All posts in Management

12 Steps To Hiring A Social Media Manager

August 30, 2010 by Maria Ogneva
I think we can all agree by now that social media is here to stay. As such, the importance of formulating a social media strategy, executing on it, educating and aligning the whole organization, is paramount. This is why your social media manager / director is going to be a crucial hire. Someone asked me on Wednesday night at the SFAMA... [read more]

Meet the Chief Listening Officer

August 30, 2010 by Neville Hobson
One of the things I hear a great deal of when in conversation with businesses about communication is how important it is to listen to what people are saying. I couldn’t agree more – you need to listen before you can engage in a conversation.  ‘Engage’ is the operative word here because if you’re really interested in connecting with... [read more]

13 Rules of Leadership for Communication, Influence and Social Media Strategy

August 16, 2010 by Don Bulmer
For many years I have drawn great inspiration and lessons from leaders of all sorts - political, corporate, social and the like.A political and social leader who has had among the greatest impact on me is former U.S. Army General and U.S. Secretary of State, Colin Powell.  In his autobiography 'My American Journey' Mr. Powell shares... [read more]

Grow your business with social media

August 10, 2010 by Sandy Miller
Sometimes talking with clients it comes down to one simple question and that is where they challenge me to tell them “why do I need social media?” I’m never bothered by that question because it’s the same reason a company does any advertising and marketing.Most businesses will agree their primary goal is to make more money and to... [read more]

HP, Culture Shock & Social Networks

August 9, 2010 by Peggy Dau
Last week I began a discussion about the impact of corporate culture on a company’s level of comfort with social media.  While I was thinking about this week’s continuation of this discussion, the CEO of my former employer, HP, resigned due to allegations of misconduct.   This news hit the social airwaves like tsunami last... [read more]

Why companies should not invest in online monitoring

July 21, 2010 by Rick Mans
“If the news is that important, it will find me.”This one of the most famous quotes in the last few years.  We do not only expect that news will find us, but also if we have a complaint about a product or service, we expect the manufacturer or the provider to find us and to solve our issues. And since the web is indexable and... [read more]

Managing Your Brand in The Internet Echo Chamber

July 21, 2010 by Adrian Swinscoe
  This post follows on from a post that I wrote last week called Social Media and Bringing Projects to Life Across Geographies and expands on part of a list post that I wrote back in June called Social Media for My Business: 16 Lessons Learnt so Far, where I talked about some of the things that I had learnt on my journey over... [read more]

Content Strategists and Planners: What’s The Difference?

July 20, 2010 by DJFrancis
  What’s the difference between planners and content strategists? How is content strategy a different discipline and what type of people should lead it? Why are we making a distinction between the roles now? These are all valid questions. Neither practice is going away, so this is the time to determine the appropriate roles and... [read more]

Is the brand manager dead or alive on social media?

July 13, 2010 by Sara Riis-Carstensen
If the ‘old’ brand positioning ideas presented by Keller, Kotler, Aaker, Jack Trout etc. are ‘dead’ when it comes to social media, what becomes the brand managers’ job then? If customers essentially define the brand, what job does that give me as a brand manager? Fine, I can listen, provide feedback and I can be an open source of... [read more]

JetBlue's Corporate Social Media Structure

July 8, 2010 by John Cass
Marty St. George is the Vice President of Marketing and Commercial at JetBlue Airways and he has been with the company since 2006 when he joined as Vice President of Planning. He was recently featured in an advertising age interview.What interested me about the interview was one question about how JetBlue has built its corporate social... [read more]

Why Engagement Flows Will Speed Up Globalization

July 1, 2010 by Patel Patel
  The McKinsey Quarterly has this excellent (and sobering) piece on how a financial crisis can accelerate global economic activity. A central point of the article is that whilst commodities and foreign exchange are truly globalized by Adam Smith’s definition (the Law of One Price which states that when markets are fully formed... [read more]

Who Owns Social Media And Why It Should Not Be You

June 29, 2010 by Vanessa DiMauro
Determining who is in charge of social media can be a daunting task. Even when social leadership is channeled through the executive suite, it does not stop at the executive level. Often the question becomes “who owns social media?” within the organization.For many new initiatives, he who first touches the new “thing” becomes its ultimate... [read more]