Quadrant (magazine)

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Quadrant April 2010.png
Cover of April 2010 issue
Type Monthly journal
Format Magazine
Owner Quadrant Magazine Co. Inc.
Editor Keith Windschuttle
Founded 1956
Political alignment Conservative
Official website www.quadrant.org.au

Quadrant is an Australian literary and cultural journal.

The magazine takes a conservative position on political and social issues, describing itself as sceptical of 'unthinking Leftism, or political correctness, and its "smelly little orthodoxies"'.[1]

Quadrant reviews literature, as well as featuring essays on ideas and topics such as politics, history, universities, and the arts. It also publishes poetry and short stories. It is published ten times per year and retails for a cover price of AU$8.50.

Keith Windschuttle has been editor of the magazine since the end of 2007.[2]


[edit] History

The magazine was founded in 1956 by Richard Krygier, a Polish-Jewish refugee who had been active in social-democrat politics in Europe and James McAuley, a Catholic poet, famous for the anti-modernist Ern Malley hoax. An initiative of the Australian Committee for Cultural Freedom,[3] the Australian arm of the Congress for Cultural Freedom,[3] a front group of the United States Central Intelligence Agency[4], Quadrant was part of an anti-Communist kulturkampf.[citation needed]

It has had many notable contributors including Les Murray its current poetry editor, Christopher Koch, Patrick O'Brien, Frank Knopfelmacher, A. D. Hope, Greg Sheridan, Barry Humphries, Peter Coleman, Roger Sandall, Tom Switzer, Peter Kocan, Andrew Lansdown, and Hal Colebatch, as well as several Labor and Liberal political figures (including former Prime Minister John Howard and former Labor Senator John Wheeldon).

When Robert Manne was editor in the 1990s, the magazine moved slightly to the left.[citation needed] However, Manne resigned in 1997 after repeated disputes with its editorial board. Manne was succeeded by journalist and self-described contrarian Padraic McGuinness who resigned in late 2007 (shortly before his death) and was succeeded by the historian Keith Windschuttle.[5]

In January 2009, Windschuttle published a fake submission purporting to be written by biotechnologist “Dr Sharon Gould”, a name later revealed to be fictitious. The article, titled Scare Campaigns and Science Reporting, used fraudulent science, including falsified CSIRO research to make its claims.[6] The event later came to be known as the Windschuttle-Quadrant hoax.[7]

[edit] Editorial Staff

[edit] Editorial Advisory Board

Chairman of Management Committee: Elizabeth Prior Jonson

[edit] References

  1. ^ "About Quadrant Magazine". http://web.archive.org/web/20080204001441/http://quadrant.org.au/php/about.php. Retrieved 15 June 2008. "Its stance is often described as conservative, neo-conservative, or rightwing. In fact it is not necessarily any of these things, but maintains a sceptical approach to unthinking Leftism, or political correctness, and its "smelly little orthodoxies"." 
  2. ^ Windschuttle to edit Quadrant, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 October 2007
  3. ^ a b Quadrant Online: About Us
  4. ^ Teachout, Terry (March 2008). "Going Highbrow at the CIA". Commentary. http://www.commentarymagazine.com/viewarticle.cfm/going-highbrow-at-the-cia-11249. Retrieved 22 December 2009. 
  5. ^ Department of Culture and Recreation - Australian Literary Magazines
  6. ^ Cooke, Dewi (2008-12-07). "Conservative bible falls for furphy". The Age. http://www.theage.com.au/national/conservative-bible-falls-for-furphy-20090106-7b6m.html. Retrieved 7 January 2009. 
  7. ^ Wilson, Katherine (2010-01-01). "Playing us for suckers". The Age: p. A2 section, p. 16. http://newsstore.fairfax.com.au/apps/viewDocument.ac?sy=nstore&docID=AGE100101UI6GE196B4K. Retrieved 2010-01-12. 

[edit] External links

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