Touch Tracer Display System on 2010 Prius

Even though the Prius was one of the first Hybrids on the road, that doesn't mean the engineers at Toyota can kick up their feet and relax. With other companies producing their own hybrid vehicles, Toyota has to keep bringing out new things to stay on top of the market. Their most recent innovation, the Touch Tracer Display, is aimed at safety rather than fuel economy. However, it could still be one of the next features to appear on pretty much every vehicle on the road.

Karaoke: Inspirational Invention or Just Plain Annoying?

A recent poll of more than 2,500 adults found that that nearly 25% of British people wish karaoke had never been invented. Along with karaoke, some other annoying inventions voted upon and receiving honorable mention included 24-hour sports channels, computer games consoles, mobile phones and alarm clocks! Read on for more details, and wonder what’s an inventor with dreams of creating noisy things supposed to do anyway?

Zoho: The All-in-One Office Everything You Need Software Website

Zoho is a complete office suite that gives you just about everything you could want in terms of office software, all available online through their website.  The service is comprehensive and reliable, and surprisingly inviting upon first look.  If you think it's going to be a simple word processor online, think again.  Word processing is just the beginning of what you can do with Zoho.

NightVision Video Camera: See in the Dark

Move over James Bond and special ops forces!   This video camera is so much more than your standard video cam.   A big hit at the recent 2009 CES in Las Vegas, this awesomely-cool high-tech camera is coming to a store near you.  Although this is a camera for the younger crowd,  my guess is that parents are going to have a blast with it too.

Vote Fact or Fake? Awaken To Cockroaches

Most people have a love-hate relationship with both bugs and waking up on time, with one company combining the two to hopefully inspire more love in their customers than hate.

Live With The Fishes At The Most Fun And Unique Underwater Hotel In The US

Jules' Undersea Lodge in Key Largo, Florida offers a unique experience for those fascinated with marine life. This unique hotel that is only accessible by scuba diving can offer a romantic getaway for honeymooners or an educational look at underwater research with their aquanaut program.

Wearable Heart Monitor: Vital Jacket’s Fashionable & Vital Monitoring Medical Device

Traditional heart monitoring systems are bulky, inconvenient, and just not always practical for everyday use. Biodevices, S.A. specializes in the development of cutting edge medical diagnostic technologies; the Vital Jacket is their newest gadget which is medically functional and actually quite fashionable, too.

2009 Lemelson-Caltech Winner Develops Superior, Cheaper, Faster Blood Test

Ophir Vermesh today became the first winner of the $30,000 Lemelson-Caltech Student Prize for his work in developing the Integrated Blood-Barcode Chip (IBBC), as member of a team of researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Vermesh is a graduate student in chemistry at Caltech.

Purina Mills New Senior Horse Tales Contest Announced

If your horse could use a free ton of Purina Mills Senior Horse Feed, then you will want to enter this year's Purina Equine Senior essay and/or photo contest. Held yearly, the contest has several awards in four different categories: Oldest Horse Contest, Oldest Pony Contest, Essay Contest (General) and Photo Contest.

Inspired By Dog Sniffing: RealNose

RealNose, a multi-institutional project sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), hopes it will be able to simulate dog-sniffing ability in an electronic sniffing machine.

Inventions By Women Wanted By Bed, Bath & Beyond

Ladies, get your inventive minds in gear; a large company is actually asking you for your ideas! That's right. Today Edison Nation announced a new invention contest sponsored by Bed, Bath, and Beyond (B3) that calls for product ideas to retail in its stores. This 'for women only' invention contest is scheduled concomitant with the recognition of American Women of Invention, this year recognizing the 200th anniversary of the first woman* to receive a patent on her invention.

Multi-Tasking Coffe Cup: Wake Me Up & Keep My Schedule!

If you are one that forgets your appointments or the chores you need to do, even on a good day, a new design for coffee cups and cold drink tumblers might help you out. Just write today's list on your Write-On Glassware and erase it when you're done.

