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Preadolescence is a stage of human development through childhood that occurs in a child's years before adolescence.[1]


[edit] Span

The point at which a child becomes an adolescent is usually defined by the onset of puberty. However, in some individuals (particularly females), puberty begins in the preadolescence years,[2] and adolescence may extend a few years beyond the teenage years in others (typically males).[3]

In terms of age in years, dictionary definitions generally designate preadolescence as the years from 10 to 13 (ages 10-12 for girls and 11-13 for boys),[4] although there is no exact agreement.

Approximate outline of development periods in child development. Preadolescence and preteen marked at center left.

[edit] Psychological development

Preadolescent children have a different view of the world from younger children in significant ways:

[edit] Freud on preadolescence

Sigmund Freud termed this the latency period, which he saw as a period of unparalleled repression of sexual desires and erogenous impulses. During the latency period, children direct this repressed libidal energy into asexual pursuits such as school, athletics, and same-sex friendships. He saw the latency period as a time of relative calm when there is little psychosexual conflict and unconscious conflicts and drives go underground and are therefore relatively inaccessible and unavailable. But soon puberty arrives, and the genitals once again become a central focus of libidal energy.

[edit] Preteen and tween

A preteen or a preteenager[1] is a person under the age of thirteen.[5] Generally, the term is restricted to those close to reaching age 13,[1] especially ages 10–12.[6]

Tween is an American neologism and marketing term[7] for preteen. A blend of between and teen,[5][6] "tween" in this context is generally considered to cover the age range from eight to twelve years.[6]

The term was previously used in J.R.R. Tolkien's 1954 novel The Lord of the Rings to refer to Hobbits in their twenties: "...tweens as Hobbits called the irresponsible twenties between childhood and the coming of age at thirty-three."[8] In this context, the word is really only a shortened version of between, and has no connection to "teens," preteens or the American marketing niche.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c New Oxford American Dictionary. 2nd Edition. 2005. Oxford University Press.
  2. ^ "Onset of Breast and Pubic Hair Development in 1231 Preadolescent Lithuanian Schoolgirls". Retrieved 2007-12-06. 
  3. ^ "Questions about Sex, Puberty, and Periods, for adolescents and their parents: 12. Puberty: Growing Up Early". Retrieved 2007-12-06. 
  4. ^ --> Definition of preadolescence (Based on the Random House Dictionary, 2009) Retrieved on July 5, 2009
  5. ^ a b Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. Eleventh Edition. 2003. Merriam-Webster.
  6. ^ a b c The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Fourth Edition. 2000. Houghton Mifflin Company.
  7. ^ Levasseur, Maïthé (2007-02-09). Familiar with tweens? You should be.... The Tourism Intelligence Network. Retrieved on 2007-12-04.
  8. ^ Tolkien, J.R.R. The Lord of the Rings; The Fellowship of the Ring Copyright 1965 by J.R.R Tolkien; Ballantine Books, A Division of Random House Inc. SBN 345-24032-4-150

Myers, James. "Tweens and cool" [1], Admap, March 2004.

Preceded by
Stages of human development
Succeeded by
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