North Korea Uncovered

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North Korea Uncovered
Keywords North Korea, Geography, Politics
Funding agency
Project type Academic
Objective Comprehensive multi-dimensional Google Earth mapping of the infrastructure of North Korea

Curtis Melvin, et al

Budget Overall:


Duration  ? 2007 - June 2009
Web site

North Korea Uncovered is a comprehensive set of mappings of North Korea. It includes in-depth coverage of thousands of buildings, monuments, missile-storage facilities, mass graves, secret labour camps, palaces, restaurants, tourist sites, and main roads of the country, and even includes the entrance to the country's subterranean nuclear test base.

The mapping was the result of a two-year effort by doctoral student Curtis Melvin and other volunteers, who pored over hundreds of news reports, images, accounts, books, and maps in order to identify the geographic and political sites. The result has been called one of the most detailed maps of North Korea available to the public today. It is available as a small KMZ file, viewable with Google Earth. As of February 2010, the data file has been downloaded more than 150,000 times.[1]

[edit] References

  1. ^ "North Korean Economy Watch". Retrieved 2010-02-01. 

[edit] External links
