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MobileMe Gallery

When your friends and family visit your MobileMe gallery, they’re in for a show. Just upload photos from your computer, iPhone, or iPad and invite people to visit, download their favorites, or contribute their own. And for a whole new way to browse photos on the go, download the MobileMe Gallery app for iPhone and iPod touch.

Click to watch quicktour.

MobileMe Gallery

Share your photos with family and friends. They can download full-size images and even contribute their own. Add photos from your iPhone or iPad and manage your gallery from a Mac or PC using the MobileMe Gallery application at

MobileMe Gallery

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Easily upload your photos to the web.

You can create a new album or make changes to your gallery from your Mac or PC. Easily upload new photos, edit titles, and more. Your changes are instantly reflected in your gallery for friends to see. Have a Mac? You can upload photos directly from iPhoto ’09 or Aperture 3 with just a few clicks. And if you snap a picture on the road or capture video using your iPhone 3GS, you can post it directly to your gallery with a few taps.

Print-quality downloads.

You can allow visitors to download high-resolution copies of their favorite photos right from their browser on a Mac or PC. If they want the entire album, it’s as easy as one click. MobileMe compresses the album into a ZIP file for a quick and simple download.

Contributions welcome.

You aren’t the only one shooting pictures. With MobileMe Gallery, you can get the shots you wish you had by allowing friends to contribute their photos. They can do it from a browser or via email on a Mac or PC.

Your photos never looked better.

Friends and family can view your photos in a beautiful gallery using a web browser on a Mac or PC. They can skim albums to see what’s inside, select an album, and choose viewing options such as mosaic, carousel, or slideshow. And with automatic resizing, your photos adjust instantly to fit the browser window so they always look great, even on large displays.

iPhone and Gallery interface

MobileMe Gallery on your iPhone and iPod touch.

The free MobileMe Gallery app lets you view all the photos and movies published in your gallery with a tap. All your albums are beautifully displayed and easy to browse using simple pinch and flick gestures. If there's a photo you want to share, tap to email a link. The MobileMe Gallery app lets you enjoy friends' photos, too. Just add other MobileMe members to your Friends list and view their galleries as easily as you view your own.

Amazing with Apple TV.

MobileMe Gallery works beautifully with Apple TV to give your gallery a stunning widescreen display. Apple TV lets you access your entire gallery — or friends’ public galleries — straight from your television. And since MobileMe lets you store high-quality images, all your photos and movies look amazing on a big screen.