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Peter Stark Faculty

Lawrence Turman

Chair/Professor, Peter Stark Producing Program

A native of Los Angeles, Larry Turman has chaired the Peter Stark Program since 1991. Included in his extensive body of work as a producer are The Graduate (British Academy Award and Golden Globe Award winner), The Flim Flam Man, The Great White Hope, The Best Man, Running Scared, Short Circuit, The River Wild and American History X. He has also directed two films and executive produced many movies for television. Turman was voted into the Producers Guild of America Hall of Fame, has been a juror at the Flanders Film Festival, has guest lectured at La Femis in Paris, the Triangle Conference in Rome, Equinoxe in Bordeaux, the Polytechnic in Singapore, AFI, UCLA and NYU. His book, So You Want To Be A Producer, was published by Random House. A graduate of UCLA, Turman serves on the Board of the Producers' Branch of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Complete Peter Stark Producing Program Faculty List

Stephanie Allain
Adjunct Faculty
Mitchell Block
Adjunct Faculty
Bobette Buster
Adjunct Faculty
Samuel Dickerman
Adjunct Faculty
Alex Franklin
Adjunct Professor
Andy Given
Adjunct Faculty
Janet Graham Borba
Adjunct Faculty
Todd Hoffman
Adjunct Faculty
Jeffrey Korchek
Adjunct Faculty
Stuart Krieger
Adjunct Faculty
Ken LaZebnik
Adjunct Faculty
Robert Levin
Adjunct Faculty
Andrew Licht
Adjunct Faculty
Peter Marx
Adjunct Faculty
Noel Nosseck
Adjunct Faculty
Brandon Stoddard
Adjunct Faculty
Jeffrey Stott
Adjunct Faculty
Bill Straus
Adjunct Faculty
Lawrence Turman
Chair, Peter Stark Producing Program
Holly Zucker
Adjunct Faculty


Graduate Peter Stark
Producing Program

School of Cinematic Arts
Richard Shepherd, Associate Director
University Park, SCA 366
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211
Phone: 213.740.3304
Fax: 213.745.6652
