Chinuch Atzmai

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Chinuch Atzmai was founded in 1953 by the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah (Council of Torah Sages of Agudath Israel in Israel) to serve as an alternate school system for Orthodox children in Israel. It was initially led by Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin.

The diverse nature of Israel’s society is accommodated within the framework of the education system. Different sectors of the population attend different schools. Although, parents are comforted by the fact that their children’s school may more or less reflect their basic worldview, this separation results in very little contact among the various segments of Israeli society. Schools are divided into five groups: State schools (mamlachti), attended by the majority of the pupils, State religious schools (mamlachti dati), which emphasize Jewish studies, tradition and observance. Independent religious schools (Chinuch Atzmai) which focus almost entirely on Talmud Torah and offer very little in terms of secular subjects; Private schools which reflect the philosophies of specific groups of parents (Democratic Schools) or are based on a curriculum of a foreign country (e.g. The American School). Arab schools, with instruction in Arabic and a focus on Arab history, religions and culture.

There are approximately 80,000 students currently enrolled in Chinuch Atzmai schools, which include Bais Yaakov schools for girls, Talmud Torah, Cheder and Yeshiva Ketana for boys. There is a strong emphasis on Jewish studies in these programs.

The schools are partially supported by the State; however, the Ministry of Education is not responsible for the curriculum, the hiring and firing of teachers, or for the registration of pupils. Chinuch Atzmai's funding has traditionally been supplemented by donations from outside of Israel, particularly the United States. Rabbi Aharon Kotler, one of the movement's founders, was extremely instrumental in fundraising for the organization. Due to sharp cuts in state funding over recent years, the movement has had to redouble its efforts in order to keep schools from closing.