U-Turn Digital Camera: A Super-Duper Special Effects Cam for Kids with a Twist


If you've been looking for an inexpensive digital camera for your children, look no further. This compact cam is so much more than your average, ho-hum digital camera - it includes some pretty cool special effects.  A  word of advice for the kids - it wouldn't surprise me if your parents will want to trade their expensive digital cameras for this one!  

$weet Tweet$ or Social Experiment Gone Sour?

Twitter marketing is a burgeoning opportunity for companies with either a meager budget, or a desire to stand out in the crowd. But how does one harness social media to do its bidding. After all, how much can one really say in 140 characters or less? Apparently a lot...

Pop-Up Hotel Room: 5-Star Accommodation Or Glorified Trailer?

Pop-up concepts are literally popping up across the globe; and pop-up hotel rooms are one of the front-runners in the portable business brand. Pop-up hotels offer luxury accommodation where it's not possible to put a full size hotel. The pop-up hotel brand is growing in popularity in Europe in particular, because it's portable, convenient accommodations are ideal for festivals and other outdoor events.

Fashionable Reminders, Weird Tattoo For The Memory Impaired: The To-Do Tattoo List

 The To-Do Tattoo Kit is a funny temporary tattoo for anyone who has ever made a note on their hand. This strange and unique temporary tattoo is a fun way to formalize your to-do list on your body, so you never again have an excuse that you forgot anything. But, you will have to adjust your standards of personal hygiene while wearing this fashionable reminder.

As Tibet Anniversary Nears Youtube is Blocked in China

As I wrote 2 weeks ago, March 10th will mark the 50th anniversary of a failed Tibetan uprising in China, and the 1 year anniversary of last years riots. Well, reports are now coming in via Twitter, Fanfou, and the web that Youtube is now blocked for some users in China, just as it was blocked in the wake of the Tibet riots 1 year ago.

FAIL Stickers Help You Label Your Life

FAIL stickers will help you caption life without having to take a photo and upload it to the internet. Now when you see funny, unintentional inuendos on office building signs you can call them out the world.

2009 Lemelson-Rensselaer Winner Developed Carrier For Nanoparticles

Yuehua Yu, nicknamed "Tony," arrived at Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute (RPI) in 2004 with a degree in chemistry and an advanced degree in polymer science from Nankai University in China. Today he received the Lemelson-Rensselaer Student Prize of $30,000 for his advancement in the fields of medicine, energy production and storage, water purification, electronics, and many other fields that work with nanoparticles.

Cafe Precious in Tokyo Offers Net Surfing in Style, 24-7

My wife is in Japan for a few weeks and she's emailing me from the Cafe Precious, an Internet cafe in Tokyo. I checked out their website and was amazed - cheap, flexible pricing gets visitors a wide range of services, His & Hers washrooms and 54 tasty menu choices.

Smell That? 10 of the World's Cheesiest Ads

Cheese. I love cheese in all of it's forms. Cheddar. Gouda. Strange advertising campaigns. Yep, there's all sorts of cheese out there. Some are delicious. Some are... well, funny, scary, clever, confusing, twisted, and/or rage inducing. So, if you like cheese of many types, join me, dear reader, for a look at some really strange--and sometimes smelly--ads.

Forget YouTube! Fliggo Helps You Make Your Own Video Site

Maybe you're a casual video watcher, or maybe you spend your days vlogging, or maybe even you and your friends all make your own videos.  Whatever the case, you'll definitely be interested in a new site that lets you build your very own social media web site.  Fliggo makes creating your own video site a snap.

SICIS: Brilliant, Sexy, Simply Divine Mosaic Shoe Bathtub

SICIS Art Factory in Milan, that creates exquisite and sexy mosaic tile murals of 1950's style Pin Ups, has announced a line of sculptured mosaic bathtubs and lamps to go with the Pin Ups. The new Pin Up line of bath and lamp accessories, along with at least one new pinup, will be unveiled at the Milan showroom April 22 to 27, 2009. We got a sneak peak from the SICIS press office today.

Dance with Robots and Never Be Alone: Great Idea?

For those who enjoy dancing in the dark and other mysterious places, the Robot Performing Dance Along Music may be just the thing. Patent#US 6782308 may not help out with housework and boring chores like others of its ilk, but it may make you, as the old song says, “never want to change partners again.” Read on and wonder why.

