What Kids Can Do.
What Adults Can Do.


Children Who Are Bullied

There are many signs that a child is being bullied. Some signs to look for:

  • The child comes home with torn, damaged, or missing pieces of clothing, books or other belongings.
  • The child has unexplained bruises, cuts or scratches.
  • The child seems afraid of going to school, walking to and from school, riding the school bus or taking part in organized activities with peers.
  • The child appears sad, moody, teary or depressed when he or she comes home.
  • The child frequently appears anxious and/or suffers from low self-esteem.

If you suspect your child is being bullied, remember to support your child, inform others and take action.

  • First, focus on your child. Be supportive and gather information about the bullying. Tell your child you are concerned about him or her and ask questions.
  • Contact your child's teacher and/or principal. He or she will probably be in the best position to understand the relationships between your child and other peers at school. Ask the teacher to talk to other adults who interact with your child at school to see if they have observed students bullying your child.
  • If you know your child is being bullied, take quick action. There is nothing worse than doing nothing, and bullying can have serious effects.

If, after talking with your child and staff at his or her school, you don't believe your child is being bullied, be alert to other possible problems your child may be having. Share your concerns with a counselor at your child's school.

For more information about children who are bullied and what you can do to help, visit our Tip Sheets.