Johannes Swoboda

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Hannes Swoboda

Hannes Swoboda, more correctly Johannes Swoboda, (born 10 November 1946 in Bad Deutsch-Altenburg) is an Austrian social democratic politician. He has been a Member of the European Parliament since 1996. Within the Parliament, he represents the Austrian social democrats and is also vice-president and parliamentary manager of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament (

After studying law and economics at the University of Vienna, Swoboda worked in the Vienna Chamber of Labour (1971–86) and was director of the department for economics, health and housing policy. Swoboda also held a number of different functions within the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ). From 1983, he was a member of the municipal council and member of the city council of Vienna. In 1988 he became municipal councillor responsible for urban development, planning, transport and external relations. Swoboda is a member of the federal party executive committee of the SPÖ and federal chairman responsible for education. He is also a member of the steering committee of A Soul for Europe, an initiative that is building an international network based in Berlin.

Since 1997, Swoboda has been the vice-president of the European Parliament's delegation for relations with south-east Europe. Much of his parliamentary work is focused on the Balkans, the Middle East, Turkey and the Maghreb.

Hannes Swoboda enjoys painting and photography in his spare time.

He is married to the former Austrian secretary of state for Europe and current general director of Siemens AG Austria, Brigitte Ederer.

Reports in the European Parliament, Rapporteur Hannes Swoboda

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