Japan's Golden Age Seniors Get Smaller Silver Cups

In 1963 it was a rare and special thing for a Japanese citizen to reach the exalted age of 100. The government of the day decided to congratulate its annual crop of elderly centenarians - all 153 of them - with a lovely sterling silver cup in a crafted wood presentation box. Fast-forward 45 years and the cash-strapped government is groaning under the weight of nearly 20,000 golden agers hitting their 100th year. DOH!

Yuruppy: The Virtual Pet You Can Rub


If you aren't up to caring for a real honest-to-goodness puppy or kitten, move over Tamagotchi.  There's a new virtual pet coming to a store near you!

Vote Fact or Fake? Sleep for Charity

Ever been late to an appointment or date because you kept hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock and ended up sleeping in? Wish that you had an added incentive to get up? Well now there is a way to make snoozing become very costly with this clock.

Call Cutta in a Box: Your Imaginary Friend For The Office

Call Cutta in a Box offers a one-on-one theater experience like no other that combines an international business industry with the opportunity to make a new friend. Imagine, you're sitting in your office and the phone rings; on the other line is a call center representative direct from India who engages you in stimulating conversation while objects around your office move by themselves to reveal a story. Not a paranormal experience, but not for the paranoid either, Call Cutta in a Box combines business with ultimate entertainment.

Trashy Lingerie: Unexpected Underwear Made From Recycled Aluminum

The world's trashiest lingerie, by artist and designer Ingrid Goldbloom Bloch, isn't what you think. But her designs are do include unexpected underwear, made from recycled aluminum cans and other recyclables. The trashy lingerie is surprisingly fashionable, but wearers should have a doctor remain on call to deliver a tetanus shot for inevitable, not so fashionable, injuries.

Project Green Prom Contest Ends March 30th

For some teenagers there are only a few months left before prom night arrives. While many of these teenagers are buying new dresses, new shoes, new jewelry, renting limos, etc., others are a concerned about the carbon footprint prom night leaves on the planet. To encourage a greener prom, maybe a greener lifestyle too, high school juniors and seniors are encouraged to enter the Project Green Prom Video Contest. 

Plush Tetrapods Turn Your Couch into a Coastline

You may not have seen these odd "tetrapods" before but most anyone in Japan has - half the island nation's coast is lined with them. Now these angular wave-blockers have been reproduced in soft, comfy polyester plush.

2009 Winner Of Lemelson-MIT Award Is Not Your "Average" Student

Geoffry von Maltzahn is a man whose inventions are helping to create not one, but several different paths for successfully treating cancer. He is 28 years old, a biomedical engineer in graduate school at MIT, and he has already submitted 8 patent applications, co-authored 19 papers, founded two companies, and mentors aspiring scientists. And in his spare time...

Blood Pressure Monitor Wins International Product Design Awards

If you need advice on which home medical device you should use to take your blood pressure, look no further than the iF 2009 Gold Award presented to Omron Healthcare today for its Elite 7300 Blood Pressure Monitor. The Omron Elite 7300 also won the Universal Design Consumer Favorite Award of 2008.

Bringing New Life To Old Books - Brilliant Book Art

Brian Dettmer is an artist that takes stories from the inside of books, and creates his own on the outside.

Kids Not Eating Their Veggies? Try Renaming Them

Scientists suggest that changing the name of vegetables may make them more enticing to young ones.

New Homes Are Winners For Small Animals At Global Pet Expo

The 2009 Global Pet Expo was held in Orlando, Florida last month and among the new products awarded were new digs for the category of "small animal pet products," those for ferrets, hamsters, and rabbits, chinchillas, and other, normally wild, small animals. Here are the top three winners in the category; they are all so neat!

Jelly Beans, Your Way!

PartyBeans.com is a new website that has a great product and a great way to market it. The site has become my own one-stop shop for small gifts that make a huge impact on their recipients... because I get to design each package myself! And readers of this column get a 15 percent discount off their first purchases, for a limited time, so read further and get the details.

