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UTC-4: Blue (December), Orange (June), Yellow (all year round), Light Blue - Sea areas

UTC−4 is the time offset used in the Atlantic Standard Time Zone in Canada in winter and the North American Eastern Time Zone during daylight saving time (DST), in the Caribbean region this is considered as the Eastern Caribbean (ECT) timezone. There are possibly other various names in other countries.

[edit] As standard time (all year round)

[edit] ECT - Eastern Caribbean Time Zone

[edit] Atlantic Standard Time

[edit] Other Caribbean

[edit] South America

[edit] North America

[edit] As standard time (Northern Hemisphere winter)

[edit] Atlantic Standard Time

[edit] As standard time (Southern Hemisphere winter)

[edit] South America

[edit] As daylight saving time (Northern Hemisphere summer)

[edit] Caribbean

[edit] Eastern Daylight Time

[edit] References