Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

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The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) is the Democratic Hill committee for the United States Senate. It is the only organization solely dedicated to electing Democrats to the United States Senate. The DSCC's current chairman is Sen. Robert Menendez, who succeeded Sen. Charles Schumer following the 2008 elections. The DSCC's current Executive Director is J.B. Poersch.

[edit] List of Chairs

Chuck Schumer, flanked by Democratic Senate challengers, speaks during the third day of the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado, in his capacity as chair of the DSCC.
Name State Term of Service
J. Bennett Johnston LA 1976-1977
Wendell Ford KY 1977-1983
Lloyd Bentsen TX 1983-1985
George Mitchell ME 1985-1987
John Kerry MA 1987-1989
John Breaux LA 1989-1991
Charles S. Robb VA 1991-1993
Bob Graham FL 1993-1995
Bob Kerrey NE 1995-1999
Robert G. Torricelli NJ 1999-2001
Patty Murray WA 2001-2003
Jon S. Corzine NJ 2003-2005
Charles Schumer NY 2005-2009
Robert Menendez NJ 2009-

[edit] See also

DSCC has long focused on direct mail fundraising. Here, excerpts from a 2008 example with a plea from Senator and Vice-Presidential candidate Joe Biden.

[edit] External links

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