All posts in Policy & Guidelines

Coca Cola and the 9 Elements of a Great Social Media Policy

September 9, 2010 by Vivienne Storey
According to WikiAnswers Coca Cola has 71,000 employees all around the world, with 59,000 of them outside of the United States.  Coca Cola have over 100,ooo followers on twitter and over three million facebook followers. How do you manage this in terms of social media, especially with such a large, culturally diverse and dispersed... [read more]

12 Steps To Hiring A Social Media Manager

August 30, 2010 by Maria Ogneva
I think we can all agree by now that social media is here to stay. As such, the importance of formulating a social media strategy, executing on it, educating and aligning the whole organization, is paramount. This is why your social media manager / director is going to be a crucial hire. Someone asked me on Wednesday night at the SFAMA... [read more]

Privacy and Facebook – what are you broadcasting to who?

August 23, 2010 by Keredy Stott
Those words have been uttered and once again ‘internet privacy’ is being debated across the media. It can be a bit boring for those who use social sites every day for their jobs, like myself with a role within an integrated PR, search and social media agency. However, because there was such a commotion last week, in the UK at least,... [read more]

HP, Culture Shock & Social Networks

August 9, 2010 by Peggy Dau
Last week I began a discussion about the impact of corporate culture on a company’s level of comfort with social media.  While I was thinking about this week’s continuation of this discussion, the CEO of my former employer, HP, resigned due to allegations of misconduct.   This news hit the social airwaves like tsunami last... [read more]

Corporate Culture and Adoption of Social Networking

August 3, 2010 by Peggy Dau
You’re thinking about social media.  You’re convinced you need to have a plan to add social media to your existing marketing and/or communication strategy.  You’re thinking, well, we’ll just tiptoe into this effort, participate in a few social networks and see what happens.  There is nothing wrong with this plan, except... [read more]

The 4 Ps of Social Media Governance

July 13, 2010 by Peggy Dau
Social Media Governance.  What was your immediate reaction?  Yay, Awesome!?  Or, argh! - something else I need to be doing?  Governance is the "method or system of government or management". The good news is that your business has decided to use social media for some purpose.  Presumably you have... [read more]

Social media policies are stupid. But your company still needs one.

July 2, 2010 by Shel Holtz
Back in mid-January, Thomas Nelson Publishers CEO Michael Hyatt wrote a blog post titled “Five Reasons Why Your Company Doesn’t Need a Social Media Policy.”I didn’t disagree with a single one of Hyatt’s points, but I walked away from the article still convinced that companies need social media policies (or, at least, guidelines). Earlier... [read more]

How social media can differ from industry to industry

June 28, 2010 by Taylor Ellwood
I’m currently interviewing some mayors in Oregon in preparation for my talk on social media at the Oregon Mayor’s Association and one of the points that came up in one of the interviews is that social media should be used to push information, but not used to respond to comments, or at least that was how one mayor used it. And the mayor... [read more]

Leveraging Your Social Media Assets Inside the Company: Webinar Archive

June 1, 2010 by Robin Carey
Many businesses today are learning the incredible value of interactive social media tools when it comes to interacting with customers and prospects. But how deeply have these lessons penetrated? Are they being applied within the enterprise as well as externally? [read more]

4 Things Your Social Media Policy Needs

May 18, 2010 by Sarah Hartshorn
<!--break--> It may sound like a tedious task, but taking the time to write out a social media policy for your company can be beneficial. A good social media policy is a roadmap that protects your business and your employees. Some businesses choose to be proactive with their social media policies and layout the... [read more]

The Evolving Role Of Community And Social Media Managers

May 14, 2010 by Maria Ogneva
<!--break--> Community management is not new. People have been managing communities since communities and user groups were first created. Someone has always had to make sure that the community or user group is humming along like a well-oiled machine. The fast spread of social media has changed the role of a community manager, and has... [read more]

"Social" Demands in the Age of Social Media

May 5, 2010 by YantoChandra
<!--break--> Social media creates a wave of change in the way business is done, from democratizing business opportunities to equalizing the power of corporations and the public. Trends suggest that social media demands corporations to become more "socially responsible" for their acts. The concept of wisdom of crowds seems not only... [read more]