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Rest in peace, David Mills

6 hours ago | | See recent news »

"Homicide: Life on the Streets." "The Wire." "NYPD Blue." "ER." "The Corner." This isn't a random list of television classics. This is a list of the shows that David Mills wrote for. Mills passed away Tuesday in New Orleans, where he was working on the HBO series "Treme," which premieres April 11. According to a story by New Orleans Times-Picayune critic Dave Walker, Mills died of a brain aneurysm. HBO released a statement today: "HBO is deeply saddened by the sudden loss of our dear friend and colleague David Mills. He was a gracious and humble man, and will be »

- Tempo

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Leonardo DiCaprio eyes Clint Eastwood's J. Edgar Hoover biopic

3 hours ago | EW - Hollywood Insider.com | See recent EW.com - Hollywood Insider news »

He's already worked with Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg, so it was really just a matter of time until the Oscar-nominated actor joined forces with the legendary Clint Eastwood. Leonardo DiCaprio himself confirmed to EW that he's met with Eastwood on the project, which would follow Hoover's tenure -- and influence at -- the FBI. No deal is yet in place, but DiCaprio is clearly engaged. "It sounds interesting to say the least," says DiCaprio. "There's no contract, no anything, but I'm a huge fan of Clint's." Dustin Lance Black (Milk) wrote the script and Brian Grazer and his Imagine Entertainment are producing. »

- Nicole Sperling

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Heroic Stand and Deliver Teacher Dies of Cancer

12 hours ago | PEOPLE.com | See recent PEOPLE.com news »

Jaime Escalante, the East Los Angeles math teacher whose story inspired the 1988 movie Stand and Deliver starring an Oscar-nominated Edward James Olmos, died at his son's Reno, Nevada, home Tuesday after a lengthy battle with bladder cancer. He was 79. From his classroom at Garfield High School, the real-life hero completely transformed the school's math curriculum and pushed his struggling students to master advanced math and science courses. At one point, Garfield had the fifth-highest number of advanced placement calculus students in the country. Escalante left the school in 1991 and taught in Sacramento before retiring to his native Bolivia in 2001. He is survived by his wife, »

- Stephen M. Silverman

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Gabourey Sidibe to Host Saturday Night Live!

2 hours ago | E! Online | See recent E! Online - Movies and Television news »

Dear Howard Stern, Gabourey Sidibe is doing just fine, thank you very much! Despite the shock jock's controversial remarks that the Precious Oscar nominee will have trouble getting more work in Hollywood because of her size, a source exclusively tells me that... Ms. Sidibe is going to be hosting an upcoming episode of Saturday Night Live! "It literally just happened," my source said of the deal. No word on an exact date yet. Jennifer Lopez hosts this Saturday, followed by Tina Fey and Ryan Phillippe. And as most of us already know, Betty White gets the honors on May 8. SNL is not—we repeat, not—the only gig Sidibe has scored since her feature film debut. She has a »

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Jay Leno: Conan O'Brien and I 'Got Screwed' by NBC

3 hours ago | PEOPLE.com | See recent PEOPLE.com news »

Joy Behar may have been the guest on Tuesday's The Tonight Show, but host Jay Leno was the one who really dished. In a short conversation backstage, Leno told Behar that he and Conan O'Brien were both "treated terribly" in January's shake-up at NBC, which eventually restored him as host of The Tonight Show. "Conan got screwed. I got screwed," Leno said. "This is TV. The reason show business pays a lot of money is so when you get screwed you've got something left over." But Leno expects O'Brien, who recently announced a 30-city North American tour, to return to television eventually. »

- Blane Bachelor

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Like LL Cool J, Toby Keith was unaware of his inclusion in Sarah Palin's show

4 hours ago | Hitfix | See recent Hitfix news »

Like LL Cool J, Toby Keith is slated to appear on “Real American Stories,” a Fox News show hosted by Sarah Palin. Unlike LL Cool J, Keith is still slated to be on the program, but his inclusion was news to him.  We just talked to Toby Keith's representative. Keith, who says he's a registered Democrat,  was not told about the usage of a past interview for Palin's program. "We were never contacted by Fox," his rep tells Hitfix."I have no idea what interview it's taken from.They're promoting this like it's a brand new interview. He never sat down with Sarah Palin." »

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'Treme,' 'Wire' writer David Mills dies

31 minutes ago | Hitfix | See recent Hitfix news »

 New Orleans (AP) - David Mills, a veteran television writer who worked on the award-winning series "ER" and "The Wire," has died. He was 48. Mills died Tuesday night in New Orleans, said HBO spokesman Diego Aldana, declining to provide any other information. No cause of death was released and an autopsy is pending. Mills had been living in New Orleans while co-writing and acting as co-executive producer of the new HBO series "Treme." He wrote two of the upcoming episodes, which are being shot in the city. The drama is set to premiere April 11. Wendell Pierce, who played Detective »

