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WEB VOTE The U.S. Postal Service wants to raise the stamp price to 46 cents. Should the Postal Rate Commission OK the hike?

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    The `somebody nobody sent'

    LAS VEGAS -- Sometimes provocative people become that way because they were provoked. Sharron Angle, 60, could be enjoying the 10 grandchildren she loves even more than her .44 magnum. Instead, she is the Republican nominee against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's quest for a fifth term. Her campaign began, in a sense, three decades ago, when a judge annoyed her.


    Cold War heats up a bit

    The news about the Russian spies uncovered in New York, beyond the comedic aspects of the episode, is a mine of interesting information and analysis. The first thing that needs to be discarded is the naive notion that the Cold War is over.

  • An equal opportunity to cheer

    Re the June 29 article Still looking to score: For the first time in many years I thought we were going to get through a major soccer tournament without a Miami Herald journalist giving us his uneducated and unworldly ``American perspective'' on the game. But then Glenn Garvin steps up. His tirade against a game played and loved on these shores and throughout the world showed not only his ignorance about the sport, but highlighted his arrogance.

  • A possible solution

    While it was disappointing to read that the city of Miami's budget crisis could result in the closing of the Gusman Theater, it does create an opportunity. As the former director of development for the New World School of the Arts, I believe one possible solution to save the Gusman would be for the city to transfer ownership of the theater to NWSA as a new performance space for its dance, music and theater divisions.

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