Mark Satin

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Mark Satin fielding a question at the Fall for the Book Literary Festival, Fairfax, VA, USA, September 21, 2004

Mark Satin (born November 16, 1946) is an American lawyer and editor of the online political periodical Radical Middle Newsletter. He graduated from the New York University School of Law in 1995, and his article "Law and Psychology: A Movement Whose Time Has Come" (Annual Survey of American Law, 1994, issue 4) was an early articulation of the now-emerging concept of "therapeutic jurisprudence" (see Prof. David Wexler's Therapeutic Jurisprudence website).

He is a proponent of radical centrist politics. His most recent book, Radical Middle: The Politics We Need Now, 2004 (ISBN 0-8133-4190-6), won "Outstanding Book Award 2004" from the Section on Ecological and Transformational Politics of the American Political Science Association (see Section 26, APSA Awards website).

Satin was a green activist from 1984 to 1990, and was a primary editor, with feminist philosopher Charlene Spretnak, of the founding document of the Green Party (United States), the Ten Key Values statement (see Greta Gaard, Ecological Politics, 1998, pp. 141-145).

Satin's hard copy monthly newsletter, New Options (1983-1992), well known as "Washington DC's idealistic political newsletter," received Utne Reader's first "Alternative Press Award for General Excellence: Best Publication from 10,000 to 30,000 Circulation." The most widely discussed New Options articles are collected in Satin's book New Options for America: The Second American Experiment Has Begun, 1991 (ISBN 0-8093-1794-X).

In the 1970s, Satin was co-founder and executive director of the New World Alliance, a U.S. New Age political organization that sought to go "beyond left and right" (see Art Stein, Seeds of the Seventies, 1985, pp. 134-139). It drew on the ideas of Fritjof Capra, Duane Elgin, Willis Harman, Hazel Henderson, John Vasconcellos, and many other "transformational" thinkers, as well as ideas in Satin's book New Age Politics: Healing Self and Society, 1979, orig. 1976 (ISBN 0-440-55700-3).

In the 1960s, Satin was co-founder and executive director of the Toronto Anti-Draft Programme, a major draft dodger assistance organization during the Vietnam War (see Pierre Berton, 1967: The Last Good Year, 1997, pp. 197-203, and John Hagan, Northern Passage, 2001, pp. 74-78). Satin's book Manual for Draft-Age Immigrants to Canada, 1968 (ISBN B0006BYDLA), was an underground bestseller, selling 65,000 copies by mail from Toronto and inspiring at least that many pirated, bowdlerized, or mimeographed knock-offs (see Joseph Jones, "The House of Anansi's Singular Bestseller," Canadian Notes & Queries, No. 61, 2002, pp. 19-22).

Satin serves as advisor to Centrist Coalition, Reuniting America, Vasconcellos Project, and other U.S. activist organizations. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, USA.

[edit] See also

[edit] References