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Engineering News

Engineering News is the College of Engineering's annual newsletter sent to all alumni of the college.
With the addition of computer science to the college in 2003, this number now exceeds 40,000. Produced in the spring, it summarizes the college achievements during the past year.

2010 current issue | back issues

Engineering Now

Engineering Now is the College of Engineering's annual report that covers a particular theme for the past year. For example, the issues have covered the college's leadership roles in high performance computing, engineering education, sustainable engineering, multimedia efforts, entrepreneurship, economic development, student design awards, etc. It is distributed each fall to a number of audiences, from recruiters to deans of other engineering colleges to contributing alumni to friends.

2009 current issue | back issues

Other Documents & Publications

Current issue of e-Newsletter

COE Academy of Engineering Excellence (Comprehensive)

Academy Of Engineering Excellence Nomination Form (60kb)

Faculty Expertise Database (PDF) (861kb)

Ware Lab Brochure 2010


Virginia Tech Lumenhaus exhibited in Times Square, to be featured on ABC’s Good Morning America, Thurs., January 28


Virginia Tech Engineers Receive NSF Major Research Instrumentation Award


Scott Case named interim head of academic affairs


NDLTD Union Catalog Surpasses One Million Electronic Theses and Dissertations

All Current News Stories