Russian Academy of Sciences to Explore One of Jupiter’s Moons

The Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences aided by European and NASA scientists are discussing the possibility of exploring one of Jupiter’s moons. The specialists gathered to discuss the potential problems, which may appear during research missions to Europa. Read on and …be amazed.

Power Hog Piggy Bank: Green Gadget for Kids


This little bank isn't your  average run-of-the-mill piggy bank.  The Power Hog helps children learn all about conserving electricity.

SoundZit: Get Music Player for Music Found on YouTube

SoundZit lets you search through YouTube for whatever music you're looking for, and boasts "300,000,000 songs" available, but essentially you have every video on YouTube available to be converted into an audio player which you can take and embed on your web site or profile or where ever it is you like to embed your goodies.

Pretend You Own a Camera? Great Idea?

The Photographing Game Machine that some may know quietly as Patent# US 6832954 is a video game of questionable excitement. Of course, this type of shooting has far less serious consequences than some others and maybe you should read on anyway. Ready, set, focus and shoot!

Eyealike.com: Matchmaker Turns On Daters Using Facial Recognition

A big part of dating is based on physical attraction, and now with Eyealike.com you can upload a photo of your ideal man or woman; whether it's a celebrity crush, your next door neighbor, or TV personality, and find an eligible bachelor or bachelorette that looks just like the person you can't have to love. Live in fear of restraining orders and stalking charges no more, because with Eyealike.com you can find your own version of the man or woman of your dreams through online dating.

Silly or Safe Fashion? Lifebag Cushions Your Head So You Don’t Lose Your Marbles!

Lifebag airbag for your head makes sure you don't lose your marbles during unexpected threats to your noggin. It's a strange safety device that takes safety to the extreme. But rest assured, whether you're involved in extreme sports or convinced the grim reaper's about to come and claim you, the Lifebag is always ready to inflate and save your head from environmental, or even personal threats.

Chasing the Wind: China's Critical Pursuit of Alternative Energy

The Global Wind Energy Council just released some fascinating 2008 year-end data, and there are two big stories that are grabbing everyone's attention

China's Lunar Probe Crashes Into The Moon

The BBC reported yesterday that China, the third nation to put a man into space, has crashed a probe into the moon. But don't worry. That's totally what they meant to do.

A Gel That Cushions Falls Can Also Stop Bullets: d3o™

A gooey gel that hardens on impact enough to protect the knees and elbows of motorcycle racers, the thighs and butts of horseback riders, and the toes of ballerinas, has been chosen by the British Ministry of Defence to protect its combat troops from bullets.

Bailout Your Sleep Debt with Yawnlog

YawnLog is here to help you catch up on some much-deserved shut eye by tracking your sleeping patterns with a simple calendar-based formula.  It's kinda like Twitter, but for catching Z's instead of micro-blogging about Obama's Congressional Address.

Site Announcement - March 2, 2009

InventorSpot.com is pleased to announce the addition of another new blogger to our writing team. Rick Martin is a Canadian freelance writer who has lived in China for 5 years. During that time he wrote extensively about Chinese technology and the internet, and spent some time enrolled in Mandarin language study as well. Rick will be covering innovations and interesting developments from China. You can read Rick's China blog here.

Carry the Family DNA With You Wherever You Go: Great Idea?

The Genealogy Storage Kit, which is known generically as US Patent# 6779665, provides a vehicle for the storage of biological samples. Why settle for an urn when there are so many other patterns and shapes to choose from and this way you can take it with you wherever you go? It’s better than a Hallmark card when it comes to proving that you “care enough to lug around the very best.” Be prepared, and read on even if you don’t own any urns as of yet.

Fashion For the Avid Blogger: Fashionable Glasses Reduce Digital Eye Strain

Staring at a computer screen all day can take a toll on your eyes. Whether you work in an office doing administrative work on a computer, or like me, spend countless hours writing away at home, eye strain can catch up to you. New glasses designed to reduce "visual eye fatigue" and "computer vision syndrome" helps reduce the onset of eye strain and headaches, and if you don't normally wear glasses, give you the intelligent air of a glasses wearing academic.

