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Kashrut (also kashruth or kashrus, כַּשְׁרוּת) is the set of Jewish dietary laws. Food in accord with halakha (Jewish law) is termed kosher in English, from the Ashkenazi pronunciation of the Hebrew term kashér (כָּשֵׁר), meaning "fit" (in this context, fit for consumption by Jews according to traditional Jewish law). Food that is not in accordance with Jewish law is called treif (Yiddish: טרײף or treyf, derived from Hebrew: טְרֵפָהtrēfáh).

Many of the basic laws of kashrut are derived from the Torah's Books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, with their details set down in the oral law (the Mishnah and the Talmud) and codified by the Shulchan Aruch and later rabbinical authorities. The Torah does not explicitly state the reason for most kashrut laws, and many varied reasons have been offered for these laws, ranging from philosophical and ritualistic to practical and hygienic.

About one-sixth of American Jews maintain the kosher diet.[1] Many Jews observe kashrut partially, by abstaining from pork or shellfish, or not drinking milk with a meat dish. Some keep kosher at home but will eat in a non-kosher restaurant.

Jews comprise only about 20% of the market for kosher food in the United States. A sizable non-Jewish segment of the population views kosher certification as an indication of wholesomeness. Strict vegetarians, Moslems, Hindus, and people with allergies to dairy foods, consider the kosher-parve designation as an assurance that a food contains no animal-derived ingredients, including milk and all of its derivatives.[2]

The word kosher has become a part of English slang, a colloquialism meaning proper, legitimate, genuine, fair, or acceptable.[3][4][5]


[edit] Principles

There are three categories of Kosher food - Meat, Dairy and Parve (or Pareve).[6]

The laws of kashrut derive from various passages in the Torah, and are numerous and complex, but the key principles are as follows:

1. A dores (predatory bird) is not kosher
Additionally, kosher birds possess the following three physical characteristics:
2. An extra[clarification needed] toe
3. A zefek (crop)
4. A korkoban (gizzard) with a peelable lumen
However, individuals are barred from merely applying these regulations alone; an established tradition (masorah) is necessary to allow birds to be consumed, even if it can be substantiated that they meet all four criteria.[14] The only exception to this is turkey. There was a time when certain authorities considered the signs enough, so Jews started eating this bird without a masorah because it possesses all the signs (simanim in Hebrew) and there is a place for this in Jewish law.[citation needed]
Examples of cloven hooves in goats (upper left), pigs (lower left) and cattle (lower right). But horses lack cloven hooves (upper right).
A cocoon found among barleycorns in a commercially available bag of barley. Foods such as seeds, nuts and vegetables need to be checked to avoid eating insects.

The following rules of kashrut are not universally observed:

[edit] Reason for kashrut laws

There continues to be a debate among various theories about the purposes and meaning of the laws regarding kashrut.

Traditional Jewish philosophy divided the 613 mitzvot into just two groups—laws that have a rational explanation (mishpatim) and laws that do not (chukim).

Some Jewish scholars have held that these dietary laws should simply be categorized with a group of laws that are considered irrational in that there is no particular explanation for their existence. The reason for this is that it is believed that there are some of God's regulations for mankind that the human mind is not necessarily capable of understanding. Related to this is the idea that the dietary laws were given as a demonstration of God's authority and that man should obey without asking for a reason.[28]

This last view has been rejected by most classical and modern Jewish authorities[citation needed]. For example Maimonides holds that a Jew is permitted to seek out reasons for the laws of the Torah.[29]

[edit] Moral symbolism

During the first few centuries of the Common Era some philosophers held that the laws of kashrut were symbolic in character. In this view, kosher animals represent virtues, while non-kosher animals represent vices. The first indication of this view can be found in the 1st century BCE Letter of Aristeas, which argues that the laws "have been given ... to awake pious thoughts and to form the character".[30] It later reappears in the prolix allegories of Philo of Alexandria, and in the writings of some of the early Christian Church Fathers. The majority of Jewish and Christian theologians, and biblical scholars, reject the symbolism hypothesis, but it features in the work of the 19th century Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch.

