All posts in YouTube


Social media is therapy for the 21st century

August 16, 2010 by Sandy Miller
Sandy Miller has been working in marketing and advertising for many years. During that time she has met many people that could benefit from some good therapy and some that she felt were driving her to need therapy. You can check her out at @sandeemiller or [read more]

Are You Analyzing Your Competitor’s YouTube Videos?

August 3, 2010 by Scott Meis
I’m a big fan of YouTube Insight. As with most content published via social media, there is always a degree of trial and error – especially when it comes to video. It’s the reason so few videos ever actually do achieve “viral” status. Nonetheless, video marketing has become slightly more scientific based on the analytics you can pull... [read more]

YouTube vs. Viacom, a look back on the battle and what it means for advertising and PR agencies

July 29, 2010 by Richard Stone
While it may not be current news, the YouTube vs. Viacom battle deserves explaining, particularly its effect on the PR industry.The battle in brief: Viacom sued YouTube for $1 billion +, claiming that over 160,000 copyrighted videos were illegally posted on YouTube, totalling over 1.5 billion views. This part is true.However Viacom are... [read more]

Building Web Reputation Systems

July 25, 2010 by Dhiren Shingadia
I started watching this video thinking it was something to do with sentiment monitoring, but it’s actually about leveraging the reputations of people within communities and correct use of voting mechanisms, in order to define reputation. It’s rather long and key points are delivered after some tenuous examples, but it’s worth a watch as... [read more]