NZ Football

New Zealand Football Review of Coach Education

June 2006


The current NZ Football Coach Education scheme, launched in 2003, was welcomed by many and seen as a radical but positive shift away from the existing scheme that had been in operation since the early 1990’s. 

The contemporary structure, built on the qualities of the existing scheme, provided coaches with a progressive framework for development, from grass roots to elite levels.

It offered an array of formal qualifications that could be accessed through either regional or national courses and catered for the progressive development of both coaches and coach educators alike.  

As the incumbent scheme moves into its third year of operation, strategically it is prudent to evaluate its impact to date and identify and consider the opportunities for future growth. 

Moreover, in light of the changes to the New Zealand Coaching Strategy ‘laying the foundations to create a world class coaching environment that meets the needs of New Zealand’s coaches and the athletes they coach’ (SPARC 2005) and the subsequent recommendations to National Sporting Organizations, 2006 becomes a highly appropriate time to conduct a formal review of the NZS Coach Education Scheme...........


Download the full 18 page report on the recent review of Coach Education click here.