The Torah prohibits 'seething the kid (goat, sheep, calf) in its mother's milk', a practice cruel only in concept, that would not be understood as cruelty by either the kid or its mother and would not cause them additional suffering; but that might still potentially inflame a human's taste for ultimate power over those creatures who are weaker. Thus, kashrut prohibits the practice itself, even if the resulting mixture is to be discarded.

[edit] Health reasons

Certain of the rules of Kashrut appear, to modern sensibilities, to be designed to protect human health. Prohibitions upon consuming carrion eaters (Leviticus 11:31) or the use of bowls and vessels in which animals have died (Leviticus 11:31-32) can be seen as preventing disease. Likewise, rules for processing meat, such as glatt, the requirement that lungs be checked to be free of adhesions, would help prevent consumption of animals that had been infected with tuberculosis. Similarly, the ban on slaughtering unconscious animals would prevent certain sick and possibly infectious animals from being consumed.

Other rules cannot be so easily explained as health measures. Certain permissive rules, such as the ability to eat locusts and beetles (Leviticus 11:22), run counter to modern, Western ideas of disease prevention. In addition, Kashrut is an incomplete guide to healthy diet, at least by modern standards, because it does not generally instruct upon safe methods of cooking, preserving or storing food, all of which help prevent food poisoning.

There have been various attempts to provide empirical support for the view that the Israelite food laws have an over-arching health benefits or purpose, one of the earliest being from Maimonides in his Guide for the Perplexed. More recently, in 1953, Dr. David I. Macht, an Orthodox Jew who is one of the primary proponents of the theory of biblical scientific foresight, conducted toxicity experiments on many different kinds of animals and fish.[31] His experiment involved lupin seedlings being supplied with extracts from the meat of various animals; Macht reported that in 100% of cases, extracts from ritually unclean meat inhibited the seedling's growth more than that from ritually clean meats.[32] In addition, Dr. Macht's research indicated that mixtures of meat and milk, and meat that wasn't ritually slaughtered, appeared to be more toxic to lupin seeds than meat from other sources.[33] Macht's claim that his methodology,[34][35] known as phytopharmacology, could have any conclusions in relation to human consumption, has never[36] been scientifically corroborated by independent researchers, and is regarded by the scientific community as not being mainstream science; at the request of a Seventh-day Adventist Church publication, Macht's study was explicitly challenged by a series of senior biologists[37]

[edit] Jewish mysticism

Hasidism believes that everyday life is imbued with channels connecting with Divinity, the activation of which it sees as helping the Divine Presence to be drawn into the physical world;[38] Hasidism argues that the food laws are related to the way such channels, termed sparks of holiness, interact with various animals.

According to the teachings of Hasidism, sparks of Holiness are released whenever a Jew manipulates any object for a holy reason (which includes eating, if it is done with the intention to provide strength to follow the laws of the Torah);[39] however, in the view of Hasidism, not all animal products are capable of releasing their sparks of holiness.[40] The Hasidic argument is that God designed the animals in a way that gives clear signs about whether sparks can be released from them or not, the signs being expressed in the biblical categorization into ritually clean and ritually unclean;[41] the signs themselves are not believed to be the cause of the animal being kosher, and hence if a cow happens to be born with a fully fused hoof, it does not become non-kosher on this basis alone.

[edit] Separation from other cultures

According to Christian theologian Gordon J. Wenham, the purpose of kashrut was to help Jews maintain a distinct and separate existence from other peoples; he alleges that the effect of the laws of kashrut was to prevent socialization and intermarriage with non-Jews, preventing Jewish identity from being diluted.[42] Wenham argued that since the impact of the food laws was a public affair, this would have enhanced Jewish attachment to them as a reminder of the distinct status of Jews.[42]

[edit] Non-Traditional outlook

While Orthodox and Conservative authorities hold that Jews should follow the laws of kashrut as a matter of religious obligation, the Reform and Reconstructionist movements hold that these laws are no longer binding. Historically, Reform Judaism actively opposed kashrut as an archaism inhibiting the integration of Jews in the general society. More recently, some parts of the Reform community have begun to explore the option of a more traditional approach.[citation needed] This tradition-leaning faction agrees with mainstream Reform that the rules concerning kashrut are not obligatory, but believe that Jews should consider keeping kosher because it is a valuable way for people to bring holiness into their lives. Thus Jews are encouraged to consider adopting some or all of the rules of kashrut on a voluntary basis. The Reconstructionist movement advocates that its members accept some of the rules of kashrut.

