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contact information

Leigha Tracey

E-mail Address:

Permanent Address:
686 Marshall Road
Vacaville, CA 95687

Phone: (707) 451-2725

leigha tracey

professional profile
Secondary Education teacher of Journalism and Government.

mood swingers
Foolish fear of spiders, the word chalk and pantyhose.

Beat poetry, snowboarding, hiking, political theory, sky colors, and photography.

Ball State University, Bachelor of Science 1993
Journalism, Pre-law/Political Science

Latin American Institute of International Studies, Vienna Center
Vienna Austria 1992

Ball State University, Masters in Secondary Education 2002
Journalism, Government

work experience
In my past lives I have been the Marketing Director for a Mortgage Company, written public policy manuals for a state senator, volunteered PR work for women’s groups, and written training manuals for an at-risk youth program (among many other daring and not so daring feats). My experience includes many writing genres including: web-based design and copy, internal and external corporate publications, mass mailings, advertising and PR kits, slogans, video scripts, newsletters, proposals, pitches, personal diatribes, and anything else one could even imagine needing to be written.


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