
McAfee Data Loss Prevention 9

McAfee Data Loss Prevention 9 product shot
DLP for a dynamic world

Enjoy the highest levels of protection for sensitive data, while reducing the cost and complexity of deploying and managing security. Through our easy-to-own appliance and the streamlined McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator management platform, McAfee Data Loss Prevention (DLP) enables you to be proactive about data protection, helps you understand data use in your organization, and ensures that you create effective information protection policies, without months of trial and error.

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Benefits and Features


McAfee Data Loss Prevention (DLP) simplifies and improves protection for your most sensitive information. With McAfee DLP, you can protect data automatically, identify and control critical data, safeguard information sent to third parties, safeguard your enterprise from the risk of data loss, and prove compliance with less effort, while saving time and money with centralized deployment, management, and reporting.


McAfee Device Control
McAfee Device Control monitors and restricts data copied to removable storage devices and media, ensuring that enterprises maintain control of critical assets. It automatically enforces data transfer policies and blocks unauthorized attempts to move data.

McAfee Host Data Loss Prevention
McAfee Host Data Loss Prevention (DLP) delivers unrivaled protection against theft and accidental disclosure of confidential data. This protection works across networks, through applications, and via removable storage devices.

McAfee Network DLP Discover
McAfee Network DLP Discover finds sensitive information, even if you don’t know where it is located. Using advanced network crawling technology, Network DLP Discover searches systems based on LAN segment, IP address range, network group, and many other easily defined criteria. Information held in databases can be searched without the help of a database administrator. Schedule scans to run at intervals that fit your workflow and automatically fingerprint the results to support the most accurate data protection.

McAfee Network DLP Monitor
McAfee Network DLP Monitor enables you to find, track, and protect sensitive information from any application or location, in any format, over any protocol or port, over time. Unrivaled data analytics supports easy, accurate policy creation and rapid, flexible response.

McAfee Network DLP Prevent
McAfee Network DLP Prevent helps you enforce safe data handling policies for information leaving the boundaries of your network. It integrates with most commercial Internet gateway security technologies for email, web, IM, and other network applications.

McAfee Network DLP Manager
McAfee Network DLP Manager saves you time and money by providing flexible, centralized, and delegated control over McAfee DLP. It easily integrates with the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator platform to provide enterprise-wide management and monitoring.

McAfee Data Protection Suite for Rights Management
McAfee Data Protection Suite for Rights Management merges McAfee data loss prevention technologies with Adobe LiveCycle ES2 Rights Management to provide comprehensive protection for your sensitive data wherever it resides. The solution automatically discovers data and applies policy-based usage restrictions, allowing only authorized information to leave your organization.


McAfee Data Loss Prevention (DLP) delivers the highest levels of protection for all types sensitive data, while greatly reducing the cost and complexity of safeguarding business critical information. McAfee data protection is delivered through our low-maintenance appliance and the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) platform, for streamlined deployment, management, updates, and reports.

McAfee DLP uses unique analytics to keep you ahead of threats, illustrate data flows, and explain your organization’s data use, enabling you to quickly create effective data protection policies without disrupting business. It secures all sensitive data wherever it is stored or used, and easily integrates with other technologies to provide complete data security, from the USB drive to the network firewall. Real-time network traffic inspection even guards sensitive data that you may not realize you possess. Also, you can expand the reach of McAfee’s data protection outside of your network through our integration with Adobe LiveCycle Rights Management.

Deploying and managing McAfee DLP is simple. Roll out protection in just days to safeguard data quickly and drive down deployment costs, and manage it all through the McAfee ePO platform, a single console that supports a centralized overview and delegated control.

System Requirements:

Where applicable, McAfee DLP is supported on either the McAfee Network DLP Discover 1650 appliance (1U) or the McAfee Network DLP Discover 3650 appliance (3U). See McAfee DLP module pages for individual product specifications.