Nixon goes to China

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Richard Nixon (right) meets with Mao Zedong in 1972.

The phrase "Nixon goes to China" or "Nixon in China" [1] is a historical reference to United States President Richard Nixon's 1972 visit to the People's Republic of China, where he met with Chairman Mao Zedong. The metaphor is often expressed as the observation "Only Nixon could go to China" or "It took Nixon to go to China".

As a political metaphor, it refers to the ability of a politician with an unassailable reputation among his supporters for representing and defending their values to take actions that would draw their criticism and even opposition if taken by someone without those credentials. Although the example is that of a hardliner taking steps toward peace with a traditional enemy, and this is the most common application of the metaphor, it could also be applied to a reputedly cautious diplomat defying expectations by taking military action, or a political leader reforming aspects of the political system that they have been strong supporters of.

[edit] Context

Nixon's visit to China was of particular significance because it marked the beginning of a process of normalization in Sino-American relations — the two countries had been estranged for many years, as the U.S. was ardently anti-Communist and refused to recognize its government, and China had viewed the United States as its top enemy. Because Nixon had an undisputed reputation of being a staunch anti-Communist, he was largely immune to any criticism of being "soft on Communism" by figures on the right of American politics.

The phrase originated prior to Nixon's actual visit to China. An early use of the phrase is found in a December 1971 U.S. News & World Report interview with then-United States Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield, in a section summary lead that read "'Only a Nixon' Could Go to China". The actual quote from Mansfield (which he prefaces by noting he had heard it said before) was "Only a Republican, perhaps only a Nixon, could have made this break and gotten away with it."[2]

[edit] Uses

A popular use of the expression came in the 1991 film Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, where "only Nixon could go to China" is quoted by Spock as "an ancient Vulcan proverb". In the context of the film, it is given as a reason why James T. Kirk, a character with a history of armed conflict with the Klingons and a personal enmity for them, should escort their chancellor to Earth for peace negotiations.

The effect has been attributed as well with regard to German politics, especially the Cabinet Schröder II.[3]

[edit] References

  1. ^
  2. ^ "A Size-Up of President Nixon: Interview with Mike Mansfield, Senate Democratic Leader". U.S. News & World Report: pp. 61. 1971-12-06. 
  3. ^ Ende des rot-grünen Projektes: eine Bilanz der Regierung Schröder 2002-2005 (End of Red/Green, balancing the Schröder government), by Christoph Egle, Reimut Zohlnhöfer, (ed.), VS Verlag, 2007, ISBN 3531148753, p. 147])
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