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Take-A-Seat 3-IN-1 Tailgating Bench, Bike Rack and Cargo Carrier

Take-A-Seat is your 3-in-1 seating, bike rack and cargo carrier solution.

The unique, patented design and convenience of Take-A-Seat is the tailgater's answer to bringing all of their needs to the big game, race or any outdoor event! Take-A-Seat transforms in to a 3-place bike rack and a handy carrier for coolers or other cargo.

Enjoy the world's first vehicle-mounted collapsible chair along with a bike rack and cargo carrier. See why it was voted top 24 finalist on ABC's American Inventor!


Urban Mushing: Inventor Creates Dog-Behind-The-Wheel Power And A New Sport

I never thought that dogs and drivers might have "issues" with dog sleds.  But inventor Mark Schuette from Bend, Oregon says mushing can create steering battles because the dogs are in front of the riders and, therefore, have the ultimate steering control.  That's why Schuette invented the first dog-behind-the-wheel Dog Powered Scooter, Dog Powered Trike, TrikeBike, and Dog Powered Skateboard, that put the dog behind the wheel instead of in front of it.  Read on and see how you can urban mush your dogs.

Google Search Goes 'Local' With Androids & iPhones

Location-based services are 2010's hot ticket item. As hyped as 'real-time search' was in 2009, all things 'local' will be the focus this year by search companies like Google and the social networks of Facebook and Twitter. Optimized search suggestions using one's location was announced by Google on January 14.

10 Decorative Solar Lights That Make Romance At Night

I've totally fallen for the gorgeous solar garden lights created by Allsop Home and Garden, and I've picked 10 of them to share with you. The photos are delightful, of course, but all of them are taken in spring or summer settings. I don't know what it is about these lights, but I see them cropping up among the tree icicles and the clean snow mounds on the ground. So romantic!  Just look at them and let them dazzle you!

Yamaha Sparks Interest With Improved Electric Bicycles

Yamaha's five new and improved PAS series electric motor-assisted bicycles are aimed at women, students and urban non-drivers.

Liquid Image Summit Series Snow Goggles Shoot All Your Ski-Trip Video

Taking two slopeside essentials and combining them into one, Liquid Image presents the Summit Series goggles. Protect your eyes and capture the moment forever with this innovative accessory.

Classic, Chic And Whimsical Birdcage Umbrella Brightens A Rainy Day

Umbrellas are an under-appreciated accessory, but if you follow my blog - you know I'm a big believer in their ability to brighten your day and your outfit on the dreariest of days. A new one to come across my radar is classic, chic and sure to be a conversation starter.

Augmented Reality Could Transform Legacy Newspapers Into Video Media

Remember when after reading something of great interest, you daydreamed about the content as if it was a living scenario, whether it was fiction or the daily news. Now with the assistance of Augmented Reality, the content you read will virtually be able to pop off the page and begin speaking to you.

Google Could Become Obama's Next Secretary Of Energy

When you can't get things done the way you'd like them done - Diversify, Diversify, Diversify! Google staying true to itself...that is, doing whatever it bloody well likes - has applied for approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to be allowed to buy and sell power much like utilities do.

72-Hour Social Media Blitz To Hunt For Susan Powell

The mystery of a missing mom's disappearance on December 6 could have been ripped from a screenplay out of a Law & Order TV episode. Strange disappearance of a 28-year Susan Powell while husband Josh Powell takes toddlers camping in a wintery Utah desert the night she disappeared.

Golf Ball Launcher Should Make Golf More Interesting

Not getting the oomph you need from your golf swing? Consider loading the ball into a large, intimidating firearm and shooting it at the green.

Chariot Skates: Skiing, Cycling And Skating Combine For One Funky Pair Of Skates

An interesting new concept in skating, Chariot Skates promise to be a unique way to get from place to place.

Iranian Activist Fights With Top Social Media Tool Of The Decade

A recent Mashable report couldn't have been more on target when it recognized YouTube as the top social media innovation of the decade. That social media tool in the able of hands of  Mohsen Sazegara, an opposition activist is being used as a military resource to rebel against Iranian tyranny that has swept the land since the disputed presidential elections held back in June. Like David versus Goliath, this is a classic tale of choosing the right weaponry.

Mattracks Powerboard Sounds More Fun Than It Looks

Part snowmobile, part snowboard, part motorized scooter, the Mattracks Powerboard appears to be decidedly less fun than all of the above.

Protective Winter Boots: Reversible Cleat Boots Prevent Slipping And Scuffing

During those icy months in cold climates conditions can be treacherous. It's not uncommon to do a butt plant (or face plant if you're not so lucky). Special grips and cleats can be added to your winter footwear to provide winter traction, but they're not exactly the most practical solution.

Brightkite's Augmented Reality Adds New Dimension To Your Holiday Shopping!

A new wrinkle in Holiday Shopping. One the hottest location-based social networks on the market today just added Augmented Reality to one's holiday shopping experience. Just point your smartphone's camera toward any shopping area and view more than you bargained for.

Finis Introduces Waterproof XtreaMP3 For Outdoor Sports

Designed for your most "Xtream" endeavors this new MP3 player offers waterproof, shockproof construction.

10 Outdoorsy Gifts for Hikers, Campers and Other Outdoor Adventurers

Have a trail-cutting backpacker or first-tracks-etching skier on your holiday shopping list? Our list of holiday gifts includes unique ideas for water, land, snow and air. Get it done right this year.

Will Google Purchase Yelp To Create Its Own Foursquare?

Rumors are running rampant that Google is closing in on a potential acquisition of Yelp. Why would the Search Engine Giant consider such a move? Might a small savvy start-up like Foursquare be in its cross-hairs?

Gyroscopic Golf Trainer Boosts Your Swing

Get his game on track this holiday season with this helpful golf tool.