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In addition to superb faculty and resources, the greatest strength to our programs is the underlying philosophy that the best education comes from creating an environment where theory and practice are in constant interaction. To this end, we have structured each field of study so that all students, regardless of their specific major, are required to take courses from the full spectrum of the school’s offerings.

Through this process, writers take courses in directing and work directly with actors to better understand how words on the page actually sound and play. Directors take courses in the history of film, television and interactive media so they can gain the perspective that they are standing on the shoulders of those who passed before them. Critical studies majors get behind the camera and in the editing suites to bring their own productions to life, so their hands-on knowledge of the creative process can be reflected in their scholarly understanding of it.

As our alumni roster reflects, this philosophy clearly prepares students to pursue their ambitions and dreams in the realm of entertainment. Perhaps more significantly, it instills a sense of discipline, teamwork, imagination and persistence that enables their contributions to our society to go well beyond their specific fields.


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