List of political parties in the United States

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This article lists past and present political parties in the United States.


[edit] Parties with federal representation

Name (English) Abbr. Leader/Chair Seats in House of Representatives Seats in Senate
Democratic Party Dems Tim Kaine 255 57
Republican Party GOP Michael Steele 178 41
Connecticut for Lieberman Party CL Joe Lieberman 0 1
Independent - Bernie Sanders N/A N/A 0 1
Vacant N/A N/A 2 0

[edit] Minor parties

[edit] Micro parties (active)

These parties have offered candidates in recent elections. Some do not have presidential candidates, and only field candidates for Congressional and/or state-level offices.

[edit] Micro parties (inactive)

Some of these parties have nominated candidates in the past, but have not done so recently for various reasons. Others have not yet nominated any candidates.

[edit] Regional parties

These parties are based only in states or certain regions and rarely, if ever, offer candidates for national offices. These are all parties that are unaffiliated with national parties. Each state has official state chapters of the major parties as well as some of the minor parties.

[edit] Alaska

[edit] Connecticut

[edit] Delaware

[edit] Hawaii

[edit] Minnesota

[edit] New York

[edit] Oregon

[edit] Rhode Island

[edit] South Carolina

[edit] Texas

[edit] Vermont

[edit] Washington

[edit] See also

[edit] Historical parties

The following parties are no longer functioning. Some of them had considerable influence. Listed in order of founding.

[edit] Other lists

[edit] External links

[edit] Further reading

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