IMDb > Players' Club (2006) (V)

Players' Club (2006) (V) More at IMDbPro »

Players' Club -- Coming of age story in which Bobby pulls away from his chauvanist, poker playing buddies after he finds out he's a father. Dramatic, with an undertone of dark comedy. Shot, edited and post produced in 48 hours. Won 5 awards at '06 Elevate Film Fest.


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Wow...this film is very deep and actually has quite a bit to say See more (1 total) »

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USA:10 min


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1 out of 1 people found the following review useful.
Wow...this film is very deep and actually has quite a bit to say, 13 April 2009
Author: planktonrules from Bradenton, Florida

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

PLAYER'S CLUB starts off in a room where a group of guys are playing poker. Much of the talk is about sex, as one of the guys talks about how he's cheated on his wife. While most of the guys seem to condone and even encourage this, one is angry and asks him "how's your wife doing?"--a pointed comment, to say the least. Well, the cheating jerk is indignant, as questioning him about this violates some unwritten code for the poker games.

Later, the guy who asked how the cheater's wife was is talking alone with one of the fellows and he explains why he felt compelled to say something. It seems that he's just become a father--sort of a "surprise package". And, when he saw his new daughter, he promised himself to be a better person and treat women with respect. In light of this, he just doesn't feel much like coming back to these sexist poker nights. The friend encourages him not to--and shows support for his decision.

Some time later, the guys are back together (minus the new dad) and they begin trash talking the guy--at which point the friend gets angry and tells them all off. Finally, at the very end when you think it's all over, there is a very, very interesting epilogue that gives the story a nice twist.

Finally, a film about masculinity--real masculinity. Instead of the usual macho posturing, the film has a lot to say about respect and true manhood--something you very rarely hear about in films. In fact, despite a little harsh language, this would be a great film to show your sons, as you would hope they would learn a lesson on what being a real man is like. Very deep and very profound.

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