Constitution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

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First constitution of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia.

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The Constitution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) was the supreme law of S.F.R. Yugoslavia and its predecessor, the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia (FPRY). This federal constitution was revised several times since first being drafted after World War II. These revisions were as follows:

The constitutional system of the former Yugoslavia consisted of the federal constitution and the constitutions of its republics and autonomous provinces. At first only the people's republics had their constitutions:

The 1974 document is notable as it proclaimed Yugoslav Leader Marshal Josip Broz Tito president for life.

The federation Yugoslavia's successor states adopted their own constitutions:

Constitutional documents were also drafted for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia.

Moreover, Communist Yugoslavia's predecessor states, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia each had its own constitution, adopted in 1921 and 1931, respectively.

The unilateral proclamation of successorship by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and later Serbia and Montenegro was not recognized internationally. Those constituent countries of the former SFRY adopted their constitutions in 1992 and 2003, respectively.


[edit] The Constitution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1974)

Starting from the historical fact that workers and peasants and progressive people of all nations and nationalities of Yugoslavia, in Narodnooslobodilačkom (People's liberation) united front with the Communist Party at the helm, his struggle in the narodnooslobodilačkom war and socialist revolution destroyed the old class order based on exploitation, political oppression and ethnic inequality and begin creating a society in which the human and the man be freed from self out, and each nation and nationality and all of them together to find the conditions for free and comprehensive development, bearing in mind that the development of material basis and the country's socialist social relations, as well as further building relationships based on self-and national equality, made significant changes in social and political relations, which require corresponding changes to the Constitution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia since 1963. year, and that the provisions of this Constitution in some areas already changed the constitutional amendments of 1967, 1968, and 1971 in order to strengthen and further develop the achievement of the revolutionary achievements, to strengthen the right and responsibility of the socialist republics and socialist autonomous provinces of their own development and development of the Yugoslav community as a whole, to ensure the further development of socialist democratic self-government relationship on the path of liberation and the construction of communist society, starting from the needs of the new constitution the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which, in addition to changes that can be performed, and includes them in line with the provisions of the Constitution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia since 1963. and constitutional amendments and to XLII, establish a constitutional system in a single socialist self-governing basis, - the Federal Assembly, in accordance with the assemblies of the republics and autonomous provinces assemblies.

[edit] Introduction

And the people of Yugoslavia, starting from the right of every nation on Vetëvendosje, including the right to secession, on the basis of their freely expressed will of the common struggle of all peoples and nationalities in narodnooslobodilačkom (People's Liberation) war and socialist revolution, and in accordance with their historic aspirations, aware that it is still bracing their brotherhood and unity in their common interest, together with the nationalities that live, united in the federal republic of free and equal nations and nationalities, and create a socialist federal community of working people - the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which, in the interest of every people and ethnic groups in particular and all of them together, and realize provide socialist social relations based on self-working people and the protection of socialist self-governing system, freedom and national independence, unity and brotherhood of peoples and nationalities, a single working-class interests and solidarity of workers and all working people, opportunities and freedom for all round development of human personality and for bringing people and nations and nationalities, in accordance with their interests and aspirations in the way of creating all the richer culture and civilization of socialist society, unification and harmonization of efforts to develop the material basis of socialist society and the welfare of people, the system of socio-economic relations and a single basic political systems, which provide common interests of working-class and all working people and equality of nations and nationalities, pooling their own aspirations with the progressive aspirations of mankind. Working people and nations and nationalities suvjerena exercising their rights in the socialist republics and socialist autonomous provinces in accordance with their constitutional rights, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - when it is in their common interest, the constitution established. Working people, nations and nationalities in the federation will decide on the principles of understanding of the republics and autonomous provinces, solidarity and reciprocity, equal participation of the republics and autonomous regions in the bodies of the federation, in accordance with this constitution, as well as on the principle of responsibility of the republics and autonomous provinces for their own development and for the development of the socialist community as a whole.

II Socialist social arrangement of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is based on government working class and all working people and the relationships between people as free and equal producers and creators, whose work serves only satisfying their personal and common needs. Based on these relations constitutes the socio-economic status of the working man who provides him, working in social services and decisive property immediately and equally with other people working in the joint work of all the work of social reproduction in terms of relationships and mutual dependency, responsibility and solidarity, achieve their personal material and moral interests and the right to use the results of its current and past work and the acquis communautaire common material and social progress, on the basis of which fully satisfy their personal and social needs and to develop their work and other creative capabilities. Accordingly, the inviolable basis of the position and role of man consists of social ownership of production assets, which excludes the return of any system of exploitation of man and which, on discontinuation of estrangement working-class and working people of the means of production and other conditions of work, provides self-working people in the production of and distribution of products and channeling the development of society on the self-governing basis, release of working as a historical uvjetljenih overcoming socio-economic inequality and dependency of people in work, which provides the discontinuation of the opposition between labor and capital and any form of najamnih relations, all round development of productive forces, increasing productivity work, reducing working hours, development, and used science and technology, providing all of higher education for all and raising the culture of working people, the right to self, on the basis of which every working man, equally with the other working people, decide on its work, the conditions and results Labor, on its own and common interests and channeling social development, achieved power and manages other social affairs, the right of working men to enjoy the fruits of your labor and material progress of the community according to the principle of "Everyone according to ability - to each according to his work, with the obligation to ensure the development of material basis of society and one's own work and that contributes to meeting the needs of other social, economic, social and personal security man, solidarity and reciprocity to all of each and all according to each, which are based on the consciousness of working people to their permanent interests may accrue only to those principles , free initiative in the development of production and other social and personal activities for the benefit of man and community, democratic political relations, which enable a man achieve its interests, the right to self-and other rights, develop their personality physical activity in social life, especially in the organs of self - socio-political organizations, and other community organizations and associations, which I created and by which to influence the development of social awareness and to expand the conditions for their activity and for their interests and rights, equality rights, duties and responsibilities of people in accordance with ustavnošću and legality. Socio-economic and political system stems from the position of this man and speak to him and his role in society. Contrary to the socio-economic and political system established by this Constitution, any form of control system and other social activities and any form of distribution that izopačavaju social relations based on the current position of the man - in the form of bureaucratic, tehnokratske usurping and privileges based on monopoly control means for production, or in the form of social appropriation of funds to the group svojinskoj based and other forms of privatization of these assets, or in the form of non-particularistic sopstveničke or selfishness, as well as every other form of limiting the working class realize its historical role in the socio-economic and political relations and organize power for himself and for all working people.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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