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  1. @kapilvt the blog link in your twitter bio looks børken to me?
  2. #OECD Factbook for #iPhone: (via @TobyABGreen at #alpsp conference)
  3. @charlierapple Twitter say RT is 'emergent' phenomena #alpsp
  4. @briankelly (paraphrased) : Twitter forces you to write in soundbites #alpsp
  5. @charlierapple I would love it if Mons makes the haystack slide and triples example freely available! #alpsp
  6. Mons: Datarrhoea - writing fossilises and obscures knowledge #alpsp
  7. Mons: I'm in the business of writing-avoidance (not just reading avoidance) #alpsp
  8. Jankowski: 'in media res' - a "deviant" journal. Commentary on draft text is incorporated in final version #alpsp
  9. Green: Mystery why OECD tarmac book 2nd most popular on Google Books. *No* correlation with print sales #alpsp
  10. Green: Making all books free on Google Books had *no* effect on print and online sales #alpsp
  11. I've downloaded and installed the OECD factbook in the 2mins since Toby Green mentioned it in his talk. "I want it now" in action #alpsp
  12. Green: No space for Kindle in our world; why would you want another device? #alpsp
  13. Green: OECD mash papers, journals, data, books; People are not looking for ebooks, they are looking for answers to their questions. #alpsp
  14. Green: OECD sustainable development book gets custom POD in Australia showing how much CO2 is saved by local printing #alpsp
  15. @charlierapple I remember. 45% animal fat, 45% water, 5% stabiliser and 5% shiny waxed paper. ick :P
  16. @bookstothesky I still wish I knew exactly what the 'sauce' will be though! #alpsp
  17. Engelland: "Hic sunt dracones" metaphor for potential churn in market, channels and models #alpsp
  18. Pinter: 'enhanced ebook content' is the premium 'sauce' which will generate revenue #alpsp
  19. @charlierapple Ice cream = hangover cure? Shurely shome mistake #alpsp
  20. Pinter: Plain Vanilla ice cream = good old HTML version of the published content. Free under CC non commercial licence #alpsp