[edit] Linguistic borrowing

By extension, the broader sense of the word kosher has the meanings legitimate, acceptable, permissible, genuine, and authentic.[3][4][5][43] For example, the Babylonian Talmud uses kosher in the sense of virtuous, when referring to the Dãrayavahush I (known in English, via Latin, as Darius) as a "kosher king"; Darius, a Persian King, assisted in building the Second Temple.[44]

The word kosher is also part of some common product names. Sometimes it is used as an abbreviation of koshering, meaning the process for making something kosher; for example, kosher salt is a form of salt with irregularly-shaped crystals, making it particularly suitable for preparing meat according to the rules of kashrut, because the increased surface area of the crystals absorbs blood more effectively. At other times it is used as a synonym for Jewish tradition; for example, a kosher dill pickle is simply a pickle made in the traditional manner of Jewish New York City pickle makers, using a generous addition of garlic to the brine,[45] and is not necessarily compliant with the traditional Jewish food laws.[46]

[edit] Ethical eating

The translation of the root כ ש ר (K-Sh-R, Kaf-Shin-Resh) when used in this context is generally accepted to be about the "fitness" or "kosherness" of the food for consumption. There are two major strains of thought on alternative ways to practice "kashrut" to more broadly categorize food as fit for consumption. In addition to these two trains of thought, some, especially in the United Kingdom, have taken the fitness of the food they eat as directly dependent on how ethically it was produced, specifically in relation to its impact on the world and its people. For instance, only Fairtrade teas and coffees are served in some synagogues and community centers and eggs used are organic or free range.

[edit] Vegetarianism

Many vegetarian restaurants and producers of vegetarian foods acquire a hechsher, certifying that a Rabbinical organization has approved their products as being kosher. The hechsher usually certifies that certain vegetables have been checked for insect infestation and steps have been taken to ensure that cooked food meets the requirements of bishul Yisrael.

Vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower must be checked for insect infestation. The proper procedure for inspecting and cleaning varies by species, growing conditions, and views of individual rabbis.

[edit] Animal welfare

Kashrut prohibits slaughter of an unconscious animal. Kosher slaughter, shechita, involves cutting the trachea and esophagus with a sharp, flawless knife. At the same time, the carotid arteries, which are the primary supplier of blood to the brain, are severed. The profound loss of blood and the massive drop in blood pressure render the animal insensate almost immediately. Studies done by Dr. H. H. Dukes at the Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine indicate that the animal is unconscious within seconds of the incision[48]. According to Rabbi Barry Dov Lerner, "[...]kosher slaughtering is the way that Jews try to minimize the pain and fear felt by animals being killed for food." [49]

In 1978, a study incorporating EEG (electroencephalograph) with electrodes surgically implanted on the skull of 17 sheep and 15 calves, and conducted by Wilhelm Schulze et al. at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Germany concluded that "the slaughter in the form of a ritual cut is, if carried out properly, painless in sheep and calves according to EEG recordings and the missing defensive actions" (of the animals), but that "For sheep, there were in part severe reactions both in bloodletting cut and the pain stimuli" when Captive Bolt Stunning (CBS) was used, which is common in normal (non-kosher) slaughtering.[50]

Independent scientific advisory groups such as the UK Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) and Animal welfare groups object to kosher slaughter on the basis that it can take several minutes for the animal to die and thus claim it causes suffering. Since the spinal cord is not severed completely at the first cut, it is thought that the slaughtered animal's nervous system continues to function during the initial moments of the slaughter, causing the animal to undergo a slow and painful death. In 2003 in the UK the FAWC concluded that the way Kosher meat is produced causes severe suffering to animals and should be banned immediately. Kosher butchers deny their method of killing animals is cruel and expressed anger over the recommendation.[51] The British Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC), an independent body that advises the British Government in matters of animal welfare, has demanded that kosher slaughter no longer be exempted under relevant legislation, demanding that animals be subjected to stunning before slaughter. FAWC Chairwoman, Dr Judy MacArthur (herself a farmer and qualified veterinarian) has defended the organisation’s stance, criticising her detractors by claiming that "(kosher slaughter involves) a major incision into the animal and to say that it doesn't suffer is quite ridiculous." [52]

