News magazine

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2512, a monthly news magazine published in Réunion.

A news magazine is a print magazine or a radio or TV program, usually weekly, featuring articles or segments on current events. News magazines generally go more in-depth into stories than newspapers or television news, trying to give the reader an understanding of the context surrounding important events, rather than just the facts.

Radio news magazines are similar to television news magazines. Unlike radio newscasts, which are typically about five minutes in length, radio news magazines can run from 30 minutes up to three hours or more.

Television news magazines provide a similar service to print news magazines, but their stories are presented as short television documentaries rather than written articles. These broadcasts serve as an alternative in covering certain issues more in-depth than regular newscasts. The formula, first established by Panorama on the BBC in 1953 has proved successful around the world. Television news magazines provide several stories not seen on regular newscasts, including celebrity profiles, coverage of big businesses, hidden camera techniques, better international coverage, exposing and correcting injustices, in-depth coverage of a headline story, and hot topic interviews.

In the United States, television news magazines were very popular in the 1990s, since they were a cheap and easy way to better utilize the investment in network news departments. Television news magazines once aired five nights a week on most television networks.[1] However, with the success of reality shows, news magazines have largely been supplanted. Reality shows cost slightly less to produce and attain a younger and more loyal audience than the news magazines they replaced. Thus, the audience once attracted to news magazine shows have largely drifted to cable television, where common news magazine topics such as nature, science, celebrities, and politics all have their own channels.


[edit] Notable print news magazines

Major Newsmagazines
Newsmagazine Country of origin
Klan Albania
Noticias Argentina
CartaCapital Brazil
Época Brazil
IstoÉ Brazil
Veja Brazil
L'actualité Canada
Maclean's Canada
Semana Colombia
Týden Czech Republic
L'Express France
Marianne France
Le Nouvel Observateur France
Le Point France
Der Spiegel Germany
Stern Germany
Focus Germany
Frontline India
India Today India
The Week India
Outlook India
Tehelka India
The Northeast Today India
Samay Darpan India
Tempo magazine (Indonesia) Indonesia
L'Espresso Italy
Famiglia Cristiana Italy
Panorama Italy
Proceso Mexico
Elsevier Netherlands
Vrij Nederland Netherlands
Newswatch Nigeria
News Footage Pakistan
Polityka Poland
Kommersant Vlast Russia
NIN (magazine) Serbia
Mladina Slovenia
Korrespondent Ukraine
The Economist United Kingdom
New Statesman United Kingdom
The Spectator United Kingdom
The Week United Kingdom
Queue Magazine United Kingdom
Businessweek United States
The Nation United States
National Review United States
The New Republic United States
Newsweek United States
TIME United States
U.S. News & World Report United States
The Weekly Standard United States
Aksiyon Turkey
Zeta Venezuela

[edit] Notable TV news magazines

[edit] Notable radio news magazines

[edit] International

[edit] Australia

[edit] United Kingdom

[edit] United States

[edit] Canada

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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