Barry Gurary

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Barry Gurary (also: Gourary, Sholom Dovber[citation needed] or Berke[citation needed]) (b. in Rostov-on-Don, Russia November 2, 1923, d. Montclair, New Jersey,[citation needed] United States March 3, 2005) was the only son of Rabbi Shemaryahu Gurary and Chana Gurary, who was the elder daughter of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn.

Family origins and history[edit]

Barry Gurary was the only son of Rabbi Shmaryahu Gurary, and the only grandson of Rabbi Joseph Isaac Schneersohn, who was the sixth Rebbe of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement. Barry was also the only nephew of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson (1901–1988) and her husband the seventh Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902–1994). In 1953 he married to Mina, daughter of Alter Haskind from famous Chabad family. Rabbi Menakhem Mendel and hid wife Haya Mushka didn't attend the marriage ceremony.

Barry Gurary's family relationship with the Rebbe was a source of struggle and friction to himself and Gurary families and to the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic community..[citation needed]

The place of Barry Gurary in Chabad-Lubavitch[edit]

One year after the death of sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson became the choice of most Lubavitchers as the seventh Rebbe of the movement, while Rabbi Shemaryahu Gurary, Barry Gurary's father, held on to the same positions he had in the past, and was loyal to his brother-in-law, who had become the seventh and was to be the last Rebbe of Chabad.[citation needed]

The only grandson of the sixth Rebbe[edit]

On the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah, his grandfather held a farbrengen.[citation needed] The farbrengen was attended by many thousands[citation needed] of Chassidim from across Eastern Europe and Russia.[citation needed] The Bar Mitzva was seen as a milestone for the Gurary dynasty. Special photographers were invited and the speech that Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak gave was published.[citation needed]


Chabad Version[edit]

A dispute arose about the library of the sixth Rebbe between Barry Gurary (supported by his mother) and the Chabad community, led by his uncle the seventh Rebbe (and supported by the "Rashag", Barry's father). Barry's grandfather, the sixth Rebbe, collected a vast library of Judaica, which included several hundred rare volumes. As the sixth Rebbe's grandson, Barry believed he was entitled to a portion of the library and was supported in this belief by his mother and Rabbi Chaim Lieberman (the sixth Rebbe's librarian).[citation needed]

In 1984[citation needed], some 34 years after his grandfather's death, Barry Gurary entered the library and clandestinely removed numerous Jewish books, including a first edition Passover haggadah worth over $50,000, founder of Hasidism, and began selling the books.[citation needed] One illuminated Passover Haggadah dating back to 1757 was sold for $69,000 to a Swiss book dealer[citation needed] who soon found a private buyer to pay nearly $150,000 for it.[citation needed] He claimed to have both his mother's permission, as well as the permission of his aunt, the seventh Rebbe's wife, to take the books. She however denied ever giving Barry any such permission.[citation needed] However, his uncle, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh Chabad Rebbe, objected vehemently to these actions and demanded that the volumes be returned.[citation needed] When Barry refused, also refusing his uncle's summons to Beth Din[citation needed], Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Krinsky consulted rabbinic authorities on Jewish law who advised him that appeals can be made to a secular governmental court if justice cannot be effectuated in a Jewish court. On legal advice the Lubavitchers decided to obtain a temporary restraining order in the hope that this would resolve the matter.[citation needed]

Rabbi Schneerson argued that the volumes were not the "personal possession" of Gurary's grandfather, but the "communal property" of the Lubavitch Hasidim. This argument was supported by a letter from his father-in-law indicating that the books were the heritage of the entire Jewish community.[1] The organizational body that represents Lubavitch Chassidim - Agudas Chasidei Chabad (ACC), filed suit to retrieve the books.

During the court hearing, Gurary's father supported his uncle's side, while his mother supported her son, Barry Gurary.[citation needed]

In 1986, the court ruled in favor of Agudas Chassidei Chabad, and that ruling was upheld on appeal in 1987. The volumes were returned to the library.

This day was accepted as a special time of rejoicing for Lubavitch, which they called Didan Notzach .[citation needed]

The Other Side[edit]

Barry's claim to the books' ownership being clear and obvious under the Jewish law, he called for the Beth Din to settle the matter. Chabad refused and took the matter instead to the secular court, which could be pressured with a threat of riots.

When it came time for Chana Gurary to make arrangements for her final resting place, she and Barry negotiated a burial place with the Munkatcher Rebbe of Borough Park, Brooklyn. Chana was buried in the cemetery of the Munkaczer Kehilla in Deans, New Jersey.

Academic career[edit]

Barry Gurary studied and did research as a physicist at Columbia University and Johns Hopkins University. He also published research papers mostly in physics that are also available on the Internet, in some instances more than fifty years after their publication:

See also[edit]

Sources and external links[edit]

  • Chmouel Lubecki: "Didan Notzach"
  • Sholom Ber Levin: "Mishpat HaSfarim"
  • Moshe Bogomilsky: "The story of Hey Teves"
  • Pesach Burston: "Tshura - Hey Teves - South Africa"
  • Shaul Shimon Deutsch, Larger than Life
  • Avrum M. Ehrlich, Leadership in the HaBaD Movement ISBN 0-7657-6055-X


  1. ^ Posted by Editor (2006-07-07). " JUDGE AWARDS RABBI'S LIBRARY TO HASIDIC UNIT". Retrieved 2012-01-19. 
  2. ^ "Spherical Model of an Antiferromagnet". Retrieved 2012-01-19. 
  3. ^ "Phys. Rev. 95, 676 (1954): Spherical Model of an Antiferromagnet". 1954-03-31. Retrieved 2012-01-19. 
  4. ^ "Phys. Rev. 105, 1180 (1957): Approximate Wave Functions for the F Center, and Their Application to the Electron Spin Resonance Problem". 1956-08-23. Retrieved 2012-01-19. 
  5. ^ "Phys. Rev. 108, 1647 (1957): Approximate Wave Functions for the M-Center by the Point-Ion Lattice Method". doi:10.1103/PhysRev.107.960. Retrieved 2012-01-19.