In April 2008, the Food and Farming minister in the UK, Lord Rooker, stated that Kosher meat should be labelled when it is put on sale, so that the public can decide whether or not they want to buy food from animals that have bled to death. He was quoted as saying, "I object to the method of slaughter ... my choice as a customer is that I would want to buy meat that has been looked after and slaughtered in the most humane way possible.". The RSPCA supported Lord Rooker's views.[53]

Specific kashrut laws counter some of the rituals of ancient times, such as eating only one leg of a live animal so that people would not have to deal with eating the entire animal at one time (Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 56b); this law applies even to non-Jews and is part of the Noahide Laws. Most authorities have ruled that any unnecessary suffering during the animal's life renders otherwise kosher meat treife.[citation needed]

Shechita is prohibited in Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland, and in six of the eight Austrian Länder.[54]

[edit] Kosher marketing and advertising

[edit] History of kosher marketing

In 1911, Proctor and Gamble was the first company to advertise that their product, Crisco, was kosher. Over the next 2 decades, companies such as Lender's Bagels, Maxwell House, Manischewitz, and Empire evolved and gave the kosher market more shelf space. In the 1960s, Hebrew National hotdogs launched a "we answer to a higher authority" campaign to appeal to Jews and non-Jews alike. From that point on, kosher became a symbol for both quality and value.

The kosher market quickly expanded, and with it more opportunities for kosher products. Menachem Lubinsky, CEO of LUBICOM Marketing Consulting, created Kosherfest in the 1980s to provide a forum for those involved in the kosher industry to meet and exchange ideas. Lubinsky projects that in the next few years there may be as many as 14 million kosher consumers and $40 billion in sales of kosher products.

[edit] Product labeling standards

The circled U indicates that this product is certified as kosher by the Orthodox Union (OU). The word "pareve" indicates that this product contains neither milk nor meat derived ingredients

Although reading the label of food products can identify obviously non-kosher ingredients, some countries allow manufacturers to neglect to mention certain ingredients; such 'hidden' ingredients can include lubricants, flavorings, and other additives, which in some cases, such as when natural flavourings are used, are more likely to be derived from non-kosher substances. However, producers of foods and food additives can contact Jewish religious authorities to have their products certified as kosher: this would most likely involve a visit to the manufacturing facilities by a committee from a rabbinic organisation, rather than by an individual rabbi, in order to inspect the production methods and contents, and if everything is sufficiently kosher a certificate would be issued.

Manufacturers sometimes identify the products that have received such certification by adding particular graphical symbols to the label. These symbols are known in Judaism as hechsherim. Due to differences in kashrut standards held by different organizations, the hechsheirim of certain Jewish authorities may at times be considered invalid by other Jewish authorities[citation needed]; the certification marks of the various rabbis and organisations are too numerous to list, but one of the most commonly used in the United States of America is that of the Union of Orthodox Congregations, who use a U inside a circle, symbolising the initials of Orthodox Union. A single K is sometimes used as a symbol for kosher, but since many countries do not allow letters to be trademarked (the method by which other symbols are protected from misuse), it only indicates that the company producing the product claims that it is kosher.

Many of the certification symbols are accompanied by additional letters or words to indicate the category of the product, according to Jewish religious law; the categorisation may conflict with legal classifications, especially in the case of food that Jewish religious law regards as dairy, but legal classification does not.

Meat, including poultry
Food that is neither meat nor dairy
Passover-related (P is not used for Pareve)

In many cases constant supervision is required because, for various reasons, such as changes in manufacturing processes, products that once were kosher may cease to be so. For example, a kosher lubricating oil may be replaced by one containing tallow, which many rabbinic authorities view as non-kosher. Such changes are often co-ordinated with the supervising rabbi, or supervising organisation, to ensure that new packaging does not suggest any hechsher or kashrut. In some cases, however, existing stocks of pre-printed labels with the hechsher may continue to be used on the now non-kosher product. An active grapevine among the Jewish community discusses which products are now questionable, as well as products which have become kosher but whose labels have yet to carry the hechsher. Some newspapers and periodicals also discuss kashrut products.