Slim Rings Make You Toe the Line to Lose Weight

Slim Rings slip around your toes, forcing you to walk with a different posture that makes your thigh & belly muscles work harder - and burn fat faster.

What's Up His Butt? Paper Clips!

The only thing that sticks to most peoples' butts is fat. But the Butt Station, this cute little green guy perched on his "throne," actually has a functional butt -- it's a paper clip magnet! That's not all the Butt Station can do...

New Holland Introduces Fuel Cell Tractor...Proves Even Farms Can Go Green

While alternative energy sources are most prominent when talking about the automotive industry, it has been reaching other places as well. A perfect example of this comes from New Holland Farm equipment and their new Hydrogen Fuel Cell Tractor.

Fact or Fake? Wake n' Bake, The Bacon Cooking Alarm Clock

Heaven on Earth is finally a reality as you can now wake up every morning to the refreshing smell of freshly cooked bacon.

SpyBall: Remote Control Spy Camera for Kids

If you are a high-tech toy lover or happen to have a little James Bond in training, this new robotic item may be just the ticket.

History of the Rubik’s Cube: Madness, Fun and One Man’s Obsession

Rubik’s Cube is an invention that has been torturing puzzle-lovers for decades, but one man in England has surely broken the record for perseverance. It took him 26 years to solve the mystery and he as well as his enduring wife are very relieved that it is all over. If you are a puzzle fan read on, and if you are not, read on anyway and be amazed at how deeply this silly toy has permeated our cultural psyches.

Shocking & Disturbing Restaurant Offers Unique Dining Experience With A Hospital Theme

Hospitalis is a disturbing new restaurant that has opened in Riga, Latvia. Its weird and wacky hospital themed dining experience takes place in a sterile, modern medical environment and boasts nurses in complete uniform, patients in straight jackets, and the opportunity to dine on gurneys and operating tables. Meals at this strange and disturbing restaurant are served in a way that might shock and disturb you. The dining experience available at Hospitalis certainly isn't for the faint at heart.

Site Announcement - March 1, 2009

InventorSpot.com is delighted to add an artist and aspiring inventor to our blogging team.

Alex Eremenko is a full time college student double majoring in Psychology and Business. In his spare time, he is a freelance writer and digital artist, working with Photoshop and Maya. He will be writing a recurring column for us titled "Fake or Factual?" in which he will be featuring inventions both fake and real with the common theme of being mildly absurd or wildly imagininative.

The articles will be appearing later this week and seen at Alex's Blog. Go and vote whether you think his finds are Fake or Factual.


Protoscar Unveils All Electric Lampo Concept

Last month, another all electric roadster called the Protoscar Lampo was partially unveiled to the public. Aside from a few pieces of information about the power train, Protoscar didn't give out many details regarding their new sporty EV, however they did say it would be bowing at Geneva and more information would be available just before the show.

Make Embeddable Custom Video Playlists with Embedr

Individual embed codes can take up a lot of space in your layout, and there's no guarantee that users will watch every video.  Embedr attempts to solve these problems by making you a customized embeddable video playlist that you can add to any site that supports embedded objects.

Contain Explosions In Your Spare Time: Great Idea?

Patent#US 6854374 also known as the Explosion Containment Net could well be the perfect gift for the terrorist on your list who has just about everything. Think ahead, even though we are nowhere near the holidays, because explosions can and usually do make a difference. Read on, but duck.

The 10 Strangest Shoes In Fashion Today

What fashion lover doesn't love shoes? I've compiled the strangest shoes in fashion today that even the biggest fashionista may or may not love. These shoes are innovative, funny, and some are even disturbing. Be prepared, any preconceived notions you have about shoes are about to change!

Get Naked With Wine! Taking It Off With Naked Wines’ Online Winery

Naked Wines is an online farmer's market for independent wineries in the UK. Wine drinkers benefit from discount prices to purchase their favorite merlots, pinots and chardonnays and get advice on which wines are worth tasting. Love wine? Then get naked with Naked Wines.

ClearlyU: A Personalized Bible for Kids


For believers, a Bible is a coveted and very personal item for many adults and children.  Now children can personalize their Bible just the way they want with ClearlyU.

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