All posts in LinkedIn

How to Upload & Share Videos on LinkedIn

September 1, 2010 by Suzanne Vara
LinkedIn, the oldest of the big three social media networking sites at a ripe age of 7, has slowly plugged along in the social sphere with adding new features to increase user experience for not only highly active users but for those that are new or newer to the personal business connecting platform experience. I refer to LinkedIn as a... [read more]

How to Promote Your Content on LinkedIn and Still Wear a White Hat

August 30, 2010 by John McTigue
 The problem with LinkedIn discussions and blog posts For some time now I have been barking at LinkedIn about their decision to merge "News" items with "Discussions" in Groups. I'm sure the purpose was to make the user experience simpler and to encourage discussions. The net effect was to create confusion and angst. People who... [read more]

Social Media Inspires the American Dream

August 23, 2010 by Sandy Miller
If you were raised in America, that means you were exposed to the basic premise of the American Dream which is that in America anything is possible. If you are willing to work hard enough you can be whatever you want to be.Social media is one way that has given new life and inspiration to this concept. For years kids who grew... [read more]

Using LinkedIn For Branding

August 23, 2010 by Leili McKinley
LinkedIn is one of the largest professional networks on the web. With more than 75 million registered users that span more than 200 countries, LinkedIn has quickly become one of the leading social media sites for connecting with business colleagues. What you might not know is that LinkedIn is also an excellent site for building up your... [read more]

10 Ways to Leverage LinkedIn to Generate Business

August 10, 2010 by Patricia Neuray
Being a regular user of LinkedIn, I’m disappointed when I see marketers that are not utilizing LinkedIn effectively to share their brand (either business or personal).  If you take the simple and effective actions that I discuss below, you’ll be taking great steps to increase your marketing visibility and success that your... [read more]

9 Tips For Building, Branding and Maximizing Your Profile And Exposure on LinkedIn

August 10, 2010 by Stephanie Frasco
While LinkedIn might be the old dog in the Social Media race, it still remains as one of the most powerful tools in Business Building and Connecting online.Where Facebook might be getting all of the press, LinkedIn offers something that Facebook cannot – a “Business-Only” platform for building your brand, product, and personal profile.... [read more]

How to tweak your LinkedIn profile to stand out from the crowd

August 6, 2010 by Joan Stewart
 If you feel lost in the crowd on LinkedIn, here's a clever way to make yourself stand out from the others in your industry. I discovered it as I was asking a question recently on LinkedIn.When you ask a question, LinkedIn gives you the option of emailing it to people in a particular industry, or geographic location. I chose "... [read more]

Do You Use LinkedIn to Follow Potential Employers?

July 27, 2010 by Chris Perry
Most jobseekers think of LinkedIn as a tool to network with individuals. While LinkedIn is certainly useful for this purpose, it can also provide invaluable information about companies you want to target during your job search.LinkedIn now allows you to follow all the activity related to a particular company. You can do this by searching... [read more]

LinkedIn Groups have a new look!

July 16, 2010 by Jason Gorham
This month LinkedIn is revamping the Groups section of their site.  You may already be a member of a group on LinkedIn, but if not, I would highly encourage it.  More than likely, there are groups about your industry or a specific topic that is of interest to you.  LinkedIn’s groups have always been a great way to portray... [read more]

Will Changes to LinkedIn Groups Mean Changes in User's Attitudes?

July 7, 2010 by Paul Chaney
If you've participated in any LinkedIn Groups lately, you know they've undergone quite a facelift. This video outlines the changes:  It doesn't appear that the changes have been rolled out unilaterally. In at least one group in which I participate, the old interface is still what shows up. I don't know if that is something the... [read more]

LinkedIn: An Untapped Social Media Giant?

July 1, 2010 by Shiraz Datta
Marketing on facebook and twitter has been a matter of great discussion and speculation. Some believe that potential of marketing on social media is still untapped while others dismiss it as just hype…lot of smoke with only a little fire at heart. Instead, LinkedIn can be a better option to target professionals more accurately. Lately,... [read more]