David Provost

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David Provost (or David Provoost) was the Mayor of New York City from 1699 to 1700.

David Provost was Born in Ulster, New York, in about 1672, to Benjamin Provost, one of New Amsterdam's Dutch burghers, and Elsie Alberts Provost[1].

In 1699, David Provoost was appointed Mayor[2]. During his administration, two new market houses were erected, one at Coenties Slip and the other at the foot of Broad street. A hospital-home for the poor was established. Public street cleaners were hired, and homeowners were directed to pave in front of their houses or face fine of twenty shillings.[2]

The ferry to Long Island was contracted out for a term of seven years at a rent of one hundred and sixty-five pounds sterling per year. By the conditions of lease, the lessee was required to keep two large boats for corn and cattle, and two smaller boats for passengers. The city engaged to build a ferry-house on Nassau or Long Island, which the ferry operator was required to keep in repair.[3]

In 1699, the firing of guns within New York City was strictly forbidden. A powder-house was ordered to be built for public use, and all persons were prohibited from keeping more than fifty pounds of powder in their house.[3]

An tax was levied on all flour and bread brought into the city. This tax, however, proved unpopular, and was annulled a few weeks later.[3]

Provost was succeeded in office by Isaac De Reimer in 1700. After his tenure as Mayor, Provost served for a time as alderman[4]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Provost Family Tree
  2. ^ a b Booth, Mary Louise (1859). History of the City of New York. page 262: W.R.C. Clark. http://books.google.com/books?id=bJv6hZi-7ysC. 
  3. ^ a b c Booth, Mary Louise (1859). History of the City of New York. page 263: W.R.C. Clark. http://books.google.com/books?id=bJv6hZi-7ysC. 
  4. ^ Booth, Mary Louise (1859). History of the City of New York. page 266: W.R.C. Clark. http://books.google.com/books?id=bJv6hZi-7ysC. 