[edit] Legal usage

Advertising standards laws in many jurisdictions prohibit the use of the phrase kosher in a product's labelling, unless it can be shown that the product conforms to Jewish dietary laws; however, the legal qualifications for conforming to Jewish dietary laws are often defined differently in different jurisdictions. For example, in some places the law may require that a rabbi certify the kashrut nature, in others the rules of kosher are fully defined in law, and in others still it is sufficient that the manufacturer only believes that the product complies with Jewish dietary regulations. In several cases, laws restricting the use of the term kosher have later been determined to be illegal religious interference.

[edit] Current Controversies in Kashrut

In the summer of 2004, a controversy arose in New York City over the presence of copepods (tiny crustaceans) in the city water supply. While some authorities hold that these creatures are microscopic and therefore negligible, others note that they are almost the size of a small insect, such as a gnat, and far larger than bacteria or other single-celled creatures; in fact can be detected by the naked eye.[55] The Central Rabbinical Council has ruled that water should be filtered.[56]

[edit] Other religions

Islam has a related but different system, named halal, and both systems have comparable methods of ritual slaughter (shechita in Judaism and Ḏabīḥah in Islam).

The Seventh-day Adventist Church expects adherence to the kosher laws, which they refer to as clean foods.[57] Adventists believe that adherence to the laws not only is healthy, but also keeps the body, the metaphorical temple, clean. Many members practice vegetarianism and veganism.

