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This site is owned managed by Social Media Today, LLC.

Social Media Today, LLC

» Read about our brand and business model

Social Media Today LLC helps global organizations create purpose-built B2B social communities designed to achieve specific, measurable corporate goals by engaging exactly the customers and prospects you most want to reach.

Premium content produced by Social Media Today

» The Economic Stimulus Package
» The Coming Change to Social Media
» Recession Sales Strategies

We help large companies leverage the enormous power of social media to build deeper relationships with potential customers and other constituencies that influence the development of new business. We have found that our primary metrics of success are levels of engagement and business leads. One thousand people who come regularly and might buy an SAP, Oracle or Teradata system some day is better than a million people who definitely won't.

Our company, Social Media Today LLC, is a battle-tested, nimble team of former journalists, online managers, and advertising professionals who have come together to make a new kind of media company. With our backgrounds, and passions for, business-to-business and public policy conversations, we’ve decided to focus our efforts there. For these conversations we’d like to have, we’re assembling the world’s best bloggers and we provide them with an independent “playground” to include their posts, to comment and rate posts, and to connect with each other. On our flagship site, SocialMediaToday.com, we have brought together many of the most intriguing and original bloggers on media and marketing, covering all aspects of what makes up the connective tissue of social media from a global perspective.

Read about what we do [PDF]

Watch CEO Robin Carey talk about Social Media Today

Social Media Today's MyVenturePad.com case study at WOMMA 09

Listen to Robin Carey moderate "Bloggers, Buzz, and Business Leads"

What We Do

Our offerings for sponsors are detailed, varied and have been developed over the past year with the cooperation of our founding clients. These include everything from a comprehensive, long-term engagement with clients with the purpose of marrying great content from leading bloggers to specific goals, whether those are to build influence, to create measurable buzz, or to generate contacts and sales leads.

We are also now happy to offer several specific, short-term programs in which we co-create content with sponsors, leveraging a model we call “meta-conversation.” These programs include:

  • Surveys of our members
  • Branded "sub" communities
  • White papers developed with leading bloggers
  • Hosted video programs
  • Podcasts of leading bloggers or other “influentials”

In developing our content assets, we make use of our site networks and the extended blogger networks we have developed for our sites for continued syndication and conversation. These assets will help your company or client connect to bloggers, to your customers and your prospects… and we will help measure those results.

You can find details about sponsorship and advertising in our media kit.

What We've Done

We launched the company in November 2007 with Social Media Today and The Energy Collective sites already built and operating as prototypes. Since then we have added MyVenturepad with SAP as the lead sponsor, The Customer Collective, SmartData Collective, with Teradata in the lead, and several others.

We’d be delighted to talk you about how you can create a successful, purpose-built BtoB community for your organization.

SocialMediaToday sponsor logos

About CEO Robin Carey

In 2007, Robin Carey founded Social Media Today, LLC, one of the first companies to manage online B2B communities that connect large organizations with people they want to influence. A veteran of the big-book print media world that included Fortune, Newsweek and BusinessWeek, she had built her reputation on architecting powerful strategies that delivered to blue-chip corporate clients and their agencies ways to corral and connect with their customers, and equally importantly, their customers’ trusted influencers. As traditional media went digital, and the internet went social, Robin was one of the first to realize that the emerging social media platforms offered huge promise to corporations seeking to interact directly with, and learn from, their customers, their employees, and experts from the Ivy Towers, the Street and the Hill.

SocialMediaToday.com was the first platform, and quickly became one of the leading communities for journalists and marketers looking to exchange information on this brave new world of social media. It was soon followed by theenergycollective.com, which has become a leading aggregation of international energy experts. Other platforms include MyVenturePad, TheSocialCustomer, SustainableCitiesCollective, TheCustomerCollective, GoverningPeople, and others. Online conversations are led by experts in their categories, many of whom are former journalists who see this new media model as the way of the future.

Robin was an Echols Scholar at the University of Virginia. When she is not bringing together communities, she's bringing together individuals and organizations to assist in her work as co-chair of the Women's Refugee Commission, based in New York. She also serves as an Advisor to the Society of New Communications Research.

Contact Us

For sponsorship and media inquiries:

Robin Carey, Founder and CEO

For advertising and promotion inquiries:

Scott Graham, Head of Sales and Business Development

Evan Cook

Editorial inquiries:

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For site technical support:

Please provide your name, the name of the site you're inquiring about, and a full description of the issue you encountered.