System Preferences

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System Preferences
System Preferences icon.png
System Preferences (Snow Leopard).png
System Preferences application in Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
Developer(s) Apple Inc.
Stable release 7.0 (7.0) / August 28, 2009
Operating system Mac OS X
Type Settings
License Proprietary

System Preferences is an application included with the Mac OS X operating system that allows users to modify various system settings which are divided into separate preference panes. The System Preferences application was introduced in the first version of Mac OS X to replace the control panel that was included in previous versions of the Mac operating system.


[edit] Overview

[edit] History

Before the release of Mac OS X in 2001, users modified system settings using control panels. Control panels, unlike the preference panes found in System Preferences, were separate applications that were accessed through the Apple menu. Mac OS 9, the last release of the Mac OS before Mac OS X, included 32 control panels.

[edit] Organization

When Mac OS X was released, preference panes replaced control panels. Preference panes are not applications but subsections of the System Preferences application. By default, System Preferences organizes preference panes into several categories. In the latest version of System Preferences, included with Mac OS X v10.6, these categories are "Personal", "Hardware", "Internet & Wireless", and "System". A fifth category, "Other", appears when third-party preference panes are installed. Users can also choose to sort preference panes alphabetically. Originally, System Preferences included a customizable toolbar into which frequently-used preference pane icons could be dragged. This was removed in Mac OS X v10.4 and replaced with a static toolbar that featured back and forward navigation buttons and a search field.

Apple has added new preference panes when major features are added to the operating system and occasionally merges multiple panes into one. When Exposé was introduced with Mac OS X v10.3, a corresponding preference pane was added to System Preferences. This was replaced by a single "Dashboard & Exposé" pane in Mac OS X v10.4, which introduced Dashboard. When the .Mac service was replaced by MobileMe, the corresponding preference pane was also renamed.

[edit] Included preference panes

Mac OS X v10.5 "Leopard" includes the following preference panes:

Option Description
Accounts control user creation/deletion, administrator privileges and user limitations.
Appearance changes the general color scheme of the OS (Aqua or Graphite), as well as placement of scroll arrows and font smoothing.
Bluetooth pair Bluetooth devices and edit Bluetooth settings.
CDs & DVDs used to set default settings upon inserting blank CD/DVDs, as well as music CDs, picture CDs and video DVDs.
Date & Time used to set the date and time of the computer, as well as how the clock appears on the menu bar.
Desktop & Screensaver used to set the desktop picture as well as the screensaver, and their settings.
Displays used to set screen resolution and color settings.
Dock adjust the dock size as well as magnification and position on screen.
Energy Saver optimize energy settings as well as set sleep times and processor usage.
Exposé and Spaces set Active Screen Corners and keyboard and mouse settings to activate Exposé, and set application settings for Spaces.
Ink set handwriting recognition settings (only appears when a graphics tablet is connected).
International set the default OS language as well as numerical, measurement, currency, date, and time formats.
Keyboard & Mouse set keyboard settings, as well as change keyboard shortcuts, and mouse settings.
MobileMe used to set preferences for the user's MobileMe account and iDisk.
Network set Ethernet, AirPort, Modem and VPN Settings.
Parental Controls manage parental controls for accounts, and view account usage data.
Print & Fax set the default printer as well as fax settings.
QuickTime set network speeds, plug-in settings, update plug-ins, and register Quicktime Pro.
Security set "FileVault" and account security settings, and setup the firewall.
Sharing set the computer name, and sharing and remote management services.
Software Update set default times to check for updates, and view updates already installed.
Sound set alert sound, volume and input/output options.
Speech set the computer's default voice, set up speech recognition, and other speech settings.
Startup Disk set the default disk, for the computer to boot into.
Time Machine set the Time Machine drive and backup options.
Trackpad (only appears on Apple notebooks) adjust tracking, clicking, and scrolling speed. Also allows users to adjust multi-touch gestures on newer MacBooks
Universal Access make the system more accessible for those with sight, hearing and other impairments.

[edit] External links

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