- Mary Foster (AP)

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The M/C Review: 'Clash Of The Titans' feels oddly earthbound

36 minutes ago | Hitfix | See recent Hitfix news »

The original "Clash Of The Titans" was released in 1981, and even in that era, it was already a curio, a throwback to an earlier age of special effects and storytelling.  Released at the moment where motion-controlled cameras and optical printing were the state of the art, "Clash" was an unabashed stop-motion showcase for the talents of Ray Harryhausen.  Even so, it certainly took some cues from the reigning box-office champ at the time, "Star Wars," in the form of the distinctly R2-D2-esque mechanical owl Bubo.  One of the reasons the film felt dated the moment it was released was because of »

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Listen: Firewall & Iceberg Podcast No. 10

1 hour ago | Hitfix | See recent Hitfix news »

  It's time for another Wednesday installment of The Firewall & Iceberg Podcast.   With our next two weeks a little bit up in the air due to Alan Sepinwall's schedule, we skipped ahead a little bit and talked about HBO's excellent "Treme."   We also covered Thursday's returns of "Bones" and "Fringe," Friday's premiere of "Miami Medical" and, as always, "American Idol" and "Lost" as our bookends.   The "V" Countdown Bug - 00:00 - 04:00 "American Idol" - 04:00 - 10:00 "Treme" and David Mills - 10:00 - 20:10 "Miami Medical" - 20:15 - 25:00 "Fringe" and "Bones" - »

- Daniel Fienberg

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Watch: Janelle Monae has happy feet in video for 'Tightrope'

2 hours ago | Hitfix | See recent Hitfix news »

   Is Janelle Monae a dancing fool or just plain crazy? Either way, she’s got rhythm.   In the video for “Tightrope,” she plays an inpatient,who's having a lot more fun with her fellow patients than the devious pill-popping nurse.     As the video, which debuted on MTV today,starts, we’re told we’re about to enter the Palace of the Dogs Asylum where “dancing has long been forbidden for its subversive effects on the residents and its tendency to lead to illegal magical practices.” What follows is a great dance video with Monae leading a corps of dancers through a little soft shoe »

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Disney Graduates to Efron-Less Post-High School Musical

2 hours ago | E! Online | See recent E! Online - Movies and Television news »

It's High School Musical minus the high school...and most of the stars. While Zac Efron and other key castmembers try to matriculate to more adult roles, the Mouse House remains hell-bent on milking every dime out of its megahit franchise, recruiting Ashley Tisdale to front a new sequel, Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure. The new original movie will see the 24-year-old actress reprise her role as the diva-esque drama queen (she's the sole returning HSM player) and lead a new cast of unknowns, who will be earning much less than the pop princess. Tisdale is also aboard as executive producer. Shooting starts this summer for a 2011 premiere. What passes for a plot finds Sharpay (accompanied by »

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Save One Show: Current Top Five Revealed, and Stars Get in on the Action!

2 hours ago | E! Online | See recent E! Online - Movies and Television news »

Wanna sneak a peek of the future? Or, Ok, the possible future? Many of you have asked for a hint as to how your favorite series is doing in E! Online's annual Save One Show campaign, and right now, we're giving you a gander at the current Top Five! We aren't officially narrowing the list down to five until Monday, so there's still time to vote for any show and keep it on the list. Also, you heard E! News and Daily 10 each picked an Sos show to champion, right? Well, check out how the stars are getting in on the fun... Your current Top Five (in Alphabetical order):   • Better Off »

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Preview new Beck songs in 'Scott Pilgrim' trailer

2 hours ago | Hitfix | See recent Hitfix news »

If you've been watching the "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" trailer over and over again like I have, you may recognize some musical voicings that play over the violent ex-boyfriend madness: Beck. Mr. Hansen has been penning songs specifically for the comic book-based film. The first track in the teaser sounds more "Sea Change" era -- all sensitive-like and gooey -- while the fight scenes are tracked with the dance-ready version of the Beck we once knew. These songs will get a further highlight in the film as Scott Pilgrim (played by Michael Cera) and his band Sex Bob-Omb plays them, »

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From the White House back to White Castle for Kal Penn?

