Wikipedia:WikiProject Science pearls/List of publications in philosophy

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This is a list of important publications in philosophy, organized by field.

Some reasons why a particular publication might be regarded as important:


[edit] Historical texts

[edit] Western philosophy

[edit] Ancient philosophy

[edit] Medieval philosophy

[edit] Modern philosophy

[edit] Eastern philosophy

[edit] Buddhist philosophy

[edit] Confucianism

[edit] Hindu philosophy

[edit] Chinese Legalism

[edit] Taoism

[edit] Mohism

[edit] Twentieth-century philosophy

[edit] Epistemology

[edit] Metaphysics

[edit] Philosophy of biology

[edit] Philosophy of chemistry

[edit] Philosophy of mind

[edit] Philosophy of physics

[edit] Philosophy of psychology

[edit] Philosophy of religion

[edit] Philosophy of science

[edit] Ethics, value, and social philosophy

[edit] Aesthetics

[edit] Ethics

[edit] Bioethics
[edit] Business ethics
[edit] Feminism

[edit] Existentialism

[edit] Philosophy of economics

[edit] Philosophy of education

[edit] Philosophy of history

[edit] Philosophy of law

[edit] Political philosophy

[edit] Logic, language, and mathematics

[edit] Logic and philosophy of logic

[edit] Philosophy of language

[edit] Philosophy of mathematics

See also List of publications in mathematics

[edit] Further reading

[edit] See also

Publications Philosophy Category:Bibliographies by subject

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