Paris in Brooklyn

Mildrade Cherfils - GlobalPost February 9, 2010 19:05 ET

New York's Little France blossoms

Some French who have made Carroll Gardens home tout its benefits over their native land.

By Mildrade Cherfils - GlobalPost
Published: February 10, 2010 08:00 ET

NEW YORK — Three years ago, after hearing about Brooklyn’s burgeoning Little France through word of mouth, Jean-Jacques Bernat relocated his bistro there. He said his new neighbors reacted to his arrival by revamping their own businesses — adding a fresh coat of paint here, replacing a crumbling light fixture there.

“We stimulated the...

Recent on France:

France's new breed of entrepreneurs

Ben Barnier - France - February 2, 2010 11:20 ET

Verdict launches de Villepin's political future

Mildrade Cherfils - France - January 29, 2010 12:56 ET

Will the former prime minister challenge French President Nicolas Sarkozy in 2012?

French identity debate: beyond burqas

Mildrade Cherfils - France - January 26, 2010 11:00 ET

As lawmakers considered a burqa ban, France debated identity, immigration and integration.

In Paris, hats are back on top

Ben Barnier - France - January 19, 2010 08:13 ET

Suddenly, young Parisians are wearing old-fashioned hats, from fedoras to berets.

Haiti: A long survival story

Mildrade Cherfils - The Americas - January 17, 2010 09:32 ET

How the Haitian diaspora feels angry for a nation born in pride.

Haitians in France: Desperate for news

Ben Barnier - France - January 13, 2010 20:06 ET

The Paris taxi smackdown

Mildrade Cherfils - France - December 29, 2009 07:02 ET

Paris' taxi driver union protests encroachment by motorcycle taxis on their business.

EU politics cause UK-France rift

Teri Schultz - European Union - December 15, 2009 06:44 ET

The appointment of a new European Commission every five years sees countries jockey for key slots.

Helping Americans escape domestic violence abroad

Mildrade Cherfils - France - December 8, 2009 09:32 ET

The prominent backers of a growing non-profit recognize the legal and practical complexity of escaping domestic violence while abroad.

Germany and France remain non-commital on Afghanistan

Teri Schultz - European Union - December 2, 2009 22:24 ET

Many, but not all, European allies rally behind Obama after his speech.

Where the turkey is called chompipe and other Thanksgiving stories

News Desk - Worldview - November 26, 2009 12:40 ET

Tales from Thanksgivings on four continents, not including North America.

Spending the night in Paris' murky underground

Mildrade Cherfils - France - November 23, 2009 11:26 ET

Most of Paris' catacombs aren't open to tourists — but that doesn't mean no one visits them.

Croissants: Hours to make, a lifetime to master

Ben Barnier - France - November 20, 2009 06:29 ET

A Paris croissant addict learns the secrets of baking the buttery, crusty treats.

Outraged Ireland demands a replay

Conor O'Clery - Ireland - November 19, 2009 11:53 ET

A French hand ball puts Ireland out of the World Cup.

What feta and reindeer meat have in common

Paul Ames - European Union - November 13, 2009 08:53 ET

Serbs become the latest to worry that their ethnic cuisine will be registered by an EU country.

A short hop on a big plane

Mildrade Cherfils - France - October 30, 2009 22:12 ET

GlobalPost hitches a ride on Air France KLM's first A380. Next stop? New York.

When a Muslim soccer team won't play a gay one

Mildrade Cherfils - France - October 20, 2009 20:09 ET

The refusal by Creteil Bebel to play Paris Foot Gay leads to public outcry in France.

A Big Mona with fries?

Mort Rosenblum - France - October 16, 2009 09:13 ET

Escoffier, Brillat-Savarin and, yes, Julia Child would turn over in their graves at the state of French food.

Analysis: Bokova will need goodwill at Unesco

Mort Rosenblum - Diplomacy - October 15, 2009 10:27 ET

The new Unesco director general, a Bulgarian, takes over after a controversial selection process.

Global Blogs:

Bouvet on the Veil and the NPA

French Politics - France - February 12, 2010 16:15 ET

Laurent Bouvet, with whom I often agree, here attacks the decision of the NPA to run a candidate who wears the veil, and I'm afraid that this time I can't agree with him or even make much sense of his argument, His first point is that parties should be doctrinally pure and...

French Listening Resources: Weekly Updates to Podcast

Jennieen France - France - February 12, 2010 13:09 ET

I’ve just uploaded the latest mp3 to the French Listening Resources podcast, so it will be available for download soon through iTunes or immediately through the site. I’m going to try to update every weekend and also provide the transcript right away (in text format...

snowy snowy snowy

AKiwi inFrance - France - February 12, 2010 06:54 ET

Snowing on Thursday nightWe had about 30cm in total I think and it's still coming down today but not as heavily.My streetAwesome fountainBearded manI've been home all week sick as a dog with a cold/flu/throat infection/sinus infection (I'm not sure exactly what but I prefer to...

Better Than Lollipops

Laura Bradbury, Author, "The Grape Journal" blog - France - February 12, 2010 10:30 ET

Thank you to my lovely Beaune correspondent Allison May for the following video of wine "stalactites" near Maison Drouhin in Beaune. Am I the only one who feels the urge to kneel down and lick these?

Tempete de neige

Polly-vous Francais - France - February 10, 2010 20:28 ET

SNOW!!Well, it may be vaguely solipsistic (gee, I love to use the litterati words I learned in 20th-century French theatre class), but to me it sure seems as though it's snowing everywhere.  Snowing in Paris today.  Snowing in the Alps.  Snowing where I was just...

Mmmm.... Is that why?

Ask a Frenchman - France - February 8, 2010 19:55 ET

A huge number of people arrived on this blog today with the following query on google: "how to impress a French man", just in the last 90 minutes, 23 people arrived this way.I was wondering why, and then I stumbled upon that commercial that aired during the Super Bowl last...

East Coast Blizzard of 2010.

FrenchKiss ProvenceStyle - France - February 7, 2010 09:47 ET

The amount of snow that has fallen in the DC area is the most snow that has fallen since people started keeping track of that sort of thing.  The estimates in our area are between 2' and 3'.  Yesterday morning, we measured a little over 2'.  The snow started...

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