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Stern, the author of How to Keep Kosher: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Jewish Dietary Laws, is one of a million or so American Jews (out of around six million total) who keeps her kitchen year-round according to the laws of kashruth, or kosher.
  2. ^ http://www.kosher-directory.com/whoeats.htm
  3. ^ a b Eric Partridge, Tom Dalzell, Terry Victor, The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English: J-Z, Volume 2, Taylor & Francis, 2006, p. 1172, ISBN041525938X
  4. ^ a b Worldnetweb.Princeton dictionary definition of Kosher.
  5. ^ a b Phythian, B. A. (1976). A concise dictionary of English slang and colloquialisms. The Writer, Inc.. pp. 110. ISBN 0871160994. "Kosher Genuine. Fair. Acceptable." 
  6. ^ http://www.kosher-directory.com/meaning.htm
  7. ^ Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah 79
  8. ^ For a comprehensive review of the issue involving the difficulty that neither the hyrax nor the hare are ruminants, see Rabbi Natan Slifkin's "The Camel, the Hare and the Hyrax."
  9. ^ Giraffe is kosher, rabbis rule in Israel
  10. ^ Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah 82:1-5
  11. ^ Rabbi Air Z. Zivotofki. "What's the Truth About Giraffe Meat!". Kashrut.com. http://www.kashrut.com/articles/giraffe/. 
  12. ^ Bavli Chullin 3:22-23
  13. ^ Kashrut.com: Are Turkeys Kosher?, part 2
  14. ^ Kashrut.com: Are Turkeys Kosher?, part 3
  15. ^ Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah 83 and 84
  16. ^ Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah 85
  17. ^ Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah 87 et seq
  18. ^ Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah 1-65
  19. ^ Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De'ah 66-78
  20. ^ Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim, 318:1
  21. ^ Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim, 431-452
  22. ^ Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah 114
  23. ^ Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah 113
  24. ^ a b Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah 115
  25. ^ Many rely on lenient rulings by Rabbi Moshe Feinstein in Teshuvot Igrot Moshe. Yoreh De'ah 1:47 and other 20th century rabbinic authorities who rule that strict government supervision prevents the admixture of non-kosher milk, making supervision unnecessary. See also Rabbi Chaim Jachter. "Chalav Yisrael - Part I: Rav Soloveitchik's View". http://www.koltorah.org/RAVJ/13-7%20Chalav%20Yisrael%20-%20Part%201.htm. Retrieved 2007-12-02. 
  26. ^ Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah 112, Orach Chayim 603
  27. ^ http://www.star-k.org/kashrus/kk-medi-terumos.htm
  28. ^ William H. Shea, Clean and Unclean Meats, Biblical Research Institute, December 1998 (archived from the original on 2008-02-12)
  29. ^ Mishneh Torah Korbanot, Temurah 4:13 (in eds. Frankel; "Rambam L'Am")
  30. ^ Letter of Aristeas, 145-154
  31. ^ Macht (September-October 1953) (pdf). An Experimental Pharmalogical Appreciation of Leviticus XI and Deuteronomy XIV. XXXVII. Bulletin of the History of Medicine. pp. 444–450. http://members.dslextreme.com/users/hollymick/Macht1953.pdf. 
  32. ^ Macht 1953 op. cit.
  33. ^ David I. Macht, Medical Leaves 1940; 3:174-184
  34. ^ Macht, D.I. , Contributions to phytopharmacology or the applications of plant physiology to medical problems, Science 1930, 71:302
  35. ^ Macht, D.I., Science and the Bible, Science (1951) 114: 505
  36. ^ at the time of writing
  37. ^ Ministry Magazine, March 1953, p37-38 "This Question of Unclean Meats": Responses to Macht's study from heads of biology depts.
  38. ^ The Chassidic Masters on Food and Eating, chabad.org
  39. ^ Meat, chabad.org
  40. ^ לקוטי אמרים תניא (Hebrew), chabad.org
  41. ^ Re'eh, rabbifriedman.org (archived from the original on 2007-08-29).
  42. ^ a b Gordon J. Wenham, The Theology of Unclean Food, The Evangelical Quarterly 53, January March 1981, p.6-15
  43. ^ Jewish dietary laws
  44. ^ Tractate Rosh Hashanah 3a, Schottenstein Edition, Mesorah Publications Ltd.
  45. ^ Brief note on kosher pickles in "The Pickle Wing" of nyfoodmuseum.org
  46. ^ Kashrut: Jewish Dietary Laws "Judaism 101"
  47. ^ The rennet must be kosher, either microbial or from special productions of animal rennet using kosher calf stomachs.[1] Retrieved August 10, 2005.
  48. ^ [2]
  49. ^ [3]
  50. ^ Schulze W, Schultze-Petzold H, Hazem AS, Gross R. Experiments for the objectification of pain and consciousness during conventional (captive bolt stunning) and religiously mandated (“ritual cutting”) slaughter procedures for sheep and calves. Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 1978 Feb 5;85(2):62-6. English translation by Dr Sahib M. Bleher
  51. ^ Halal and Kosher slaughter 'must end'
  52. ^ [4]
  53. ^ Halal and kosher meat should not be slipped in to food chain, says minister
  54. ^ http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/EN/Reports/Html/102.htm
  55. ^ Brick, Michael; Patrick Healy (2004-06-01). "There's Something in the Water, And It May Not Be Strictly Kosher". The New York Times. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C04E5D71631F932A35755C0A9629C8B63. Retrieved 2009-03-17. 
  56. ^ "Orthodox Jews worry water isn’t kosher". Daily Times. 2004-06-03. http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_3-6-2004_pg9_9. Retrieved 2009-03-17. 
  57. ^ Seventh-Day Adventist Fundamental Beliefs

[edit] External links

[edit] Further reading

  • Mary Douglas, Purity and Danger: An analysis of the concepts of pollution and taboo, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1966
  • Samuel Dresner, Seymour Siegel and David Pollock The Jewish Dietary Laws, United Synagogue, New York, 1982
  • Binyomen Forst, The Laws of Kashrus, Moznaim, 1999
  • Isidore Grunfeld, The Jewish Dietary Laws, London: Soncino, 1972
  • Isaac Klein, A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice, JTSA, 1992
  • James M. Lebeau, The Jewish Dietary Laws: Sanctify Life, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, New York, 1983
  • Yacov Lipschutz, Kashruth: A Comprehensive Background and Reference Guide to the Principles of Kahruth. New York: Mesorah Publications Ltd, 1989
  • Munk, Shechita: Religious, Historical and Scientific Perspectives, Feldheim Publishers, New York, 1976
  • Aharon Pfeuffer Kitzur Halachot Basar B'Chalav