2 hours ago | Hitfix | See recent Hitfix news »

When Kal Penn had the opportunity to join the new Obama administration as the Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, he did everything he could to cut his ties to Hollywood.  Penn's character on "House" didn't just leave the show, he was killed off and it seemed pretty clear this was entirely new career path for the star of such films as "Van Wilder: The Rise of Taj" and "The Namesake." It appears that after a 15 months in Washington, Penn is getting the munchies again. Penn's "Harold and Kumar" co-star John Cho has hinted that a »

- HitFix Staff

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'Glee' goes GaGa with 'Poker Face,' 'Bad Romance in forthcoming episode

3 hours ago | Hitfix | See recent Hitfix news »

We already knew that "Glee" is going gaga for Madonna, but now they've gone gaga for GaGa -- Lady GaGa. The Madge-inspired pop star's songs "Poker Face" and "Bad Romance" are getting a "Glee" cast makeover, according to EW.com, while the cast itself will be made over in GaGa's image with elaborate costumes on the latter. Lea Michele, who plays Rachel on the show, will be singing the lead on "Poker Face" but has one of stupider Lady GaGa outfits to don: the Kermit the Frog get-up. “I saw a picture of the Kermit the Frog Lady Gaga with a Post-It on »

- Katie Hasty

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LL Cool J Vetoes Sarah Palin, Fox News

3 hours ago | E! Online | See recent E! Online - Movies and Television news »

LL Cool J isn't exactly cool with Sarah Palin and her pals at the Fox News Channel. The rapper-actor has called out Alaska's favorite moose-stew maven and her Fnc overlords for "misrepresenting" him by including a two-year-old interview in a promo for a Palin-fronted special set to air Thursday. "Fox lifted interview I gave in 2008 to someone else & R misrepresenting to public 2 promote Palins Show," he tweeted. LL's Twitter response came after a fan asked why he was supporting Palin and the cable news network since "Fox News hates black people!" The 42-year-old Mc, real name James Todd Smith, gave the sit-down in 2008 as part of »

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Fright Flicks To Do Battle On Halloween

3 hours ago | Studio Briefing - TV News | See recent Studio Briefing - TV News news »

Hollywood is getting set for a scary Halloween encounter when Paramount releases Paranormal Activity 2 on October 22, the same day that Lionsgate launches Saw VII 3D. Daily Variety said that Paramount didn’t even sign a director (Tod “Kip” Williams) until last week and that the movie has only just begun casting. (The original Paranormal Activity was shot in just over a week and reportedly cost just $15,000. It earned nearly $200 million at the worldwide box office.) Paramount has no plans to release Paranormal Activity 2 in 3D. Indeed, one of the attractions of the original film was that it looked as if it had been shot by an amateur with rudimentary camera equipment. The Saw sequel, by contrast, will be filmed in 3D, a factor, Variety said, that “could give it an edge.”


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“Dancing” Starts ABC Off On The Right Foot

3 hours ago | Studio Briefing - TV News | See recent Studio Briefing - TV News news »

ABC, which had been languishing in last place in the ratings for most of the season, appeared revitalized last week, thanks to its competition series Dancing with the Stars, its resurging drama Castle, and its long-running Grey’s Anatomy.. Last week, Dancing edged out Fox’s American Idol for the top spot on the Nielsen ratings chart. The Idol shows placed second and third respectively on the Nielsen list, followed by CBS’s new reality series Undercover Boss. Old stalwart 60 Minutes rounded out the top five. Among the nightly newscasts, NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams retained its frontrunner position with an average of 8.4 million viewers. ABC World News with Diane Sayer placed second with 7.4 million viewers, while the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric remained in last place with an average of 5.7 million tuning in. Overall, CBS drew the most viewers for the week averaging 11.1 million per show in primetime. »

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“Idol” And “Dancing” Go Head-to-head

3 hours ago | Studio Briefing - TV News | See recent Studio Briefing - TV News news »

American Idol once again dominated the ratings Tuesday night, counting 21.33 million viewers. The figure, however, was down 16 percent from the comparable night a year ago when Idol drew 24.41 million viewers. ABC gave it tough competition. Its Dancing with the Stars results show finished in second place with 14.09 million viewers. That was followed by an episode of Lost, which drew 10.06 million viewers. CBS was also a contender despite airing a full night of reruns, including NCIS (10.69 million), NCIS Los Angeles (10.15 million) and The Good Wife (8.07 million.) At 10:00 p.m., ABC brought its sci-fi drama V back, with 7.29 million tuning in. It landed in second place behind CBS’s The Good Wife with 8.07 million viewers.


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Study: 30% Of Viewers Now Watch New Shows On DVR’S

3 hours ago | Studio Briefing - TV News | See recent Studio Briefing - TV News news »

Fewer people are making appointments with their TV sets to view their favorite programs while they are being broadcast. According to market research firm The Diffusion Group, only 48 percent do. According to a new study, 30 percent of viewers use their DVRs to watch new programs; 10 percent access them online; and about 12 percent said they wait for them to be rebroadcast. The figure would appear to conflict with other studies, including one that concludes that only 30 percent of U.S. homes are equipped with DVRs. Nevertheless, Tdg concluded, the trend clearly shows that TV viewing is shifting from the old appointment model to what Tdg calls “quantum media delivery and consumption.”


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