18th Academy Awards

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18th Academy Awards
Date March 7, 1946
Site Grauman’s Chinese Theater, Hollywood, California, USA
Host James Stewart and Bob Hope
Best Picture The Lost Weekend
 < 17th Academy Awards 19th > 

The 18th Academy Awards was the first such ceremony after World War II. As a result, the ceremony featured more glamour than had been present during the war. Plaster statuettes that had been given out during the war years were replaced with bronze statuettes with gold plating. Despite this, director Billy Wilder's grim and socially significant drama The Lost Weekend took the top honors. It became the first film to win both the Academy Award for Best Picture and the Palme d'Or. Joan Crawford was absent, claiming she had pnemonia (although it was said it was because she was sure she wouldn't win the Academy Award for Best Actress for Mildred Pierce). As it turned it she did win, and the award was delivered to while in bed that night.

[edit] Awards

Best Picture : The Lost Weekend

Best Director : Billy Wilder, The Lost Weekend

Best Actor : Ray Milland, The Lost Weekend

Best Supporting Actor : James Dunn, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Best Actress : Joan Crawford, Mildred Pierce

Best Supporting Actress : Anne Revere, National Velvet

Best Original Screenplay : Richard Schweizer, Marie-Louise

Best Original Story : Charles G. Booth, The House on 92nd Street

Best Screenplay Charles Brackett and Billy Wilder, The Lost Weekend